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[quote name='Blackfyre Heir' post='1385777' date='Jun 5 2008, 16.42']I hear Wii fit is a pretty decent game...[/quote]

i sense subtext. did erik rob someone and then accuse stego of being out of shape? nice usage of games there uys
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As for why our Mt took a 20k hit? No idea. It should be impossible, theoretically, unless he hit zerkerstance and why on earht would he? It was around 15 sec after Maggie came out. He wasn't taking extraordinary damage and suddenly bam, gone.

We had the same on Maulgar with the same guy. He tanks Gruul and Prince without batting an eyelid, and the first three bosses in ZA, no problems. He got one shotted by Maulgar and Maggie, both huge crushing blows.

However, he is the guy I always tend to lose on the last pull before the bear in ZA. I've lost him once on the second pull in hMGT, and calculated that my incoming heals should have healed him for approx 25k, with renew and PoM. He went down after the first mob in the multipulll died. Don't know if he has lag, I have lag (doubtful, don't experience it in other situations, or at least rarely), the server lags or it something else.

In ZA I just don't seem to be able to outheal the damage even with max rank gheals. Or they don't land quick enough. I spend a lot of time agonising over my GCDs. The rest of the time, no clue.

Speed run in KZ: we don't have any. We use it mainly to gear people up, meaning it always takes pretty long.

Zul'Aman gives me a headache since it's sooooooooo sloooooooow. I don't know what it is with that insance. The second we go in there, people go into AFK mode. Ugh.

Went to KZ yesterday with two groups, 70% new people or undergeared ones. Spent 2 hours trying to get enough healers for two groups. Had 3 healers who could not stay online for more than 10 min together. 1 who we "borrowed" from out raid alliance guild who was a total twat in MH gear and who was rude, horrible and then had to leave after two bosses, and after having told me I looted too slow, that we had "never heard of seed of corruption" and then went on to slag off one of our hunters for no reason. Just wth?

The next healer forgot he was raid locked. (yeah he went to KZ the day before with a PUG, and "forgot").

Two other people offered to heal, and then logged off without much explanation.
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Farmed up enough water to raid the guild bank for lifes and get another 150ish +heal on my pally's healing gear. Will still need to enchant my second set of gloves (Attumen drop > T4 if you're not holy spec).

Tanked a heroic mana tombs. Why tombs? "Hey, let's run a heroic. 4 or more badges ideally." "Daily is Crypts. Crypts is just wrong." "Hey, I need to finish off that quest to summon Yor, and that'd make Tombs a 4-badger." "Ooh, I need the ring from Shaffar." Done. Got briefly sloppy, had a few scary moments when I got a lagspike mid-pull. Seriously, what the hell is up with these lagspikes? No net activity on my end causing it, nobody stealing my wireless...

And healed normal shadow labs again. Not a way to learn healing; the tank overgears the place far too much. But blowing up skeletons for 5,000 dps is fun.

Now I believe Maulgar does have Arcing Smash, which I consider a poorly designed ability. It does anywhere from around 75% of a melee hit to... what was it, around 400%? Magtheridon doesn't have that, though.

Actually, the 25-man group did an unofficial Maggie on Wed; and despite there being prot warriors dpsing him (a paladin was tanking), it was only the arms warrior sundering. What the hell were those prot warriors doing instead of spamming devastate as their primary dps skill?
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1386515' date='Jun 6 2008, 09.27']Actually, the 25-man group did an unofficial Maggie on Wed; and despite there being prot warriors dpsing him (a paladin was tanking), it was only the arms warrior sundering. What the hell were those prot warriors doing instead of spamming devastate as their primary dps skill?[/quote]

Just the fact that you had a Paladin taning him shows that the prot warriors have no right to even log onto this game. The lack of devastates is just.....hilarious.
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Farming Hearts right now. We raided 3 times last week and cleared Hyjal (first Archi) and killed two new bosses in BT. That pretty much filled up our week. :D Wednesday we cleared Hyjal and Gruuls (no DST, dammit) and go inot BT tonight to kill the first 4 or 5. Sunday we will kill RoS for the first time and then just be waiting on hearts to drop.
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[quote name='Stego' post='1386604' date='Jun 6 2008, 09.46']Just the fact that you had a Paladin taning him shows that the prot warriors have no right to even log onto this game. The lack of devastates is just.....hilarious.[/quote]

