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ASoIaF politicians and their real life counterparts.

Salafi Stannis

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Ramsay Snow = George Osbourne: Slimy, nasty little man who you're pretty sure would back stab you at the first opportunity, but ultimately pretty incompetent.

Renly Baratheon = David Cameron: Wants to be king because "I think I'd be pretty good at the job". Liked because people think he's good looking and charismatic, but shows no signs of actually being fit for the position.

I completely agree with whoever said Stannis is like Gordan Brown. I can see a lot of similarities.

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Tywin = Otto von Bismarck.

Both had a wife called Joanna (Johanna for Bismarck). Bismarck left his son a bitter alcoholic by wrecking his chances of marrying a Princess, via blackmail and other nastiness, because she was a Catholic. I see a parallel with Tyrion and Tysha. Both practiced ruthless realpolitick and both had a reputation for vengefulness and pettiness. Both occupied the chief minister position for a long time. Both cemented their power with sharp, successful wars.

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Stannis would be tea party poltician - I don't see Stannis being compare to any left wing poltician.

Robert Baratheon is Bill Clinton- no explanation needed.

Stannis isn't really conservative considering it's Weseros he's living in. His hand is a former smuggler after all.

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Tywin as Aerys II's Hand is Dick Cheney as George W. Bush's VP; both are snakes who hold huge sway over their less competent rulers.

Daenerys = Sarah Palin. Both use their children in order to rise to power.

Cersei Lannister = Hilary Clinton. Both ice cold blondes married to the former ruler who hold a lot of political clout.

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Robb Stark = Alex Salmond - Both rulers of the northern part of their country who tried to win back independence and failed, causing them to lose their position

I think that Alex Salmond is more like Wyman Manderly: both are very cunning, calculating, intelligent, dedicated to maintain the 'North's' sovereignty, and of course, slightly overweight. The problem with comparing Alex Salmond to Robb is that Robb was very inexperienced politically and made very rash decisions. Salmond, on the other hand, is an old political warhorse who has proven time and time again that, one way or another, he gets things done effectively: as is Wyman Manderly.

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