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The Wire Season 5 - Spoilers


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I've finally caught up to the On Demand folks as well. It's been pretty frustrating to stay out of this thread for a week, then come in and reread the previous week's discussion, only to stop a page or two short because the next week's discussion has started. Anyway, I don't have much to say except to disagree with the comments a few pages back about Reginald's sister being Dennis's girlfriend. I see a slight resemblance, but I don't think it's her.

Also, I may have missed someone commenting on it already, but I liked the shout out to Season 1's Polk (he ended up in evidence control)--he looked a bit different without the mustache. Maybe I'll be able to chime in a bit more now that I've caught up to everyone else.

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I've finally caught up to the On Demand folks as well. It's been pretty frustrating to stay out of this thread for a week, then come in and reread the previous week's discussion, only to stop a page or two short because the next week's discussion has started. Anyway, I don't have much to say except to disagree with the comments a few pages back about Reginald's sister being Dennis's girlfriend. I see a slight resemblance, but I don't think it's her.

Also, I may have missed someone commenting on it already, but I liked the shout out to Season 1's Polk (he ended up in evidence control)--he looked a bit different without the mustache. Maybe I'll be able to chime in a bit more now that I've caught up to everyone else.

I don't think anyone claimed that she was Cutty's girlfriend. Cutty's girlfriend is the teacher at Tilghmann Middle that shows Prez the ropes. She has a brief scene with Cutty in S4 at the school.

Bubbles' sister is the nurse at the hospital where Cutty winds up after his shooting in the S4 finale. Cutty annoys her by abusing his call button and complains about how his roommate has premium channels on his TV but all he has are 4 channels. She explains that that's because he doesn't have insurance and proceeds to give him a lecture about how the gangsters always wash up in the ER, where they fix them up free of charge. Cutty is somewhat indignant but doesn't say much; later, when Colvin shows up at the hospital, she asks him if they're coming back with a warrant for "the roughneck", meaning Cutty. Colvin explains that to the best of his knowledge, Cutty was shot trying to break up a street fight, and she looks suitably shamed.

That nurse was pretty clearly, I think, Bubbles' sister.

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I agree with alot of what's been said on Carcetti. Genuine good intentions and high ideals almost always sacrificed at the altar of personal ambition. He's a frustrating character in alot of ways. Even when you know he's full of shit, he gives such a damned good, rousing speech that makes you want to feel a bit inspired. (Press conference on the forgotten homeless. Speech after the Marlo bust) And too many times he's had the 'right thing' sitting right there in front of him and just chose to go another way. I thought the 4-5 episode election sequence was one of the stronger storylines the show has seen, which is saying alot, largely due to the very compelling Carcetti character. Pisses me off a bit that he continues to disappoint.

You start to tell the story, you think you're the hero, and then when you get done talking...

I know it's the line that can get used for all the characters, but it fits.

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I don't think anyone claimed that she was Cutty's girlfriend. Cutty's girlfriend is the teacher at Tilghmann Middle that shows Prez the ropes. She has a brief scene with Cutty in S4 at the school.

Bubbles' sister is the nurse at the hospital where Cutty winds up after his shooting in the S4 finale. Cutty annoys her by abusing his call button and complains about how his roommate has premium channels on his TV but all he has are 4 channels.

Sir Greguh, I think Winterfell is referring to the nurse as well. The teacher was Cutty's girlfriend from before he went to jail, she has no resemblance to either the nurse or Bubbles' sister.

IIRC, they show Cutty getting together with the nurse you mentioned at the end of S4. (Maybe in the montage?), hence the"girlfriend" reference.

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IIRC, they show Cutty getting together with the nurse you mentioned at the end of S4. (Maybe in the montage?), hence the"girlfriend" reference.

Yeah, in the montage of last season they show Cutty and her sitting in his gym watching the young'uns fight.

5 days now!!

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Rewatched Season 3 today, and i noticed Poot was arrested with Barksdale at the end of the season. Assuming he was just charged with a fire arms charge and had no priors, is it feasible for him to be out of jail?

Also, a legal hypothetical using Marlo's situation. Say Marlo rats out chris (just a hypothetical) due to the charges on him now. The wiretap is found out to be illegal and the charges on marlo dropped. Is what marlo said about chris now discounted? or does it hold its own weight?

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Rewatched Season 3 today, and i noticed Poot was arrested with Barksdale at the end of the season. Assuming he was just charged with a fire arms charge and had no priors, is it feasible for him to be out of jail?

I believe there is a scene in one of the first episodes of season four where he shows up at Bodie's corner, whilst he is still running independtly I think, and where the two of them exchange some comments on how quickly he was released. I presume he would have received a reduced sentence for being underage at the time of the arrest?

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Rewatched Season 3 today, and i noticed Poot was arrested with Barksdale at the end of the season. Assuming he was just charged with a fire arms charge and had no priors, is it feasible for him to be out of jail?

He was released in season 4 and joins Bodie's corner. I don't recall the particulars of the release, though I think they mentioned something of it. No serious priors and a juvenile defendant, a year doesn't seem too out of left field.