Eh, I wasn't there. And in fairness, the paladin has good gear, certainly sufficient for Mags, though I know there was a prot warrior with overall superior gear. Aha, that's why the paladin was tanking. He organized the run. Thus, he said "I am going to tank it", and got to do so by default. Being the raid organizer is very powerful.

I'm off to Kara tonight. Which means pants that don't embarrass me with bad gemming for the rogue (I've been too cheap to regem a set of pants that was at the top of my replacement list... then 2.4 hit and the new fists were too important to delay, and a quick calculation told me the belt was more dps per badge... but now the pants are up). Got my air already, got a couple nethers, got plenty of ordinary leather... so I'll have to do some farming for cobra scales.
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Refused going to ZA on Sat cos I had enough of raiding and ZA normally gives me a bad bad headache for just being so wretched. SSC got cancelled on Sunday due mostly to football and I got persuaded to go to ZA instead. It wasn't bad at all. :) In fact, it was fun, since we did progression fights! Swapped TP's druid out for his hunter for tranq shot and pew pew on Halazzi. Our shaman healer died twice during the fight without doing much healing, so me and the pally healer almost two manned the healing. Was a one shot.

Went to Jan'alai for the first time. The trash on the way there is fun. You have to pay attention and be on the ball. Since one of our tanks is a prot pally, we just had every one nuke and the warrior charge pull the groups. Got some extra groups in the middle which made it a bit challenging, but nothing too horrible.

Jan'alai we took on the third try, I think. Some people had done him a few times before on Alliance side, but apart from that we were all new to it. And it was a fun fight!! It wasn't as heavy on burst damage on the tanks either, and more an "are you awake?" check on every one else (I only got exploded on the second try, go me :P ). We finished him with 9 people standing.

Had a peek at Hex Lord Malacress and ouch. :P Think we need a more solid third healer for that. Our shaman has some 1600 healing I think, which is probably too low for Malachress. We had some good add control though. A boomkin for sleeping the beast, mage for sheeping the ogre add, me for shackling the undead and joskii for banishing the elemental (and TP for trapping the undead when he got lose).

Only problem we had was very very few interrupts. With three paladins (one of each spec) and only one mage for CS (shaman was too busy healing to be very quick on the interrupts) he got a couple of nasty heals off. Our best try was 740k damage before we called it, and we were quite happy with that, being a first round of tries.
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Downed Prince for the first time on Sunday night, whcih was pretty sweet, on our second attempt. Our guild is slow on the raiding front, so this was a big boost to confidence for all concerned. Tank was down, most DPS was down, main healers were down after 11+ minutes. Prince came running towards yours truly (feral druid in his back up healing gear), took one look at the healing pants I was wearing

[url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=30256#"]Pants of Utter Ghastliness[/url].

and died laughing. He ended up dying at around 11 minutes and 45 secs, right before the Enrage.

Actually I think it was the locks DoTs that got him. The Infernals were dropping far away from the healers, so that helped.

After that we went to have a look at Netherspite and had a right old laugh trying that fight for the first time. No joy in ticking him off are To Do list.

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[quote name='Aratan' post='1389676' date='Jun 9 2008, 07.01']After that we went to have a look at Netherspite and had a right old laugh trying that fight for the first time. No joy in ticking him off are To Do list.


In phase two, run to the windows. Have tanks take both red and green beams. Long living dps (locks) in blue.
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Grats Artan. Netherspite can be tricky to get down if you havent done him before.

Pretty mediocre weekend of raiding for us. We just weren't on top of our game. BT friday and Sunday, and we wiped on bosses we have on farm, and we couldnt get past Phase 2 of RoS. For some strange reason too many people were playing like window lickers.

