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Could Sandor be a potential skin changer?

Wierwood Dragon

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Hi, this is my first post on this forum. So, I was reading a post about how The gravedigger on Quiet Isle is supposedly Sandor Clegane and I re read the chapter from affc and it stated that the priest's dog instantly took a liking to the gravedigger;this made me think of the character Lump (Varamyr as a child) who was said to be very close to his dogs and felt a connection with them. Also, Sandors horse Stranger could only be mounted by Sandor because the horse was too aggressive to be handled by anyone else but Sandor.

I know this is a long shot but is there any evidence in the text to back up my theory? What do you think?

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For starters, welcome Weirwood Dragon.

I would say that it is plausible, but unnecessary. If Sandor makes a reappearance in the story I think his character is interesting enough without the added warg aspect.

+1 for creativity though.

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Welcome! Dog and the "hound" dog at the Eyrie who made "fast friends" with Sansa and all the other references to dogs in her story could be shout outs to Sandor. Could be more on her side, though, we know she's a potential skinchanger...

The archer looked at him a long while before he said, “You’re Joffrey’s dog.”

My own own dog now. Do you want the water?”

“Does your dog have a name?” asked Podrick Payne.

“He must,” said Meribald, “but he is not my dog. Not him.” The dog barked and wagged his tail. He was a huge, shaggy creature, ten stone of dog at least, but friendly.

Who does he belong to?” asked Podrick.

Why, to himself, and to the Seven. As to his name, he has not told me what it is. I call him Dog.”

On the upper slopes they saw three boys driving sheep, and higher still they passed a lichyard where a brother bigger than Brienne was struggling to dig a grave...

The gravedigger lowered his head. When Dog went to sniff him he dropped his spade and scratched his ear.
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He's Sansa's Dog.

Robert advised Ned to get her a dog after letting the order to kill Lady stand...also saying she'd be happier for it.

( This would be true enough ,after lady was dead ) I've thought Sansa might develop her abilities further if she comes into contact with real dogs ( now that she's down from the Eyrie) ,especially after the example of the old hound at Petyr's hold.. and (ahem ) I'm not a shipper , particularly, but there is a bond ,an affinity that has developed between her and Sandor that I think will come back into focus.. But I doubt there's to be any skinchanging between them either way.

I like Grand old Duke's assessment..which doesn't mean Sandor can't be roused to righteous anger in the future ( instead of just anger ) . Though he's not a knight, I think his feeings for Sansa may continue to grow into the closest thing to chivalrous love in the series..

I think that having been treated like a dog, even a "cur" has made him particularly sympatico with animals.

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House Clegane would need to have the blood of the First Men somewhere in its ancestry. Considering they were Westerland commoners until very recently, I think that's unlikely.

Interesting, but I might say the opposite.

The Cleganes may well carry some First Men lineage. Remember, the Andals beat everyone South of the Neck, with the possible exception of the Rhoynish exiles. We don't know much about the Cleganes prior to aGoT.

The Clegane kennelmaster who saved Tytos' life was able ton nice his dogs to fight a lion.

Gregor always rode large, ill-tempered stallions. Sound familiar?

Sandor brags about liking dogs better than knights. He also eventually bonds with the two Stark girls, and Stranger is reputed to have the personality of his former master.

Long story short, I don't find it implausible.

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No....Not everybody is something else in this series....

Sandor is/was a lonely and violent man who could just relate to certain animals. One of those being a horse, which many people develop a special relationsip with.

As for Sandor being referred to as Joffrey's dog....that shouldn't need to be explained.

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Yeah I did think that it was highly unlikely, but when it comes to the works of GRRM almost everything has a deeper meaning haha :)

Maybe, but I do think many users here are responsible for creating this feeling due to extreme over analyzation.

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Dude just has an affinity for dogs and horses...I imagine he spent a lot of time with both rather than playing with freinds growing up. Doesn't seem like a guy who had a posse of kids to play with.

Dogs seem like me too, but I haven't been able to warg into one yet...

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Dude just has an affinity for dogs and horses...I imagine he spent a lot of time with both rather than playing with freinds growing up. Doesn't seem like a guy who had a posse of kids to play with.

Dogs seem like me too, but I haven't been able to warg into one yet...

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How do you know? Maybe the blood of the First Men runs in your veins, and all you need is to open your 3rd eye.

I think I need to smoke more green to become a seer first...once that door is open, everyting is possible.

Having said that...I'm Jewish. I have the blood of the chosen. With that and a buck, I can get a cup of coffee. Okay, two bucks if it's Starbucks. :-)

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