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Curious - battle of the Green Fork in book 1


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I was reading around about various wars when I noticed the number in this page


It says at the Battle of the Green Fork that Roose Bolton was leading 16,000 men. I'm very curious since Robb only had 12,000 men and had to divided his army into 2. Where were the extra men from? Were they Frey's? Roose Bolton's own men? They were not part of Robb's?

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Robb had 18-20,000 men at this point.The Green Fork thing was a feint to divert Tywin's attention ,whilst Robb's host engaged Jaime's at the Whispering Wood.

2,000 man to Green Fork,the rest to Whispering Wood.

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So the number in the wiki page was incorrect?

12,000 at Moat Cailin + 4,000 Freys, the figures are rough, but only 2,000ish of that would be cavalry and that leaves Bolton with near enough to 16,000 men.

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So the number in the wiki page was incorrect?

Not really.Roose planned to attack Tywin with 16,000 men,But Robb changed those plans.

16,000 to Jaime's host,2,000 to Tywin's.

But if the wiki says Robb had 16,000 total then yep,it's wrong.

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"....but Walder Frey,Lord of the Crossing,had assembled a force of near four thousand men at his castles on the Green Fork"Blackfish report

"We have five times his numbers.You can take the Twins if you need to, Robb".Theon.

Both quoted from AGOT-Catelyn chapter.

The pact Catelyn secured with Walder,added at least 3,000 men to Robb's host

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I'm not sure what your point is. Robb makes the deal with the Freys, then splits his forces. The majority of the northern army is with Roose Bolton and fights at the Green Fork. Robb takes his cavalry and defeats Jaime and reaches Riverrun.

16,000 to Jaime's host,2,000 to Tywin's.

Is not correct. In the show, yes, there's 2,000 northemen at the Green Fork but not in the books.

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I'm not sure what your point is. Robb makes the deal with the Freys, then splits his forces. The majority of the northern army is with Roose Bolton and fights at the Green Fork. Robb takes his cavalry and defeats Jaime and reaches Riverrun

Is not correct. In the show, yes, there's 2,000 northemen at the Green Fork but not in the books.

So where does the figure of 16,000 for Roose Bolton at Green Fork come from?

ETA.Got it now-Robb commanded the "larger" part of his forces to confront Tywin under Roose Bolton's control.

Back to the OP.Robb had around 20,000 at least after the Frey pact.

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Wow you guys really need to learn the difference between the book and the show.

In the book, Robb sends roughly 14k-15k men with Roose to divert Tywin, well he himself goes west with about 5k men (a lot of cavelry) to take out Jaime.

In the show, Robb sends 2000 men on their own to die (not even sure how this works) and supposedely takes the other 16-18k with him west.

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Like King in the South said, the numbers for Bolton are that high because he has all of Robb's foot + some cavalry in the books. Robb takes the majority of his cavalry and rides for Riverrun.

The show has Robb send 2,000 men to die (which I didn't like, personally) and the majority of his army marches for Riverrun. This is not what happens in the books - in the books the Battle of the Green Fork is very different; Roose Bolton tries to surprise Tywin with an attack and retreats after a bloody battle in which he is defeated, but not particularly badly.

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Robb marched with 12k men from winterfell, which was not he whole strength of the north but only what he managed to raise in such a short notice(the North is huge and not very developed), presumably more men joined on the way as he marched through stark lands and picked few garrisons along the way. He split his troops way before getting to the twins sending all his foot to the trident with bolton. at the Twins he gains 4k freys and more men along the way after he crossed from the defeated riverrun host and seagard.

As for the 16k number, the specific entry for the battle states 12k, so it should be revised, if you guys can provide some facts from the books we can update both. after all the wiki is made by people like you and me.

Edited, corrected info.

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He split his troops way before getting to the twins sending all his foot to the trident with bolton. at the Twins he gains 4k freys and more men along the way from the defeated riverrun host and seagard.

This is mostly a nitpicky question, but doesn't he split his forcers after the alliance with the Freys? I thought the Frey foot was sent along with Bolton - Addam Marbrand specifically references capturing several of them at the Green Fork.

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This is mostly a nitpicky question, but doesn't he split his forcers after the alliance with the Freys? I thought the Frey foot was sent along with Bolton - Addam Marbrand specifically references capturing several of them at the Green Fork.
Yes, he split them after his alliance.
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