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Who are the 10 best swordsmen in the series?


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Stannis is big, tall, strong etc etc but being a commander he doesn't seem to have gotten much into combat. He has fought before, we know that, but it doesn't really matter getting an idea of how good he is.

Big,tall, strong, etc etc.......Ducan will dunk the unworthy king.

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Pay attention to the skill, not the order the names are in. Feel free to send me suggestions to the list.

10: Far above average

9: Above average

8: Slightly above average

7: Average

6: Slightly below average

5: Below average

4: Far below average

Skill: 10

Aemon Targaryen

Arthur Dayne

Barristan Selmy

Daemon Blackfyre

Gregor Clegane

Jaime Lannister

Sandor Clegane

Skill: 9

Aegor Rivers

Areo Hotah

Garlan Tyrell

Gerold Dayne

Gerold Hightower

”Great” Jon Umber

Khal Drogo

Lyn Corbray

Mance Rayder

Oberyn Martell

Oswell Whent

Qhorin Halfhand

Rhaegar Targaryen

Robert Baratheon

”Small” Jon Umber

Strong Belwas

Syrio Forel

Yohn Royce

Skill: 8

Beric Dondarrion

Brandon Stark

Brienne Tarth

Bronn Stokeworth

Brynden Tully

Dagmer Cleftjaw

Jaremy Rykker

Loras Tyrell

Thoros of Myr

Victarion Greyjoy


Skill: 7

Benjen Stark

Brynden Rivers

Eddard Stark

Iron Emmett

Jon Snow

Jory Cassel

Vardis Egen

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Pay attention to the skill not the order. I didn't bother putting any below average characters on the list because most of them are never seen fighting. Also, you can comment it. There are names missing (As you can clearly see from skill level 7 "Average" there's only 6 people there, when half of Westeros knights should be there).

10 Far above average

9 Above average

8 Slightly above average

7 Average

6 Slightly below average

5 Below average

4 Far below average

Name: Skill:

Aemon Targaryen 10

Arthur Dayne 10

Barristan Selmy 10

Daemon Blackfyre 10

Jaime Lannister 10

Sandor Clegane 10

Aegor Rivers 9

Areo Hotah 9

Garlan Tyrell 9

Gerold Dayne 9

Gerold Hightower 9

”Great” Jon Umber 9

John Royce 9

Khal Drogo 9

Lyn Corbray 9

Mance Rayder 9

Oberyn Martell 9

Oswell Whent 9

Qhorin Halfhand 9

Rhaegar Targaryen 9

Robert Baratheon 9

”Small” Jon Umber 9

Strong Belwas 9

Syrio Forel 9

Beric Dondarrion 8

Brandon Stark 8

Brienne Tarth 8

Bronn Stokeworth 8

Brynden Rivers 8

Brynden Tully 8

Jaremy Rykker 8

Yoren 8

Benjen Stark 7

Eddard Stark 7

Iron Emmett 7

Jon Snow 7

Jory Cassel 7

Vardis Egen 7

Well, logic would dicate that on a scale of 0-10, 5 should be average.

One other thing that always gets me - I don't understand where Areo Hotah gets this massive reputation from. He is never mentioned as being better than this or that fighter, he is never mentioned as being one of the most dangerous men in Westeros.

He is clearly good, but top 10 material - there is no evidence for that.

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Well, logic would dicate that on a scale of 0-10, 5 should be average.

One other thing that always gets me - I don't understand where Areo Hotah gets this massive reputation from. He is never mentioned as being better than this or that fighter, he is never mentioned as being one of the most dangerous men in Westeros.

He is clearly good, but top 10 material - there is no evidence for that.

It's not rocket science...The man gets his own POV halfway through the series. He has no great revelations except how the "foes" fight.

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For the record Stannis is not even mentioned for his sword skill. Brienne would put him over her knee.

