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Cool Yags, that's another one I've never seen drop.

Do you think they'll ever change the lockout on Kara? A week seems like a long time for a dungeon that doesnt get run very much anymore.

We got Vezax on the third try yesterday, and ended up DEing one of the piece he dropped. Tonight, it's a wipefest on Yogg I'm sure.

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Cool Yags, that's another one I've never seen drop.

Do you think they'll ever change the lockout on Kara? A week seems like a long time for a dungeon that doesnt get run very much anymore.

We got Vezax on the third try yesterday, and ended up DEing one of the piece he dropped. Tonight, it's a wipefest on Yogg I'm sure.

good luck Blue!

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I'm using a lvl 70 idol in my tanking set! HAH. BEAT THAT, LOOT WHORES.

Also using two blue trinkets in the same tanking set.

I think my cat set is totally purple though.

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You guys up for starting our 10-man crew this weekend?

I think if we shoot for noon PST, hopefully a few people will be on. I'm going out at 5 PM, so any later and I probably won't make it... although Mandy said she can't make daytime stuff.

Hopefully we can get 4-5 people, and at least try to PUG some crap. Maybe we can continue on Sunday too...

Let me know if you are in and what time.

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Runecloth and greens to disenchant. I can make between 60 and 100g at the AH on a single run of the undead half of Strat, and I hear that Scholo is even more lucrative, and faster. Besides, I need the runecloth if i'm ever going to raise my Horde reps to exalted.

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Runecloth and greens to disenchant. I can make between 60 and 100g at the AH on a single run of the undead half of Strat, and I hear that Scholo is even more lucrative, and faster. Besides, I need the runecloth if i'm ever going to raise my Horde reps to exalted.

You could always do Argent Tournament dailies and make as much gold, or more, without having to mess with the AH, as well as get rep for your Horde city factions without having to deal with runecloth. Perhaps not as fast, but probably far less boring.

Ever have a WOW moment where you feel like a god of the fucking game? I was in 25 man Ulduar with my Alliance folks tonight and we got to the Assembly of Iron. Since the prot warrior is basically the king of interrupting the iron dwarf's casts on that fight, I was at the back with just him. One pally was OTing the vrykul and another pally was MTing Steelbreaker. We have an uber feral druid who is our emergency backup tank, and he shreds DPS in cat gear until needed. The Steelbreaker tank went down for failing to move out of a rune in time, so the feral went bear and picked that up. Then the Runemaster died, and the vrykul starts running lose and the raid leader's like, "That's a wipe."

In a split second I saw my chance: I was in range to taunt the vrykul before he killed anyone and did so. "Fuck that, I got this!" I shouted on Vent, and proceeded to beautifully weave my cooldowns, dance out of runes and overloads and still interrupt a ton of chain lightnings as I tanked both the vrykul and the iron dwarf while the rest of the raid brought down Steelbreaker. No button press or click was wasted. For those two glorious minutes I was the master of my domain. No one died for the rest of phase 1 and no one died in phase 2 either because lightning whirls were locked down. By phase 3, the iron dwarf was so pissed at me that he never focused on any other raid member for any of his lightning tendrils - he only followed me around. It was an awesome kill.

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Grats on Vezax and on Deathcharger.

We started a whopping hour late in Ulduar last night.

Why? Well, ok, one of our regulars is basically away the whole summer; I believe he does construction work, and he's doing a job that has him out of town constantly. I hope it pays well, because I'm told his wife is going through withdrawl.

Now really, why? Well, after the guild leader and raid leader both said 7:30... and the usual late arrivals were on in time. The guild leader and raid leader signed on late. We had to find one more dps (ended up getting a healer and our shaman swapped to his hunter... only to watch a lot of shaman loot drop and get melted). This precipitated some issues with the non-guild raiding group that many of the guild members run with. This bears detailing, actually, now that I understand it.

