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Ramsay's Letter to John


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Whoever wrote the letter needs to know about:

  • Stannis and his army
  • Stannis's "Lightbringer" sword
  • Melisandre
  • The burning of false-Mance
  • Mance and the six spearwives going to Winterfell
  • That Ramsey's bride had left him
  • That Selyse and Shireen are at the Wall
  • Val
  • The wildling prince (but NOT know that he has been swapped with Gilly's babe)
  • Reek.
I don't know who sent the letter - and it drives me mad! - but I don't think that it was Ramsey. However, I don't think that it could be one of the men at the Wall, nor Mel either, because they don't know everything/one that is mentioned in the letter.

Why Selyse and Shireen?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wouldn't Mance need permission from Stannis to send a letter like that? Stannis never striked me as a schemer like that. And Mance isn't the one to send a letter like that on his own.

I believe Ramsey did send that letter, however only like 90% of it was true. He probably did capture the 6 spearwives and flayed them for answers to compile his letter.

IIRC, the Bravvos guy came to the camp and he had the information that the Karstark was going to betray Stannis? I think Stannis found out, put the Karstarks to the sword. Severely weakened, they moved away from Winterfell.

While Bolton did send the armies from Winterfell, they would have to go through the same storm Stannis was stuck in. And send a raven after defeating Stannis. If they did, they did it awfully fast, which is why I think that part of the letter is false. My guess would be that they found out that Stannis discovered the Karstark scheme, and Ramsey Bolton (acting without his father's leave) send the letter out in anger hoping to rattle the cages of his enemies.

As far as Mance being in the letter, my gut tells me the spearwives just released that information to Ramsey.

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  • 3 months later...

Perhaps both of them did!

I have been wondering whether Mance and Ramsey made a pact after Mance and his spear wives were captured. There would be no need for torture if Mance told Ramsey who he was and offered him a pact.

The letter makes a lot of demands, some of them are things Ramsey wants and some of them are thing Mance wants. Why would Ramsey care about wilding princes or Mance care about Reek?

Together they have the combined knowledge to write the letter.

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