I did get the [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32234"]Fists of Mukoa[/url] from Na'jentus to replace the gloves from Maggy finally. The only bad part was i had to regem a couple of other pieces as the Liar's tongue gloves had both blue gems I need to active my Relentless Earthstorm Diamond. I also picked up [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34887"]Angelista's Revenge[/url] the other day as well.

Finally I got by first fanboyish whisper in game. :P Was sitting at the Mailbox in the scryer bank and someone whispered me asking how much AP and crit I had. I told him and he was like WOW! Had a little chat with him and gave him some advice on gearing. Told him he was wearing to much mail, but being he was in Nova I guess thats to be expected since they gkick shamans for rolling on leather. ;)
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If you don't have warlocks (really, what's a warlock?) shadow priests are also excellent in the blue beam. If you're really short on durable people, tanks can switch off red & blue instead of red & green (paladin tanks must not do green). Rogues and warriors for green, regardless. And you can, if necessary, have two people share each blue phase. We normally have to.

Got through Kara and picked up my rogue's pants. Project for today at work: determine if 2.3-era badge gloves or 2.4-era badge ring is a better investment (given my current gear, which one will boost my dps more for the 60 badges? I want that first.) Even got the cobra scales quickly and easily; got all four in less time than it took for just two when I got my warrior's T5 dps pants a month or so ago.

Shaman's up to 21. Would probably be 22 and have her water totem, but the internet went out for about 5 hours yesterday. Which was frustrating, since that was internet, phone, and cable all together. Played Final Fantasy 12 for a while.

On Saturday also I ended up healing a pug heroic terrace. Much as I hate to say it, given that last time the paladin was in my guild, this one was better. Much better. The use of CC helped. A lot. Vexallus was rough, because it's rough on a paladin healer, and otherwise we were pretty good. Picked up the healing chest (minor upgrade while Holy, downgrade while Ret), and a Vial of the Sunwell. And gained confidence in healing the place, also.

And the guild has a second 70 warlock. Well, one, since the other one never plays Alliance-side anymore. Pops on occasionally to chat, but otherwise plays hordeside.
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Speaking of Nova.....their raid leader just joined us last night as a recruit. Preparing for flames!

I've been getting fanboyed all the time, unfortunately, and this one nub tank...Peanutt....calls me sensei. (But in all honesty, he's perhaps the worsdt tank I've ever seen. Worst geared. Worst everything. I had to explain what uncrittable was to him, but first I had to explain what a critical strike was.


I get asked a lot where I transferred from. I tell them I am QD born and bred and they're like "I've been here since the server started! I know everyone here!"

When I explain I rolled there a few months ago, no one believes me.
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1389854' date='Jun 9 2008, 10.03']If you don't have warlocks (really, what's a warlock?) shadow priests are also excellent in the blue beam. If you're really short on durable people, tanks can switch off red & blue instead of red & green (paladin tanks must not do green). Rogues and warriors for green, regardless. And you can, if necessary, have two people share each blue phase. We normally have to.[/quote]

Our raid was 4 druids (2 feral, 2 resto), 3 hunters, 1 priest, 1 rogue, 1 warlock. We had the two druids tanking and switching up red and green, but with lack of prioir experience, there was uber-confusion with picking up the blue beam. But not to worry, it was first time and we were really just looking at the fight for shits'n'giggles after taking down Prince.

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Gratz Aratan, =)

We took the two Kara Dragons this weekend after a few tries - it was pretty fun.
I think we had the most trouble on picking up the beams after they would switch places.
Third try we managed to pull it off with about 3 of us dead.

Having the two tanks in the red and green beam worked really well.
On a suggestion, just before the phase change I dropped my searing (pew!pew!) totem to plink at Sprite before we all fled to the corners. Keeping the dragon's attention, he would Netherbreath the totem instead of us since it was pulling aggro but not taking damage. Also, when he would pop out of phase, he would go for the totem first, letting the tank snatch aggro back before the healers.

First two NBane wipes were because we stood too close to the action and had nowhere to run when the flamepits opened. Gathering together after he flies off made AOE killing the skellies much easier.

