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Crackpot Theories... Anyone have a complete list?


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I've got one.

Joffrey wasn't poisoned, he's just an impatient and lazy little bastard who shovels too much into his mouth and doesn't chew. Thusly, he chokes on some pie and has the misfortune to do so in an era when no one has yet discovered the heimlich maneuver.

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1 - Hodor is a Frey

2 - Asha is Rhaenys

3 - Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon are alive, Jon Arryn pretended to be dead to prepare his arrival in one of the free cities where Robert later joined him.

4 - Littlefinger is a Bolton and that is why he hates the Starks, he made Aerys kill Brandon, he used Janos Slynt to make Joff kill Ned, he is somehow involved in the Red Wedding, he made Joff send an assassin to kill Bran and he later paid Theon so that he would kill Bran and Rickon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The kitchen tomcat caught by Arya in the Red Keep is Balerion, Rhaenys' kitten.

And, btw,

"The Bear and the Maiden Fair" is a citation of GRRM "Beauty and the Beast" teleplay.

Ok, not very crackpot :rolleyes::rofl:

Not very crackpot at all... How about the Kettleblacks... Anyone have any good pottery regarding who they are working for, and what they are up to?

I have a crackpot theorie that they are actually FM, working for the Iron Bank (or whatever the big bank in Braavos was called), for the purpose of destablizing Westeros and bringing about the downfall of the Iron Throne...

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I wish that one of the super-industrious, wonderful, nifty, Super-Awesome-Fantastic people on this forum would actually go through this thread and put together a list of all of the crackpot theories so that we can vote on which of them is the most crackpot of all.

Personally, My vote goes for The Theory Which Shall Not be Named wtih "Syrio was a FM, who instead of fighting Trant and dying, did a backflip out of the window and ran to the dungeons (where he assumed one of the Prisoner's identities) at the last possible minute".

So I guess my votes to start the list off would be as follows:

Jon is a Targ - +3

Syrio was a FM - +2

Ned is ALIVE!!! - +1

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The problem is that english is not my native language and I don't understand which is the EXACT undertone of the word "crackpot".

I understand the general meaning, but should we refer primarily to a theory that is "not yet revealed, but a great, mad thought" as R+L=J, or to a theory that is "so unlikely it becomes ridicolous", or even to a theory "man, you passed too much time waiting for the books"?


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My crackpot theory goes like this: Berric Dondarrion has not been coming back to life, neither has Catelyn Stark as Lady Stoneheart, they are faceless men employed by the Clergy or whatever you want to call them, their purpose is to rally the common people to their side and lead them to hate the highborn nobles. Berric Dondarrion served his purpose, the people of the Riverlands are well aware of them and love them, or so I've been lead to believe, now they want the North so they have taken the guise of Catelyn to help facilitate this.

Another crackpot theory: The Targs don't control the dragons, the dragons control the Targs, they are intelligent, sentient beings. I can't see how, with a dragon living for hundreds of years when a human only lives 50-100, that the dragons would remain loyal pets as old masters die. No, the Targs are the pets and Dany's dragons will become more unruly and unmanagable as they grow larger, no doubt at least one of them will be good natured and will stay to help Dany, but only because it chooses to. As Dany teaches the dragons more words beyond Dracarys, I think she and us is going to be shocked one day when they turn around and laugh in her face and start speaking.

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My crackpot theory goes like this: Berric Dondarrion has not been coming back to life, neither has Catelyn Stark as Lady Stoneheart, they are faceless men employed by the Clergy or whatever you want to call them, their purpose is to rally the common people to their side and lead them to hate the highborn nobles. Berric Dondarrion served his purpose, the people of the Riverlands are well aware of them and love them, or so I've been lead to believe, now they want the North so they have taken the guise of Catelyn to help facilitate this.

Nice crackpot theory, but I don't think using a Red Priest (Thoros) and converting the people of the Riverlands to R'llhor cult (night fires) will be somehow useful for the Faith (assuming you intended the priests of the Seven as "Clergy"). I think that, even if they get rid of the Lords, the Faith and Brotherhood w/o Banner would fight each other (inquisition?). Bw/oB can be considered surely eretical, and they aren't so collaborative with the sparrow as one could think (cfr. Brienne POV at Gendry and Willow's inn - from their words seems that Sparrows bring orphans but do not team up with Beric/UnCat rebels).

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Nice crackpot theory, but I don't think using a Red Priest (Thoros) and converting the people of the Riverlands to R'llhor cult (night fires) will be somehow useful for the Faith (assuming you intended the priests of the Seven as "Clergy"). I think that, even if they get rid of the Lords, the Faith and Brotherhood w/o Banner would fight each other (inquisition?). Bw/oB can be considered surely eretical, and they aren't so collaborative with the sparrow as one could think (cfr. Brienne POV at Gendry and Willow's inn - from their words seems that Sparrows bring orphans but do not team up with Beric/UnCat rebels).

i think he meant to say that the clergy are the faith of r'hllor and that they are using the other people to pull the small folks away from the seven and the old gods.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hot pie is aegon is a truely fantastic theory its so bizare god I hope its true please GRRM make this happen in a believable way if this is possible. Also what about the crannogmen are the descendants of the children of the forest I think there are some hints to this somewhere eg theyb are short and a bit mysterious and have green dreams I realy think this is possible.

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My crackpot theory goes like this: Berric Dondarrion has not been coming back to life, neither has Catelyn Stark as Lady Stoneheart, they are faceless men employed by the Clergy or whatever you want to call them, their purpose is to rally the common people to their side and lead them to hate the highborn nobles. Berric Dondarrion served his purpose, the people of the Riverlands are well aware of them and love them, or so I've been lead to believe, now they want the North so they have taken the guise of Catelyn to help facilitate this.

Another crackpot theory: The Targs don't control the dragons, the dragons control the Targs, they are intelligent, sentient beings. I can't see how, with a dragon living for hundreds of years when a human only lives 50-100, that the dragons would remain loyal pets as old masters die. No, the Targs are the pets and Dany's dragons will become more unruly and unmanagable as they grow larger, no doubt at least one of them will be good natured and will stay to help Dany, but only because it chooses to. As Dany teaches the dragons more words beyond Dracarys, I think she and us is going to be shocked one day when they turn around and laugh in her face and start speaking.

I like this theory probably not true but its interesting

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