I didn't mean that he is a skillful worrier.

you said " when he admits he was a coward for killing his brother "

and I responded : "keep dreaming"

Renly was a traitor and a usurper and was going to kill Stannis , so he deserved to die , that was justice .

btw , Stannis didn't kill Renly , Mel killed him . Stannis doesn't even know how he died.

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Well, logic would dicate that on a scale of 0-10, 5 should be average.

One other thing that always gets me - I don't understand where Areo Hotah gets this massive reputation from. He is never mentioned as being better than this or that fighter, he is never mentioned as being one of the most dangerous men in Westeros.

He is clearly good, but top 10 material - there is no evidence for that.

It's a scale from 4 to 10

I don't really know but I feel like he's pretty good. Also notice, he's not in my top 10. Hes on "Skill level 9" so he's equal to or nearly so to everyone else on the same level (Meaning that he's somewhere between 7 and 24 in the best 24 fighters) Also, there are probably people I've forgotten to put on the list, and people who have never been mentioned, which might change the top of the list

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Shouldn't Syrio and Gerold Dayne be "far above average"=10?

It was pretty clear the "dancing master scene" was meant to amaze us all. You can't write more amazing than that, IMHO.

And Darkstar... "most dangerous man in Dorne'...also meant to alert readers he's a major BA.

Not sure about Areo Hotah not making it ot 10, either. I feel GRRM giving him POV chapters mean he's not your average (or above average) fighter. He's supposed to strike fear! I alwalys think of the huge bodyguard that watched over the teen princess in the original Conan movie (with Arnold). And that guy scares me lol

Here's the scary bodyguard i see as Areo Hotah looklike:

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i think that in ADWD, Jon is a better (maybe just 'slighty better') swordsman than Ned :) he seems quite talented. i'm sure a 25 years Jon Snow is a waaaaaay better than Ned at his best.

I agree. At this point however I don't think Jon is good enough to be on level 8.

Shouldn't Syrio and Gerold Dayne be "far above average"=10?

It was pretty clear the "dancing master scene" was meant to amaze us all. You can't write more amazing than that, IMHO.

And Darkstar... "most dangerous man in Dorne'...also meant to alert readers he's a major BA.

Not sure about Areo Hotah not making it ot 10, either. I feel GRRM giving him POV chapters mean he's not your average (or above average) fighter. He's supposed to strike fear! I alwalys think of the huge bodyguard that watched over the teen princess in the original Conan movie (with Arnold). And that guy scares me lol

Here's the scary bodyguard i see as Areo Hotah looklike:

Syrio would be but he doesn't wear any armor, so he's a "one hit kill" person. (Minimal WOW hint of what happens) Darkstar wouldn't be where he is if I hadn't read the new TWOW chapter.

Syrio Forel took out a score of Lannister guardsman with a wooden stick without even breaking a sweat. He made it look like a dance, not a duel. The First Sword of Braavos simply has to be in contention as the best swordsman in the series.

Syrio would be but he doesn't wear any armor, so he's a "one hit kill" person.

Syrio is best technique wise. In a one on one battle against Jaime, or Sandor he may be outmatched however


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1) Two-handed Jaime

2) Khal Drogo, may he roam the Night Lands forever

3) Sandor Clegaine, buzzed

4) Garlan Tyrell, especially in Renley's armor

5) Loras Tyrell

6) Bronn of the Blackwater

7) Qhorin Halfhand

8) Gregor Clegane

9) Thoros of Myr, winner of countless melees and the beast of the Pyke storming

10) Barriston Selmy, he is quite old

Honorable Mentions: Darkstar (havent seen him fight), Lyn Corbray (the greatest fighter in the Vale even better than Bronze Yohn), Areo Hotah and his sexy wife, the Greatjohn (even a badass when piss faced drunk), and Qarl the Maid (the greatest fighter in the Iron Islands), and Strong Belwas and his sexy body, the soon to be dead by long axe Balonn Swann, and Mandyn Moore against anyone other than Pod.

Why Victarion Grayjoy should not be on this list.... See Qarl the Maid....