First off, the guild leader has been not too happy in the 25-man raid group she's attending. She's a druid healer, who keeps getting put on raid healing, and then it seems that the healers are constantly blamed for every failure on anything. Which may or may not be valid, I don't know. So she was probably going to leave the raid group soon anyway (her work schedule also makes her attendance erratic, which is unavoidable unless she gets a less stupid job). But now we get the new information. The 25-man group has started doing Ulduar-10 as well recently. And the raid leader wants to have his A-team for that. This includes at least two people from my guild. My guild has raided Thursdays since, well, since we started MC. We raided MC on Thursday/Monday. In BC we raided Karazhan and ZA on Thursdays. We've raided on Thursdays with the occasional Sunday all through WotLK. But this raid group leader finds that Thursdays fit best for him to do Ulduar 10. Because of this, it seems that he wants our guild to change our raid nights (and possibly also our raid makeup, depending which character he wants from the players he wants), so that two or more of my guildmates can attend his Ulduar 10.

That's right, he is asserting that his raiding group should take priority over the guild. To the guild members. He wants people who do 25-man raids with him to force their guild to reschedule its own raids to accommodate his new raid. He even wants the guild leader, who is not someone he specifically wants on his 10-man run, to reschedule on his behalf, at no conceivable benefit to her.

So yeah, in her usual fashion, she told him to suck her dick (I have not yet figured out the logistics of that) and put every character of his whose name she could remember on ignore. It remains to see if her boyfriend will remain in the raid, and if he will flip out on the other members of the guild over her. In her place I would have just tried to present logical arguments and then said "this is not going to be resolved, sorry, but I'm not going to raid with you because I find this an irreconcilable difference."

Alright, so we finally get into Ulduar. Wonder of wonders, the tank's ram and the circle cannon thing on the choppers work. FL died much more quickly this time. Probably related to the tank drivers not being stuck at 0 dps? We somehow wiped on Razorscale, which had never happened before. I think the raid leader actually ran into some fire, though. His brother theorizes he had a headache, I theorize he was in a bad mood over something and so decided to not talk to anyone at all. But we did fine otherwise. Ignis went down, and faster now that there's less of his annoying as hell trash. Deconstructor we did have a wipe, which is also a first, but we got him. Kologarn was a joke, and we got Iron Council now. Took about 6 attempts total, including the previous week. The first wipe tonight was kind of... I had been on Steelbreaker last week. But being smart, we switched me to the back since as noted above, a Prot warrior is made entirely out of interrupts & stuns. But nobody thought to tell me about overload. So not having spotted that on a quick skim, I stood there and then said "oh, I guess I needed to run away from that." Took a couple more before the other tank stopped dying, and then we managed to clear it.

Lootwise, lousy; I got a dps chest off of Deconstructor, and saw some mediocre tank shoulders drop. No bracers, no belt. Lost the roll on the mediocre trinket off Ignis, not bothered by that. Raid leader wants to start skipping optional bosses, but I think that while progression is good, we should at least do Razorscale; no trash, quick fight, incredible upgrade for tanking belt. Ignis, skip him, sure, takes a while, nothing I care about.

We also did a quick Vault 10 afterwards. No problems at all with that. Well, aside from the worthless PvP loot.

And foolishly, after I did some dailies on my DK, I decided that since we'd won WG, I could try to tank Emalon 25. It went pretty much the same as the night before. The other tank was badly geared (seriously people, blues and four crafted epics do not make Emalon 25 gear). We had a total of five attempts. Like the previous night's three... four of these attempts lasted under a minute. One of them we got to about 35% but the Emalon tank died and everything obviously collapsed. I need to just start leaving as soon as the group does poorly instead of wasting an hour and a half (that I should have spent sleeping) standing around as slots are filled or refilled.

There is a lot Emalon could potentially get me, but I cannot seem to find a group for 25 man this week that is even remotely competent.

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There is a lot Emalon could potentially get me, but I cannot seem to find a group for 25 man this week that is even remotely competent.

I was in 3 different Emalon groups last night..2 10s and a 25. Zero adds dropped. ZERO ADDS DROPPED. Only once did a raid even make it to the point where an add blew up. People stacking in 25 and getting chain lightning in the face, in the 10 I was the only melee dps that ran (after a warning and yelling as I was running) from the nova, and generally retardation from healers and both tanks (or just the other one when I was tanking.

