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Bakker XXXV: Tyrant of Rat Nation, Worshipped as Rat of Rats


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It’s two things, 1. it’s a clue as to how the Dûnyain breed. Clearly, the fact that Kellhus looks and sounds like Moe is not coincidental, after all, Kellhus was not surprised by it in the least, even though he hadn’t seen Moe since he was 3 years old (assuming that he did see him as a child). In fact, Kellhus expected it,

Kellhus descended the last of the monumental stair, slowly walked across the floor. He had grown accustomed to lis­tening through voices, but this one was smooth as porcelain — seamless and inscrutable. Even still, he knew it very well. How could he not, when it was his own?

This is most likely true of all Dûnyain sons in relation to their fathers.

The second reason why he would tell us that Moe has Kellhus’ voice is that it was Moënghus who spoke to Achamian, Cnaiür, and Kellhus while the latter was on the circumfix. It was simply the cants of calling. Achamian did not realize that it was sorcery because the Psukhe is invisible to the Few, and they all thought it was Kellhus talking to them because the voice sounded the same as Kellhus.

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It’s two things, 1. it’s a clue as to how the Dûnyain breed. Clearly, the fact that Kellhus looks and sounds like Moe is not coincidental, after all, Kellhus was not surprised by it in the least, even though he hadn’t seen Moe since he was 3 years old (assuming that he did see him as a child). In fact, Kellhus expected it,

This is most likely true of all Dûnyain sons in relation to their fathers.

The second reason why he would tell us that Moe has Kellhus’ voice is that it was Moënghus who spoke to Achamian, Cnaiür, and Kellhus while the latter was on the circumfix. It was simply the cants of calling. Achamian did not realize that it was sorcery because the Psukhe is invisible to the Few, and they all thought it was Kellhus talking to them because the voice sounded the same as Kellhus.

That's awesome. Explains a lot really. Was Moe also impersonating the NG speaking to Kellhus while Kel was up there?

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Like the Mimara is Dûnyain theory? :)

Really, you are just proving my point. My posting a theory as an assertion is quite different to refuting said theory without offering any input into the perceived flaws.

My rebuttal offered some reasoning as to why allusory content probably isn't a sound basis for extrapolating plot foreshadowing, attempted to explain my ideas further and conceded that I may by wrong and you may be right.

I like discussing things sometimes and value it when people point out errors in my thinking, but you are doing neither. I feel that this accusation of hypocrisy is unfair and valueless.

If your only thoughts on the matter are that I am wrong and you are unwilling to engage beyond that, why bother responding?

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I have a feeling that the three Pragma we saw in Kellhus’s flashback are coming back, not necessarily as a PoV.

eta: Madness should be able to confirm that. Unless he has already?

Madness could confirm a lot of things...if we plied...

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Wow - This is some great crackpottery. Shit.

Kel says he heard a voice.

Moe says the mad say as much while knowing he was the voice

Kel sees the hearing of the voice as some kind of proof

Kel remakes the world in a new delusion to Moe's ends

And this crackpottery would also mean, if I'm not misremembering, that Nayu was literally talking with Moenghus who had butchered his heart during that final, mad crescendo in Warrior-Prophet.

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Kel remakes the world in a new delusion to Moe's ends

And this crackpottery would also mean, if I'm not misremembering, that Nayu was literally talking with Moenghus who had butchered his heart during that final, mad crescendo in Warrior-Prophet.

Not only that moe tells him it's a new delusion and outlines how it works. Totally trolling. And kellhus, like the world born, can have it explained directly and still not grasp he's being trolled

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Easiest way to ply madness is to say something with absolute conviction that you are almost certain is wrong which also puts Bakker in a bad light. Madness can't resist that shit. I've gotten at least two morsels out of him that way that he wasn't otherwise letting go.

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Easiest way to ply madness is to say something with absolute conviction that you are almost certain is wrong which also puts Bakker in a bad light. Madness can't resist that shit. I've gotten at least two morsels out of him that way that he wasn't otherwise letting go.

Stop giving away our methods!

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Was Moe also impersonating the NG speaking to Kellhus while Kel was up there?

That bit was a dream.

Something dropped within him, and he tumbled into sleep, cold water rinsing bruised and broken skin. Dreams followed. Dark tunnels, weary earth. A ridge...

The question is, where did it come from? Kellhus -- quite absurdly -- seems to think that the No-God sent it to him, no joke, even as he concedes that that makes little sense.

"If it was destroyed, if it no longer exists, how could it send me dreams?"

That is a good question. Since when does the No-God send dreams to people, anyway? Especially when he has not even risen yet. Kellhus is so full of it that he hears a voice and thinks “God is talking to me!” then he has a dream and immediately thinks “the No-God is speaking to me!!” I must be soo speshal...

But once again there’s a much simpler explanation than that, we’ve seen this very pattern before,

Again the dreams had come.

Vast landscapes, histories, contests of faith and culture, all glimpsed in cataracts of detail. Horses...

Note the “cataracts of detail”. And in case you didn’t catch it above,

Something dropped within him, and he tumbled into sleep, cold water rinsing bruised and broken skin. Dreams followed...

So my question, what was the water that rinsed his skin just as the dream started? Did someone empty a bucket of water over his head right at that moment? Or was this another instance of Moënghus sending a dream using the Psukhe that was described with water imagery?

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If this line if inquiry is correct, it makes Moe's "I had not considered that you'd come to me a madman" line pretty suspect. Not only had Moe considered it, he had orchestrated it.

ETA: And on a totally different note, I just saw some kind of email confirmation from Grimdark Mag that I'm getting stuff shipped. I was assured by you all that there was no physical magazine. This is a potentially very embarrassing situation for me.

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So my question, what was the water that rinsed his skin just as the dream started? Did someone empty a bucket of water over his head right at that moment? Or was this another instance of Moënghus sending a dream using the Psukhe that was described with water imagery?

I'd have to say that your stacking the evidence. Good catch!

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ETA: And on a totally different note, I just saw some kind of email confirmation from Grimdark Mag that I'm getting stuff shipped. I was assured by you all that there was no physical magazine. This is a potentially very embarrassing situation for me.

Why should there be no physical magazine? (I ordered the electronic version for convenience, so I could read it seconds after ordering. But I assume there’s a physical magazine as well.) Of what consists the embarrassment?

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If this line if inquiry is correct, it makes Moe's "I had not considered that you'd come to me a madman" line pretty suspect. Not only had Moe considered it, he had orchestrated it.

ETA: And on a totally different note, I just saw some kind of email confirmation from Grimdark Mag that I'm getting stuff shipped. I was assured by you all that there was no physical magazine. This is a potentially very embarrassing situation for me.

Me too. And because I'd ordered the first 3 issues as bundle, they told me I'd be receiving a "triple kidney punch." That's so grimdark.

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