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Hazea's Bones

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He doesn't even try to get noticed, he doesn't yell, he doesn't scream.

If Dany hadn't noticed him, he may had return home, without anyone knowing what happened to Hazzea.

If the Ghiscari were trying to use Drogon's uncontrollable hunger against Dany, I think that they would have been more vocal in their reaction.

Coming up with an elaborate plan in order to make Dany feel guilty for her dragons and basing the plan on the possibility of Dany noticing

a man, who can barely talk coherently, doesn't seem likely to me.

The way I see it, the man was telling the truth.

That's my thought...the way the guy acted made me think it really happened.

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I think it's worth considering what we see in The Princess and The Queen. Several dragons live on dragonstone. One is called Sheapstealer by the smallfolk, another The Cannibal. None of them are called "Childeater."

If any young dragon on Dragonstone at that time showed an excessive taste for human flesh, most likely it would be put down. The Targaryens in those days had no shortage of dragons and could always hatch more; it wasn't until after the Dance that the dragons thinned down and died out.

As for Drogon, he seems to prefer sheep and we have heard nothing of any other children being eaten by him. Perhaps Hazzea died because she stood too close to his target sheep and get hit in the same breath.

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If any young dragon on Dragonstone at that time showed an excessive taste for human flesh, most likely it would be put down. The Targaryens in those days had no shortage of dragons and could always hatch more; it wasn't until after the Dance that the dragons thinned down and died out.

That's possible, but we have the Cannibal eating other dragons and being allowed to live. I'm sure the Targaryens valued dragons over smallfolk.

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That's possible, but we have the Cannibal eating other dragons and being allowed to live. I'm sure the Targaryens valued dragons over smallfolk.

Totally agree - regardless of when and how plentiful the dragons, Im sure they would not put a dragon down unless it (possibly) killed an actual Targaryen - even then, it would depend on who liked that Targaryen, and who liked that dragon.

Who benefits from this being a setup? Dany's enemies, surely, as she has to cage her best weapon. Reznak could possibly be in on it, as he was one of the only people present to see the plot go through. We still dont know if Reznak was actively betraying her at that point, so it is a possibility.

I tend to think its a true story, because, like its been pointed out above, the man sadly waits until everyone else leaves and then comes forward. If he's a poor farmer, he probably is rooting for Dany to bring justice to the area, although he will most likely die in the ensuing war regardless.

Outside crackpot theory? It was arranged by Barristan, to keep Dany safe by taming the dragons a bit. He knows her the best, he knows that she would react to the sad story of hte poor little girl, and he was present at the time. It would be his way to get Dany to soften her stance, but not publicly so she doesnt lose face or the fear of her enemies. Very doubtful - we later see how tough it is for Barristan to make plots on his own. But we do see him do it. And he could justify this as him trying to keep Dany from becoming what he saw Aerys become.

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The shepherd seemed genuinely sad and humble. Both Barristan and Dany believe the bones look like a child's bones. Dragons are wild and have been set upon humans so they've learned hans can be prey. Why whitewash it? Dragons are horrifying and deadly, they are not Ser Pounce.

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