The one time I tanked on 10, I was on the adds..threw my shield at one on the right, exorcism on the other, dropped consecration by the other two...but the other tank had already dropped DnD by Emalon and the two I was going to drop consecration on and drew the boss and two adds and got dropped in a matter of seconds. I mean come on people, TAUNT ffs. I was also in another group with a tank from a guild notorious for being tard 12 year olds (stonehands of the horde) and the other tank was explaining that I should "tuant emalon" then he'd "tuant emalon off of me". ...I hearthed.

Emalon is so easy. It just takes one idiot to wipe a group though. Not like in 25man OS where you can get by with a DK dpsing 850 (like a group I was in did on Tuesday).

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I havent even tried any Vault pugs lately, as they all seem to want to do Emalon, and none of them are capable of doing him. I mean I'm capable of doing him on my DK, but my DPS is borderline for him. and Usually I'm top 2-3 in the pugs I've done, which means we arent gonna get Emalon down. Half the time we cant even get the trash down leading to him. Ehh maybe I'll give it a try this weekend. I really need a chest piece. I'm using the Walrus guys rep piece.

I did get exalted with Hodor on the DK so I'm done with those quests again.

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Funny, I've never had a bad vault pug since 3.1. I've had a couple that wiped once on Emalon but then smoked him the second try.

We got to P2 on Yogg 3 times last night. The raid leaders considered this success. I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing in P2 though.

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Yeah I'm not even taking my DK to Vault. If Emalon didn't exist, I'd be pugging Vault with her for tier gear, because she's ok for Archavon. But with Emalon around? Not a chance. I'll take a stab at Sarth 10 this weekend though, she should be ok for him.

Most of the problems I've been seeing are that whichever tank is not me is just worthless. Last night, he charges. He dies before a heal can land on him. He insists that you need to charge. Being a warrior who knows what I'm doing, I vocally disagree with him. Bloodrage, walk into the middle, thunderclap, and the Emalon tank hits taunt. That is how it is done, in my mind. But I find tanks who lack the health, and because of all their blues, have lousy hit/expertise/strength and thus do not generate adequate threat. So even if the tank doesn't get gibbed, Emalon or adds start running all over.

So once, I repeat once, in 8 attempts over two nights, did we drop an add. It was also the only time we got an overloaded add when the fight wasn't already a wipe due to tank failure.

I've arranged with a friend that we're going to try and tank it together. That'll at least avoid there being a bad tank in the grouping.

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Besides, I need the runecloth if i'm ever going to raise my Horde reps to exalted.
Do argent rep instead. Better rewards (the champ seal stuff is pretty decent for many specs), more money, and much faster rep. Or, ya know, grind Scholo if you want. To each their own.

I managed to get Silena in on an Emalon pug that was mostly DG, and it went well. Topped healing meters against their main healers too...which may speak more to their healers than my leet skillz. :P Emalon drops more good loot for Felhoof than any other 5 bosses combined thanks to how good those stupid pvp gears are for tanking. Sigh.

Grats on things going okay in Ulduar, Phelan. Sorry about your luck with Emalon though.

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We just recruited a jumping bean. He's driving me nuts.

One thing I miss from EU is Chick with an accent.

"Does anyone need a cookie" never sounds as sexy when its cold saying it. :P

Steve.. you just recruited a jumping bean? what about me.. the only time im not jumping is if im afk. Also tehre is the wall humping, but we wont talk about that.

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Funny, I've never had a bad vault pug since 3.1. I've had a couple that wiped once on Emalon but then smoked him the second try.

We got to P2 on Yogg 3 times last night. The raid leaders considered this success. I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing in P2 though.

I dont know how many healers you run with but i remember us dropping about 2 healers and everything going much more smoothly.

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Guest thebadlady

I called blizzard and got somewhat unhacked - they are sending me the new password now. den i will have to open a ticket to get my stuffs and golds back. i haven't even checked amarais on the armoury because i don't want to know how bad it is. :( :(:(

edit: oh god, i looked. she is buck nakked.

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