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If Sansa somehow gets back winterfell, what will she do? Declare herself Queen of the North, bend the knee to tommen or join stannis?


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So, I am really interested to see how things turn out for Sansa. How will she regain winterfell? She will have the support of the vale for sure (that is a lot of troops!). Then, will she call out for all the previous stark allies (the entire north minus the freys and Boltons). Will they join her?

Let's assume she gets back winterfell somehow. If she does, she will definitely have all the houses of the North, except the boltons ; the vale and the Riverlands, except the freys (maybe ser brynden might return hearing Sansa having taken over winterfell) on her side. That means a lot of troops. What will she do next? Will she declare herself Queen of the North and fight her own battle? She will definitely not kneel to the iron throne. She might even join stannis since they have a common enemy, the lannisters.

Whatever it is, I believe it will be KICKASS! because Sansa will definitely have a LOT of power if she means to get winterfell back. If she joins stannis, the war will tip HEAVILY in his favour as more than half the realm will be on his side.

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It depends if Rickon is back by this point. If Sansa's in the north and talking to Wyman Manderly or Robett Glover, which she would need to, they'd tell her her brothers are alive. then she'd declare for Rickon or Bran if he's around. After that, I don't know. I don't know if she'd support Stannis, if she'd believe the twincest. She might believe the twincest actually. I don't know how Sansa feels about an independent north but it might depend on what the lords want - she'd have to keep them happy. If she thought Stannis or Aegon would be a good ruler, she might declare for them, if she thought the north would be best ruling themselves, she would declare Rickon king. Jon would probably have a say too though and he might be for Stannis. Or maybe not.

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Would love it if Sansa became queen of KL to fAegon; everybody assumes it's Dany or Margery that will be the one to depose Cersei, the younger more beautiful. Nobody mentions Sansa.

With pretty much all Northmen wanting to secede, it would be the best/only way to keep the North part of the 7K without killing what little remains of them.

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I don't think Sansa wants anything to do with KL if she can possibly avoid it, and don't see fAegon sticking around for very long anyway. A lot depends on when she makes it home to Winterfell, but I think her first priority would be getting her family back together. I don't see it happening for her until late in tWoW or early aDoS, and she may interact with events and POV's in the Riverlands first.

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Sansa wont do anything. She is a complete puppet. A docile little doll to be used however her current owner pleases. She always has been.

Once he has the Vale under control LF will press Sansas (his) claim for Winterfell and probably fight Rickon or Jon on her behalf.

Sansa has never had any thoughts or opinions of note about anything. She was a perfect lady of her day. A pliable, polite, pretty little baby factory. Problem is her men keep treating her like crap.

However she is not blameless. The one time she actually did something of her own accord was to betray her father.

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Sansa wont do anything. She is a complete puppet. A docile little doll to be used however her current owner pleases. She always has been.

Once he has the Vale under control LF will press Sansas (his) claim for Winterfell and probably fight Rickon or Jon on her behalf.

Sansa has never had any thoughts or opinions of note about anything. She was a perfect lady of her day. A pliable, polite, pretty little baby factory. Problem is her men keep treating her like crap.

However she is not blameless. The one time she actually did something of her own accord was to betray her father.

OH GOD Someone insulted Sansa fucking run!

btw I agree with you Sansa is more then happy to do w/e LF tells her.

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I think Sansa is poised to remain in the Vale a declare allegiance to Rickon when he (IMO) inevitably returns. Maybe she will become Queen Regent in the North.

She can declare her allegiance to Rickon if she wants, because the allegiance of the Vale is to Robert or Harry if he's dead.

Sansa doesn't want to be in the Vale and I doubt she wants to go to KL. By the time she gets to the North, Rickon will probably be back anyways.

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