Dropping the two Dragons made it our first full clear of Kara (not including the animal bosses, but who count's them?). I gave up my spot in the next Kara run to let some of the newer guildies go, but I'm secure in the ZA raid for a while.
I'm halfway to my new BP and cussed heartily that my skirt dropped for the H.UB group I wasn't in.
I'm halfway tempted to look at the PVP pants since it's obvious I'm not supposed to get anything else, :tantrum: .
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Grats guys on Prince and RoS. :)

Prince can be such a meh fight if you are extremely unlucky with the infernals. We normally one shot him now, but sometimes it is just impossible to move well enough or quick enough, especially in phase 2.

We had lots of issues on Netherspite at first due to beam confusion. People starting hitting netherspite before being in position in their beams and such.

The best way for us was just everyone for blue ran near blue, and they had a healer nearby. The other healer was very close to Netherspite to do the odd spot of raid topping up. Put one player like a mage or something in the blue beam. Once he is at 20 or near 20 debuffs, have him call out, and no 2 step in behind him while the mage steps out. We practised it outside as well, with "If Mr Shaman is Netherspite and Miss Priest is the portal, how are you going to align yourself to take the beam?" Most people actually got it wrong, and thought the beam came FROM Netherspite. Training helped. :P

A hunter is an excellent backup or reserve on blue since they can run fast with aspect of the cheetah. Only thing to think about is that the person in the blue beam lets people know who is there, and swap out, unless it's an spriest or a lock, they can heal themselves with VE and drain life to almost outheal the damage.

We had some misunderstandings last time by some new people who didn't realise that you get nether exhaustion and can't take the beam again for a certain amount of seconds. With some communication though, and the pally tank briefly taking the blue beam, it was quite easy to overcome. Key is just to have people on the ball. I have taken the blue as a healer when nobody was around. It's np, as long as somebody takes it.

Note for the healers is that the people who used to be in the beam will need a lot of healing the seconds afterwards while they take random shadow damage and still have the healing debuff. Just keep them topped up and it's fine. We lost a couple of people this way on our first tries.
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Our best Netherspite moment ever: our shadow priest decided he would get the killing blow. He didn't.

Instead, his Shadow Word: Death crit him for well over 10,000.

Didn't do much last night; got home late, horribly overheated. Popped my transmute, checked the AH, and logged the shammy. After a lot of dealing with my escort NPC being a huge jerk ("Hey, I'm pathing right by two enemies. I think instead of aggroing them, I'll run right by and aggro two more." "Oh, did you tag that? Too bad." "Want to drink? Hell no."), I finished off the last Bloodmyst questline.

Now to pick up all the Deadmines quests and bug someone to blow the place up for me.
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[quote name='PhelanArcetus' post='1391892' date='Jun 10 2008, 08.08']Our best Netherspite moment ever: our shadow priest decided he would get the killing blow. He didn't.

Instead, his Shadow Word: Death crit him for well over 10,000.

Didn't do much last night; got home late, horribly overheated. Popped my transmute, checked the AH, and logged the shammy. After a lot of dealing with my escort NPC being a huge jerk ("Hey, I'm pathing right by two enemies. I think instead of aggroing them, I'll run right by and aggro two more." "Oh, did you tag that? Too bad." "Want to drink? Hell no."), I finished off the last Bloodmyst questline.

Now to pick up all the Deadmines quests and bug someone to blow the place up for me.[/quote]

Your sham is about 25 right? Aren't you a little old for Deadmines?
Run SFK for the [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6320"]shield[/url] and [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6321"]a[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=3230"]couple[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=1292"]other[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6340"]items[/url], then get someone to drag you through RazorFen Kraul. You won't be able to use much of the gear yet, but there are some really [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6688"]nice[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6690"]goodies[/url] in there.
BlackFathom has a [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6902"]few[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=888"]nice[/url] [url="http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6911"]things[/url], but it's such a pain in the butt to get to for Horde, I never go there. Coming from the Alliance side, you might have an easier time.
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