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Honestly, I would KILL for a Rogue or Hunter that chain pulled for me.

The only reason I don't do it faster on my tank then I do now is because of the cooldown on DnD. If someone can grab group aggro for me, I'd be pulling at least twice as fast as I do now.

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Yeah - how dare those bastards go out with their significant others and celebrate valentine's day. There's things that need killing! The Lich King removed his heart for this very reason.


You know how we run things. We ask people to let us know if they wont be there. 2 people let us know. Besides WoW players all live in their mom's basement they dont have people to go out with on V-Day.


Besides what could be a better way to spend a special occasion such as V-Day or your first annivesary than killing Kael'thas?

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Honestly, I would KILL for a Rogue or Hunter that chain pulled for me.

The only reason I don't do it faster on my tank then I do now is because of the cooldown on DnD. If someone can grab group aggro for me, I'd be pulling at least twice as fast as I do now.

Which is why the MD pull has become such a high demand thing in Random group: people are doing them for emblems, they don't want it to take time.

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Besides what could be a better way to spend a special occasion such as V-Day or your first annivesary than killing Kael'thas?
Heh. To be fair that was all Carrie's idea. I was planning on a quiet day together.
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You know how we run things. We ask people to let us know if they wont be there. 2 people let us know. Besides WoW players all live in their mom's basement they dont have people to go out with on V-Day.


Besides what could be a better way to spend a special occasion such as V-Day or your first annivesary than killing Kael'thas?

It's all about dedication...K & I left Boskone to get back in time.

Yeah, dropping 24 or 36% before even getting to a portal made Yogg less than fun with no hope of getting any back.

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On yogg1, you just have to be ridiculously careful. Run backwards, pick an add you're going to DPS towards, and be totally vigilant in your sanity. If you're too low, simply don't go in. And in P3, if you're 10 and below sanity simply stay on the adds. It's a skill, but sanity is absolutely a learned skill. Once we started focusing on getting sanity better (and posted a video of someone who could do it) it became a non issue.

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Besides WoW players all live in their mom's basement they dont have people to go out with on V-Day.


Who says you can't have a nice V-day with your mom? XD The social equivalent of bringing your mom to prom.

Finally got my angry flying plum, which means I can ignore holidays from now on! I play my main so infrequently I don't know if it even matters. I should just park him in Icecrown and be done with it.

I spent my free time this weekend riding around Azeroth and pounding my head against the wall, the most exciting thing was taking on a pally in the middle of Ironforge while his guildmates watched. I killed him and then accepted a dungeon queue :-). Thankfully when I zoned out of the dungeon no one was around and I safely stealthed out after sapping a bank alt in the AH.

I love being a rogue :-)

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Yikes a lot to catch up on.

Gearscore, yeah, it lets you measure quickly the gear since how can you measure skill quickly, so on. Doesn't get a lot of play on my server; every so often there's a guy trolling trade with huge gearscore requirements for heroics, and occasionally semi-reasonable (I think) numbers are thrown around for pugs. Mostly they just say "we'll be checking gear". Wanting high gearscore might just be to compensate for idiocy; see ICC pugging below.

Randoms were "fun" this weekend. Actually, Friday wasn't too bad, except for the startup. I went to do my paladin first, got OK, instance in progress. They hadn't gotten to a boss, so either the healer ditched on "you idiots!" or he had to go. I'm running up, not in range yet, not in line of sight yet, haven't buffed yet, and the tank pulls. Results in a full wipe, so I just got the hell out. Not dealing with that sort of thing. Nexus is extremely popular for me, apparently, when I'm tanking. I tanked it 4 times in 2 days. Stop giving me Nexus, I'm sick of it!

Otherwise, I was, quite frankly, too nice to people. I was healing a pretty pathetic Halls of Stone on Saturday, the tank wouldn't skip the optional bosses, the Arms warrior actually needed on both blue weapon drops (not that they helped his pathetic damage), and the hunter started shooting me when I got MC'd en-route to Krystallus. This makes me want to let him die, but then I look at his damage and yeah, he's doing over 50%. That's how pathetic the warrior and... mage? were. (I've reached 40% or so of the damage on my paladin.) Had a heroic HoL I tanked on my DK where I was top damage, though at least the mage had me on dps... and I didn't even vote to kick the DK doing under 1k damage. He was blood, I'm not even sure how a blood DK can go below 1k at 80, but I didn't take the time to check.