Why Ser Jorah Mohrmont should not be on this list.... He barely survives a Dothraki Ko and wins by luck

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Well, logic would dicate that on a scale of 0-10, 5 should be average.

One other thing that always gets me - I don't understand where Areo Hotah gets this massive reputation from. He is never mentioned as being better than this or that fighter, he is never mentioned as being one of the most dangerous men in Westeros.

He is clearly good, but top 10 material - there is no evidence for that.

Hotah gets his rep from his POV where he knows he can easily beat the KG members and from Arianne's sample POV where she even remarks on how skilled Hotah is. That guys list sucked though. Berrick an 8..... Thoros should be the 8.

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Syrio is best technique wise. In a one on one battle against Jaime, or Sandor he may be outmatched however

Agree. Also Syrio I think is trained with a lighter sword that wouldn`t do much damage against an armored Sandor Clegane for example. But Syrio I think has the best pure technique

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Hotah gets his rep from his POV where he knows he can easily beat the KG members and from Arianne's sample POV where she even remarks on how skilled Hotah is. That guys list sucked though. Berrick an 8..... Thoros should be the 8.

What should I change? I've spent a lot of time thinking on were people should go on the list, and I've also tried searching the internet for other people's opinions on some people, and wiki on people I can't remember too well (Daemon Blackfyre for example) I've tried making it as accurate as possible. I agree Thoros would be an 8 I just haven't included him in the list.

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I don't agree with putting certain characters in the top 10 and heres why.

Jon Snow: Lost to Mance

Brienne :"beat" Jaime when he was tired and malnurished. Later lost to biter.

Sandor: weakness to fire

Gregor: no actual skill, just phenomenal strength, Gerold Hightower was extremely strong, he was called "the white Bull" but he didn't rely on his strength alone, he was also exceptionally skilled.

Despite these reasons, these 4 characters have made it onto many of the lists posted in this thread. Meanwhile truly skilled warriors like Yohn Royce aka "Bronze Yohn" has only been listed once or twice. Cmon guys you can do better. :P

I wouldn't say Brienne lost to Biter in a swordfight. He surprised her from behind (or the side) when she was distracted. Saying she lost to him is like saying Biter lost to Gendry in a fight.

Honestly I think fans place too much emphasis on fighting ability. So far in the books it's pretty clear that while skill is important, equipment, luck and circumstance are also important. People on this thread constantly credit Sandor for beating Dondarrion when hungover and while terrified of fire, but if Beric's sword hadn't broken the Hound probably wouldn't have won. People also give Areo Hotah lots of props for beating Arys Oakheart but Oakheart was already hit by arrows and his horse had just collapsed under him when Areo took off his head. Even Victarion almost lost in his fight against Ser Serry, and it wasn't skill but sheer strength which allowed him to win. If Serry had been wielding Valyrian Steel it's possible that Victarion would not have been able to grab the blade and the fight might've gone down differently.

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What should I change? I've spent a lot of time thinking on were people should go on the list, and I've also tried searching the internet for other people's opinions on some people, and wiki on people I can't remember too well (Daemon Blackfyre for example) I've tried making it as accurate as possible. I agree Thoros would be an 8 I just haven't included him in the list.

For one, you don't even have Gregor on the list. Gregor killed Dondarrian the first time like he was nothing. Berric shows no real prowess at fighting other than dueling a very hungover Sandor while having undead powers. You left off all knights of the vale other than Bronze Yon, who is no longer even the greatest fighter of that territory. No Iron Islanders. Jory and Jon are very overrated. Brynden Rivers was an archer who was mediocre at best at swordplay. Daemon Blackfyre was more of a guess b/c they never really state his skills. Yoren, Jon, and Jory should not even be on the list. You also somehow forgot Loras Tyrell who should be a 9 or 8 at the least. Gerold Dayne is supposed to be a better fighter that Oberyn but you have Oberyn way up top with no mention of Daemon Sand either. I think you just tried to do too much without looking back over the list.

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