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Feelz vs Realz: Is trans race a thing?


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So I was reading this story:


And it got me thinking. Apparently there is a burgeoning sub culture of people who believe they were born into the wrong skin color. They claim to be trans racial, a black person born to white parents (and I guess vice versa). Is this a real thing or are these people cray cray. Thoughts?

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Lol. I know people who were born into wealth, but acted extremely thuggish and talked like they were ghetto. I think people like that are extremely fake.

Iggy Azalea for instance is from Australia, but wheb she raps she sounds like she is hood. A lot of rappers dislike her for this. I think you should be yourself. If your born in Greenwich, CT I dont see how you could be a ghetto superstar.

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Lol. I know people who were born into wealth, but acted extremely thuggish and talked like they were ghetto. I think people like that are extremely fake.

Iggy Azalea for instance is from Australia, but wheb she raps she sounds like she is hood. A lot of rappers dislike her for this. I think you should be yourself. If your born in Greenwich, CT I dont see how you could be a ghetto superstar.

Well personally I think people should be allowed to live the life they choose to, so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. I'm from a less wealthy background, yet I've gone to quite a prestigious university in the capital city. Am I being extremely fake and pretentious by aspiring to something above that which I was born to? If the answer is no, then why should this not be true in the opposite sense - I.e. Someone wanting to lead a life that is not typical for someone of their demographic?
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Lol. I know people who were born into wealth, but acted extremely thuggish and talked like they were ghetto. I think people like that are extremely fake.

Iggy Azalea for instance is from Australia, but wheb she raps she sounds like she is hood. A lot of rappers dislike her for this. I think you should be yourself. If your born in Greenwich, CT I dont see how you could be a ghetto superstar.

No this isn't an affectation or expressing a love for another culture, it's a group of people who claim they were literally born into the wrong skin color. That they're physically black people who have, through a genetic accident, been born with white skin. They even use the N word when describing themselves.


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If I claim to be trans-racial, do I qualify for affirmative action?

what if I claim to be trans-tribal, can I qualify for Native American benefits?

Is trans-aged a thing? sometimes I feel younger than my age. I really cant believe I am 40. So I wont be. I'm 28 again!

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That Rachel woman lied for years, made shit up, used her adopted black brother to pose as her son to give credence to her lies, appropriated so many things, took a picture with a black man and lied about him being her father. It's black face, plain and simple. She lied about her parents abusing her, she's a serial liar so it seems.

She also teaches African Studies at University level; giving lectures and seminars on the struggles of being a black woman. She has stolen the experiences of so many women and wears their experiences and their culture like a halloween costume. It's gross.

I'm not a black woman so I can't speak for how personally hurtful her actions may be, but I don't have any sympathy for her at all.

People have already found her various online accounts and have realized just how far back and overreaching her lies go.

And you know what, she'll probably end up with a book deal and a documentary made about her. Ugh.

Saw a comment earlier ''Not only that, but she invaded institutions, organizations and various other safe-spaces created by and for Black people to free themselves from white supremacy…while in blackface.'' which summed it up.

Also, nice deliberately provocative thread title. Stay classy, Hayyoth.

No; I don't believe it's a thing and I don't believe it's comparable to transgender people.

What the Hell is Trans Ethnicity

The predominantly Caucasian teens claim to feel connected to the fashion, slang and pop-culture of another race and use this label to distance themselves from the unpopular “average heterosexual white person” tag…

Short answer, being a POC (person of colour) has somehow become a cool new trend for middle-class white kids…Saying the N-word is cool. Wearing a burqa is fashion. These are cultures that have been built and fought over for thousands of years. These are cultures that we have been outcasted and isolated for. We’ve bled for them, and that is why they’re ours…

So transethnicity undermines the struggles, battles, and discrimination faced by both People of Colour and transsexuals by turning it all into a fun game of pretend and role play. I suppose congratulations are in order for managing to sabotage the comfort and image of not one, but two social minorities…

If the message wasn’t clear, let me reiterate. Stop. Transethnicity is damaging, racist and cruel. A culture is far more than the fashion and slang and music. A culture is history and sacrifice and commitment. It’s not a costume. It cannot be adopted, it cannot be adapted, it cannot be used as a tool to fit in on the internet.

Reading the word "trans-racial" makes me think of a bunch of upper middle class or higher white kids wanting to be black for whatever reason..

Basically, yeah. That's what it seems like.

Race can't be compared to gender at all.

It's so much ''I believe I should have black/brown etc'' skin, more so white people identifying more with black stereotypes than white stereotypes, because as far as I can tell it mostly boils down to stereotypes.

Maybe I am over stepping the mark with my comments I don't know, but I think this ''transethnic'' thing is seriously gonna undermine transgender people as I have already seen so many bullshit ''well it's the same as caitlyn jenner'' comments.

Am sorry if I offended anyone.

There's a particular point in this article that I think is a good one.

Is Trans Ethnic Really a Thing

Although he also brings up a very good point that trans ethnic could be, and maybe should be, the correct term for children adopted by parents of a different race/nationality/ethnicity. I might even go so far as to say it seems appropriate for many students I have had over the years who have been half-Yamato Japanese and half-Korean or Half Caucasian American or Half-Filipino. For these students, especially the ones who spoke English as well as or better than they spoke Japanese, I know that they often felt like they were standing with each foot on the edge of an ever widening gap, afraid that the choice of one ethnic identity would mean disavowing or losing their other identity. The concept of crossing from ethnicity to ethnicity depending on circumstances or location would be something which I think would be very familiar to them.

When we just talk about white kids identifying as japanese because they like sushi and kawaii things ...it's...well...racist. It's using racial and cultural stereotypes and identifying with those.

I don't think i'm being very eloquent at all and i worry I might be coming across as mean but I just DON'T see how this can be comparable to transgender people AT. ALL.

I have seen lots of hurt and upset from black women over this reveal and understandably so.

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