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Lord Patrek

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Everything posted by Lord Patrek

  1. Hmm, could be that the editorial notes demanded more changes than Williams expected. A year's delay is quite rare, especially when a pub date has been announced.
  2. C. S. Friedman's Feast of Souls is 4.99$ on Kindle. This series could well be as good as the Coldfire trilogy!
  3. William Gibson's Virtual Light is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  4. It will be interesting to see how well this new novella will sell. Slow Regard debuted at number 2 on the NYT list because John Grisham released a novel on the same week. Given the anger/disappointment generated by Rothfuss these last few years, how well this new title will do commercially will give us an idea of whether or not he's still a genre powerhouse. You probably recall all the crap thrown GRRM's way for the long delay between AFfC and ADWD, with readers promising never to read ASOIAF again. And Dance spent nearly a year on the NYT list when it came out. . . The difference here is that Rothfuss is rereleasing a new version of an existing story, not the long-awaited third installment in his trilogy.
  5. Finished Jacqueline Carey's Cassiel's Servant and enjoyed it. I was afraid that this retelling of Kushiel's Dart from Joscelin's perspective, that of a righteous and unyeilding Cassiline, couldn't be as good as the original. Phèdre has such a singular voice, after all, one that made the first trilogy what it was. Even though it can't quite compare with the original, this novel made for a totally satisfying reading experience. Kushiel fans will definitely enjoy it. You can read my review here.
  6. Peter V. Brett's The Warded Man is 1.99$ on Kindle.
  7. Michael R. Fletcher's Beyond Redemption is 1.99$ on Kindle.
  8. Michelle West's The Hidden City is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  9. Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes of Amber is 1.99$ on Kindle. Volume 2, The Guns of Avalon, is also on sale.
  10. Neal Stephenson's Fall, or Dodge in Hell is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  11. Katharine Kerr's Daggerspell is 3.99$ on Kindle.
  12. R. S. Ford's Engines of Empire is 4.99$ on Kindle.
  13. Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  14. Jim Butcher's Summer Knight is 1.99$ on Kindle.
  15. While many of the Daw titles that have been on sale for a while have gone up in price, Michelle West's The Broken Crown is still 4.99$ on Kindle. Volume 2, The Uncrowned King, is 5.99$. For my money, it's the best epic fantasy series I've read since Steven Erikson's The Malazan Book of the Fallen. I kid you not! Just started the 5th installment and these books keep me begging for more! Here are links to my reviews if you are unfamiliar with The Sun Sword series: The Broken Crown (9/10) The Uncrowned King (9/10) The Shining Court (9.5/10) Sea of Sorrows (10/10)
  16. S. L. Farrell's A Magic of Twilight is 4.99$ on Kindle.
  17. N. K. Jemisin's The City We Became is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  18. What doesn't help is that Esslemont is a decidedly inferior writer compared to Erikson. And though he had some cool books like Return of the Crimson Guard and Stonewielder, the majority of what he has written is extremely subpar. When he was filling in the blanks left by Erikson, many readers (me included) could live with that and still enjoy the stories. But his original material turned out to be so subpar that I no longer read his works.
  19. Kel Kade's Free the Darkness is 3.99$ on Kindle.
  20. Joe Abercrombie's A Little Hatred is 2.99$ on Kindle.
  21. Given how the whole universe is set up, anything he writes can be part of the whole, no matter when or where it occurs. So he can mess with our minds as much as he wants!
  22. About 75 pages into The Book That Wouldn't Burn and it's good. Though the book is not supposed to be related to Lawrence's other series, there is a Crath City in this world as well. And quotes from various works mention the names Ancrath and Hayes. . .
  23. Robin Hobb's Fool's Assassin is 3.99$ on Kindle. Volume 2, Fool's Quest, is also on sale.
  24. Adrian Tchaikovsky's The Tiger and the Wolf is 2.99$ on Kindle.
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