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So as our finale approaches, how many of you would call this the best show in TV history? And if not, what would you say is? I have The Wire as the best of all time and I'm not even sure what's 2nd but to me it's not even close.

without a doubt the best show/movie ive ever seen.

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Sir Greguh, I think Winterfell is referring to the nurse as well. The teacher was Cutty's girlfriend from before he went to jail, she has no resemblance to either the nurse or Bubbles' sister.

IIRC, they show Cutty getting together with the nurse you mentioned at the end of S4. (Maybe in the montage?), hence the"girlfriend" reference.

Yes, I was referring to the nurse from the montage... thanks for clarifying that.

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So as our finale approaches, how many of you would call this the best show in TV history? And if not, what would you say is? I have The Wire as the best of all time and I'm not even sure what's 2nd but to me it's not even close.

Prior to this season (and Season 4) I would have said Deadwood was the best and the Wire and Rome were in contention for #2. Now I rate the Wire above Rome and am not sure about Deadwood because Deadwood wasn't able to complete its' story arc (fully) and it had only 3 seasons.

The first season of Deadwood is the best season of television I've ever seen. Over the whole lifespan of a show though I think the Wire wins.

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So as our finale approaches, how many of you would call this the best show in TV history? And if not, what would you say is? I have The Wire as the best of all time and I'm not even sure what's 2nd but to me it's not even close.

Best ever or not it surly wins "Most Important". Hopefully some people who can make a difference are paying attention.

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So as our finale approaches, how many of you would call this the best show in TV history? And if not, what would you say is? I have The Wire as the best of all time and I'm not even sure what's 2nd but to me it's not even close.

Lost and Deadwood edge it out, but that's like trying to pick your favorite kid.

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Guest Raidne

I'm going to say yes, it is the best ever. There are other shows that occasionally do it better, like Rome, Deadwood, or even Lost once in awhile, but they also have flaws.

The Wire, IMO, is damn near flawless. The writing is unbelievably tight, the acting is great, and there are no throwaway episodes. It also, as has been said, easily has the most important theme.

The only criticism I have is that I thought it was turning into the McNulty show a bit too much during S2, but that's arguable. That's it.

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So as our finale approaches, how many of you would call this the best show in TV history? And if not, what would you say is? I have The Wire as the best of all time and I'm not even sure what's 2nd but to me it's not even close.

I have to say that I think it is. It's not a statement I make frivolously or lightly, I just can't come up with a show that competes with it. Deadwood might have had a chance if allowed to complete its full dramatic arc, but frankly I had a little bit of trouble getting into it with that much enthusiasm. "Six Feet Under" gets bonus points for surviving for five seasons and telling its arc in full, but it was a bit too ecclectic and out there. "The Sopranos" was good but pretty severely overrated. "Rome" was spectacular but only got two seasons, and its second season was rushed as a result.

And can anything the networks have cranked out really compete with the best HBO has had to offer? What's the best drama on network TV anyway? "Lost"? Please. "House" is amusing but aims a little low. "24" has fantastic production values but is a bit repetitive. "ER" was truly groundbreaking when it came out and its first 3 seasons were spectacular, but it's dragged itself out into what, Season 14 now? Points for longetivy, but there's no cohesion. "Law and Order" is good clean fun but repetitive, episodic, and loses points for the endless spinoffs. Ditto for "CSI". "Heroes" had a spectacular first season and then went into the toilet quickly in its second.

Are we dragging comedies into this? What's the best comedy of all time? "Cheers"? "Seinfeld"? They're notable in their own right but not operating on a level anywhere near what "The Wire" (or many other of the best 1-hour dramas) manages.

Honestly the best shows apart from the pay channels are on cable. "The Shield" is a bit like "The Wire Lite" - a bit over-dramatized but quite solid. "Rescue Me" is certainly a welcome punch in the gut. "Battlestar Galactica" is solid competition with "Babylon 5" for the best sci-fi show of all time (spare a sniffle for the snuffed-out candle of "Firefly"). But none pack the complete package that The Wire offers.

And frankly, it's only been in the past 15 or so years that the hour-long drama has really established itself as a meaningful art form. Previous explorations into the format hit some notes correctly, but there has been a lot of growth from the days of "Hill Street Blues", which gets points for making the format possible but wasn't up to par with the best of what's being produced today.

I'd be willing to entertain the possibility that there are some BBC and other non-American-based shows that could potentially give The Wire a run for its money. But for me, The Wire is #1, no question.

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As good as the Wire is, I think 'best ever' is thrown around way, way too much in regards to it.

Maybe. But could you list a few shows that you think are actually better? At least here alot of people are listing the same shows, some variation of Deadwood, Lost, or The Wire. Its certainly in the top, select few. And I can't think of many other shows that deserve serious attention for the title. As Greguth notes, hourlong dramas really only came into their own recently. And even if we include sitcoms in the mix, as a general statement dramas > sitcoms (imo) by a fairly large margin in most cases.

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