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What is the one thing you really want to happen?


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Ice Spiders....

Boom DOOM boom DOOM boom DOOM came the sound

a thousand hearts with a single beat

from the icy wastes beyond the Wall

an edge to this darkness

comes from the north

half-forgotten demons out of legend

the inhuman others

raise cold legions of the undead and the neverborn

and prepare to ride down on the winds of winter

to extinguish everything that we would call "life"

cold and implacable

foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders

the dead men reached the top of the Wall

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For all of Old Nan's tales to turn out false, and the Night's Watch and certain fans alike to look at each other in embarrasment when it turns out the "zombie apocalypse" they all anticipated was nothing but their own imagination gone wild, mixed with a dose of misunderstandings and putting too much trust into eight-thousand-year old tales.

i guess that is point is moot, since the walkers are real and people have interacted with them...

I agree with all that has been sent; Jaime to be remembered for doing something good, Ramsey and Littlefinger to get their comeuppance, the remaining Starks to reunite, Jon to rub his heritage in the face of anyone who treated like crud for being a bastard.

But I also want Lolys Stokeworth to have a happy ending. The poor girl deserves it!

even if...yes i said IF... jon turns out to be son of rhaegar he will still be a bastard...thus his treatment as such should not be a matter of revenge...

For Ned to come back from the dead :rofl:

i am convinced he is not dead but warged at the last second into ilyn payne...now put that in your pipe and smoke it... ;)

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Arya of the House Stark, First of Her Name, Queen in the North and Queen in the Trident, Queen of Winter, the Andals, and the First Men, Lady of the Two Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

Also, I want Margaery to live and have a relatively happy ending.

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