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[No Spoilers] Official Episode 4 Character Rankings

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Hey kids,

First time posting. I am a complete newb to the series. I saw the Ads on HBO and just had to give it a try. After the first episode I ran out and bought GoT. I just completely fell in love. So, Seeing as I'm sure many of you are well seasoned ASoIaF fans I thought a newcomers perspective might be enjoyable to some of you.


I have to thank my inner primal beast for this one. I was completely floored by the scene in the

mess hall. When he said "Eating the horses was easy." I knew what was coming and I got chills.


She is just incredible, growing stronger and more confident with each episode.


I have a feeling that myself being of the female persuasion is causing me to be much more

sympathetic towards Jon/Kit than some of my male counterparts. I find his performance to be

splendid. Not the best of the show, but easily one of my favorites.

And last... I'd like to comment on Samwell. I have just reached his part in the book. And I found his

story to not only be heartbreaking but almost... up lifting. At least in my twisted mind it's

uplifting. He got away and can make himself anew. I think as I continue my trek into to

he world I may find myself becoming quite fond of Sam.

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I love the way Sansa is played. I have the distinct feeling those who do not think Sansa is spot on have never dealt with a dramatic, "I'll die if I don't have that," or "I hate you," 13 year old girl.

The character is drawn to make us cringe at her 13-year-old naivete and that is exactly what is happening.

Yep, agree totally with this.

Yes, Sansa is irritating and cringe-worthy. That's kind of the point, and I think Sophie Turner is doing a really good job of portraying her. Looking forward to seeing how she portrays character development

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I love the way Sansa is played.

So do I. She's definitely one of my favorites in the show and I think her skills match those of Maisie Williams, only Sophie's role is harder to like.

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Hi, Delta Swan.

Next best thing to reading GoT for the first time is reading the thoughts of someone else who is reading it for the first time.


Thanks lynxx.

Thrilled, does not even begin to describe how I feel about finding this series. Being a fantasy fan, I cannot believe I've gone this long without knowing about it! I suppose it's all for the best considering the wait in between books. I don't envy you 96'ers that. I'm sure I'll be back on Sunday with more newb opinions. :)

I would also like to comment on Sansa. Teenager. Teenager. Teenager.

Robb is almost an adult (I am speaking on the HBO ages not the books) Sitting as lord of Winterfell. Arya, Bran, and Rickton are still squirrly children exploring and enjoying life (Poor Bran not so much these days) But Sansa, she is 13. There is nothing a 13 year old like to do better than be irritated at parents and talk about boys. I find her preformace to be stiff, annoying, and brooding. But that's EXACTLY how I feel someone in Sansa's position would be acting.

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welcome DeltaSwan. I love your Av!

I'd echo lynxx..Except, I'd add that

I'm a little envious. Ah to read them the first time. I'm up to 6. And they are still awesome. but the first read. that experience you'll never have again. I'm glad to see you are enjoying it.

Peter Dinklage is just a total winner playing Tyrion. I love him as much as in the book. He's seriously hitting all the right notes for me.

King Robbert..Mark Addy..Just perfect character portrayal. I'm totally getting that - Once was a great man..Now just can't find it in himself to care - vibe from him.

though he didn't have a lot of screen time this episode. When you saw him, He is King Robert.

Ghost - when ghost appeared on screen, I actually let out a fangirly squeal. a sound I never knew I was even capable of.

Sophie Turner is fantastic as Sansa. though she is playing her as the broody pouty teen I know and don't really like. watching the show. I'm feeling more empathy for her. Her dad was suppose to stand up for her and protect and provide her wants, needs and interests. Sansa is a romantic. and I never considered she may hold a romanticised ideal of her father. Obviously she feels deeply hurt and betrayed because her father took the life of the thing she loved and saw herself in, Lady.

Maisie as Arya is just win. just like Kit is Jon.

The only one I'm jarred by when watching these last episodes is Lena Headey. don't get me wrong. she is a talented and beautiful actress. but I'm finding it hard to reconcile her with Cersei. Or at least the mental image had of her. I'm sure that will change in the up coming episodes.

Just overall I'm really loving the show.

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Having watched it properly now, I have to say I'm impressed with pretty much all of the character portrayals. I particularly loved Jaime and Jory's exchange (Jaime would have refused to take the letter - he hates games and politics, he hates the idea that Ned can give him orders and he was angry because his reminiscence of fighting, which makes him feel alive, was interrupted by a reminder that Robert is disrespecting Cersei by making Jaime guard an orgy).

I also think Sophie Turner as Sansa is one of my favourite portrayals in the show - of course she looks like a whiny teenager, that's exactly what she's meant to be!

In this episode, I had no problem with anybody's acting at all.

Gregor looks terrific, in both meanings of the word and I can't wait for next episode. Now a lot of the character basics and backstories have been set we can get some more nuances and action.

Special mention also goes to Allister Thorne who I thought was exceptionally well played.

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