Since the weekly had been ICC, and I only have one regular ICC group, I spent time pugging it. Friday I had a possible slot replacing my girlfriend, but since the raid leader didn't see fit to say anything to me, I just stood around for an hour, then found a pug where I stood around for another hour, then started doing top dps. On trash and on Marrowgar. But we're having issues, so I swap to help heal. Suddenly I'm top healing, and we're still wiping. (Might be related to how one of 3 healers is doing close on 50%?) I get out of there after far too long and go to bed. No time on Saturday, so I try again on Sunday. One group can't do it, I ditch them and almost instantly find another. That takes a couple tries but gets him, thank goodness, and starts in on Deathwhisper. The idiots couldn't even kill the first three adds. Now I know that having the in-raid weekly be Deprogramming (we weren't even trying it) didn't help, nor did the caster-heavy makeup on adherents, but that just means kill the adherents before they can get empowered or reanimated, right? No, let's ignore them and hope the rogue kills them alone, then wipe when the healers can't keep up with 2 empowered adherents AoE shadowbolting everything.

So I got the hell out, despite the raid leader complaining about people who join for the weekly raid boss, then quit, and how he can't get new bodies. I also was running out of time.

Yesterday I just powered through randoms and Tournament dailies, trying to replenish money. Tomorrow we'll be in ICC10 again, not sure whether we'll focus on Putricide or Dreamwalker. I'm wondering how much not having a holy paladin hurts us on that fight. Warrior's 70-odd emblems from a chest upgrade, paladin's about the same from new shoulders & belt, and DK's 40 or so from buying enough primordial saronite to hook the pally up with new boots. After which I think she'll be saving to get the warrior some boots.

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I just assume any pug is going to be full of bads, and if its good I'm pleasantly suprised. Saves me a lot of anguish that way. Not that I wont bitch in guild about the rogues doing under 1k dps. :P

Unfortuneatly it always seems like I get the worst groups on HoR. Luckily I got the dps ring for my dk out of there Sunday,so I dont need to queue for that specifically anymore. Now I just need the Needle encrusted scorpion. Lost the roll on that to a bad hunter. I think thats the last 5 man item I need for anyones main spec.

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I just assume any pug is going to be full of bads, and if its good I'm pleasantly suprised. Saves me a lot of anguish that way. Not that I wont bitch in guild about the rogues doing under 1k dps. :P

Unfortuneatly it always seems like I get the worst groups on HoR. Luckily I got the dps ring for my dk out of there Sunday,so I dont need to queue for that specifically anymore. Now I just need the Needle encrusted scorpion. Lost the roll on that to a bad hunter. I think thats the last 5 man item I need for anyones main spec.

Good luck with that, I don't think I've ever met a person who didn't want the needle, including people who shouldn't. I've seen mutilate rogues and survival hunter sporting it for no reason other then to have a trinket. Pretty sure I lost it to a shaman once too when I was working on my combat spec.

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My last full weekend of WoW for the month (moving apartments is looming), and it was fairly productive. Completed Love Fool on two alts, but RNG still hates my pally, who is still waiting for a little black dress. Got my JC toon up to the point where she is high enough level to do the JC dailies without getting splatted by the mobs, and got her JC to the point where she can churn out Icy Prisms for jewels.

On the regular cross-guild pug we run every week, everyone seems to have finally figured out how to do what they are supposed to do. So we one-shotted everything through to Festergut, it being the first time we had been to Gunship and Saurfang on 25-man. Actually, not true, we had to take a few shots at Saurfang to get him down. Got thr nice shield from Marrowgar for my elem/resto shammy.

Subbed into a ICC 10-man on Sunday night and tanked Saurfang for the first time on my main, nice and simple. We should have gone further, but then folk all suddenly had RL stuff crop up and have to leave.

Now thoughts turn to Lunar Festival and lots of running/flying around to find people standing in the middle of futt-buck nowhere. The elders in old world dungeon mean confronting the horrors of finding my way through such delights as Maraudon and ST all over again.

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Why am I doing all the Lunar Festival elder visits on a SECOND character? I must be a masochist. I did all the holiday stuff last year on my mage, only I've since switched mains to my paladin and I really want the violet proto-drake on the pally too. So around the world I go. All I've got left at this point are the seven Northrend dungeon elders. That's not so bad.

