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Return of the Crimson Guard release date


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Word. What I don't get is that the Malazans only got their hands on Moranth munitions only a few years before the start of GotM. WTF did they use before that? Harsh language?

Yeah, and wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the Moranth aren't able to produce as many these days? Not sure where everyone's getting so many of them all of a sudden then. Maybe there's an explanation in this book, but even so, it's just lame when every problem is solved with them.

So is this out yet? All the UK and Aus sites I checked list it as unavailable but didn't have any further info.

PS Publishing's website says their US$150 two-volume edition is either already available or will be by the end of the month, Amazon UK has an Aug 14 date listed, and Amazon Canada Sept 23. Seems about right, I guess. Not sure about Australia.

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  • 1 month later...

I hate ICE's writing. I thought NoK sucked big donkey cocks and detracted from my enjoyment of Malazan as a whole. And I'm still going to have to buy this godsdammed book. Why can't Erikson have friends who know how to write? :tantrum:

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I would put more weight in what the publisher told Jay the other day than what is published on the website - I think that info is more current. So, I'd bet that Sept. 25 is more likely than the 11th.

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Hey fellas and ladies!

Let me add what clarity I can to this (though the two dates are so close its negligible IMHO). I was told the date I gave as a courtesy (I.E. I didn't inquire about it) because of some ROTCG related uhmmm...'features or projects' we may be doing in the future that are somewhat relying upon the date of release of the book and because of some of what we are doing now (I.E. the current contest/giveaway) not to mention (and probably least of which!) my own review schedule. The word came to me via the publicist and editor of the book. Now, it is entirely possible and in publishing - even probable - hours or a day later they went back and found they could release the book some days or weeks before (or after depending on a case) and my own information will be updated in the future (next week) because of it. This would be a good thing! :cheers:

I don't really usually do the whole 'news' thing but this is a special case because I'm really a big Malazan fan (and, as noted before I have a few projects in the works that make it a point of interest to me) and I'm excited about these two recent/forthcoming books, but if I do ever do such a thing (and we are talking my blog - I guess we have a news apparatus at FBS) it is info via a real person directed at me - which doesn't make it more correct or incorrect, but I will say that I asked (at the time) if the information was publishable/announceable. I could very well get an email on Monday however that updates that information again though saying that the 11th is indeed a new date.

It could also be a diabolical trick to get me! :stunned:

Hope that helps - but as I look at it, it really doesn't! :thumbsup:

While I'm here, thanks to all the ASOIAF (crack)theorists here who give me some interesting shit to read while I'm procrastinating in doing my FBS stuff :grouphug: In many ways you guys keep the ASOIAF flame alive in-between books.

...and Ran - make sure you pre-order The Archer and Armstrong hardcover!

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Jay, good to see you on the boards again!

I was going by the info on Bantam's website. I hope you are not implying that a publisher would ever be lax in updating their records, because obviously that would never happen! :P (notes Greg Keyes' website hasn't been updated for 2 years; Bantam US still have ADWD down for September)

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I second that, Jay. Nice to have you back among us! ;)

Hmm, I'll have to check up on Bantam, for the release date has been pushed back I'll have to randomly select the five winners of my giveaway a little later. Being away for five weeks has put me out of the SFF loop, I'm afraid. . .


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Thanks for the kind words Pat and Adam. :smoking:

I just wanted to update this further (as I got info), if it's a bit late I apologize, but as I said earlier news hounding isn't a strength (or at least a focus) of mine. That said, yesterday I was told by ICE that the 25th was the date he had as well.


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  • 3 weeks later...

My bloggie friend and a fellow Malazan fan - Blindman - posted his thoughts on Return of the Crimson Guard on Realms of Speculative Fiction.


Ian Cameron Esslemont has decided to write an epic book. Taking us over several continents (or at least island chains) he brings us to the continent of Quon Tali. We visit numerous locations, previously only hinted at – Unta, the dreaded Stormwall, more of otataral mines, Wickan planes and of course Li Heng and lands of Seti. And all of these will leave you unsatisfied.

Unta and Li Heng have no soul, Stomwall it's function and his assailants still remain a mystery, otataral mines seem more like an prison camp for elderly and senile, and lands of Seti and Wickans nothing but a green blots in the distance. True, the main worldbuilding has been done by Esslemont and Erikson years ago, but still one expects something more tangible when it comes to local geography. So don't expect Seven Cities or Darujhistan from MBoF, or even Malaz city from "Night of Knives". Here the places are no more than badly painted scenography in front of which the story unravels.

As you can see he wasn't too kind to the book...read the whole review.

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Yeah...about not writing very balanced review...he gave some thoughts on his approach to writing review here (he's a grumpy bastard he is! but I actually look fond upon his style...and since I know him personally I kinda got used to this; it's a personal trait, he is not trying to be mean or anything :) )

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  • 3 weeks later...
I received my review copy of ROTCG from Bantam which is the final version. I would expect it to start showing up on shelves at anytime now.

How about some spoilers then? for us unfortunates who can't get their hands on an advanced copy :wideeyed:

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How about some spoilers then? for us unfortunates who can't get their hands on an advanced copy :wideeyed:

I haven't started reding it yet - I hope to start in the next day or two.

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