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Arrow Season 3 continued (spoilers)


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-The first season, while it was a bit "formulaic" initially, still is probably the most consistent out of all of them. Quality-wise, tonally, thematically, etc. Plus it did improve once the main villain plot starting to come into focus and S1 Malcolm Merlyn was a really effective villain with believable (in a psychotic sort of way) motivations. Plus they had that really ballsy ending.

-Season Two is a mixed bag. When it was on, it was REALLY on. But when it was off, it REALLY suffered. Slade was also a mixed bag villain-wise. On the one hand, Manu Bennett was fantastic and really sold everything both performance-wise and physically. On the other hand, his motivation was pretty lame and his endgame was pretty meh. If we had had a different actor in the role, I doubt that I'd have enjoyed Slade as much as I did, because the writing wasn't great. Also, I think that they may have gotten a little too ambitious (which is admirable in a way) and had too many subplots/moving parts that didn't really come together at the end as well as they should/could have. Plus certain characters (Brother Blood and Isabel Rochev probably being the biggest examples) were either misused or underused, or both. So yeah, a mixed bag. Also, this season gave me Sara-Canary, whom I LOVE!!!!

-Season 3 was a mess. A mess with some good stuff in it still, but a mess all the same. And it only got worse as the season moved along.

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Poor Ollie. You'll never become the "Green Arrow" at this rate.

I think it's going to happen next season, actually, what with his old brand name being tarnished. I just wonder about his new costume, the traditional Green Arrow outfit is really goofy, even by superhero standards.

Good point RE Bennet's performance as Slade. It probably did cover up a lot of the weak elements of the writers handling of the character.

Slade also had all the goodwill built up from the season 1 flashbacks, and even in season 2 he was mostly allright on the island. Man, I really hate what they did with the character.

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