I was gone over the weekend, and I come back to some statue in the center of Dalaran: click and it launches a video. I assumed this must be the LK kill video, which I did NOT want to see until I get there for myself so I immediately hit escape. I find it weird that Blizzard put in such a big spoiler thing that most players may want to experience for themselves into a place where you could stumble onto it and watch significant chunks of it before realizing what you were seeing. I mean, one LK kill on the server (not even clear if it was 10 or 25) and suddenly everyone gets to share in the victory march? I dunno.

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I swear most people don't even look at the stats on that thing. They just think "OMG, MUST HAVE TRINKET!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!".

I've seen PALADINS roll on it. Yeesh.

yeah, I think it's become a status symbol for some - "See, I can screw over people too!" Almost need to create a macro for my pally when i get in there "no, I will not need on it, but it's worth 8 gold so I can sell it from greed!!" Had multiple tanks drop when on my DK saying they didn't need to get it ninja'd by some DPS...really? Isn't the point to get gear if you need it? And how is it a tanking trinket again?

Sindragosa was fun - very weird lag spikes made it even more interesting. Didn't realize the Icy Pull or whatever it is could miss or be resisted, a few times I didn't get yanked in.

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Why am I doing all the Lunar Festival elder visits on a SECOND character? I must be a masochist. I did all the holiday stuff last year on my mage, only I've since switched mains to my paladin and I really want the violet proto-drake on the pally too. So around the world I go. All I've got left at this point are the seven Northrend dungeon elders. That's not so bad.

I was gone over the weekend, and I come back to some statue in the center of Dalaran: click and it launches a video. I assumed this must be the LK kill video, which I did NOT want to see until I get there for myself so I immediately hit escape. I find it weird that Blizzard put in such a big spoiler thing that most players may want to experience for themselves into a place where you could stumble onto it and watch significant chunks of it before realizing what you were seeing. I mean, one LK kill on the server (not even clear if it was 10 or 25) and suddenly everyone gets to share in the victory march? I dunno.

I'm considering Lunar Fest on a second toon as well, only because "Elder" would fit my shaman well, and I'm kind of pissed that there are no Troll Elders (Trolls after all are Azeroths oldest Denizens, vodoo or no, they deserve some spotlight action) so this would remedy it for me. However after my last embarassing brain-fart in Black Rock Mountain (completely forgot how to get to Spire) I'm almost afraid to do it again.

And yeah Shryke, I'm pretty sure most people just roll on trinkets for the sake of filling a spot. I think (armor pen) trinkets are the single most misunderstood gear pieces in the game. Not surprising, as ArPen is the single most misunderstood stat.

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Sindragosa was fun - very weird lag spikes made it even more interesting. Didn't realize the Icy Pull or whatever it is could miss or be resisted, a few times I didn't get yanked in.
It can miss, but more interesting is that it can be LoSed by the ice blocks.
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It can miss, but more interesting is that it can be LoSed by the ice blocks.

I fucked up on it once because I resisted it. I was running back in probably from clearing a debuff, and didnt notice that everyone else had gotten sucked in at first. By the time I turned around it was to late, and I didn't make it. Its really a fun fight, and by and large aside from all the dc's it went pretty well, faily steady imnprovement all night long. and at the end the new resto druid wasnt dying every time to failing to run out. But damn man i think it was like 5-6 tries in a row he died to that. It was almost so ridiculous I wasnt even mad about it anymore.

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I swear most people don't even look at the stats on that thing. They just think "OMG, MUST HAVE TRINKET!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!!".

I've seen PALADINS roll on it. Yeesh.

I did that once. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be an upgrade, but I wanted it in case (Rawr confirmed it wasn't, though not by much; both my trinkets are level 200 right now, and I'm a few pieces away from getting the haste trinket), but the main reason was to dick over some rogue. I can't recall why I wanted to dick him over specifically, but in my opinion at the time, he deserved it.

I think Blizzard is getting rid of Armor Pen not just because of how misunderstood it is, but because it's a complication. Most specs do well with it. Basically all but one plate dps spec at least likes it, if doesn't consider it #1 or #2, but the Ret paladin considers it the weakest real dps stat (discounting Int and Spellpower). When my warrior was Arms it was king, now that he's Fury I gather it's probably #2. My DK it's #2 unless I've reached enough strength for it to be #1...

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