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Septa Mordane - Worst Teacher in Westeros?

Lyanna Stark

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She is a typical tutor of the time period. Her focus was to make the daughters of the Lord behave like ladies, helping them be "marriageable" and be able to fulfill their duties as lady of a castle. By the standards of the time, she was a very good tutor. Ned was unusual in that he wasn't unduly alarmed by Arya's tomboyish tendencies.

Sure Mordane was a bit harsh and insensitive. But heart was in the right place, and she had a good head on her shoulders (had!)

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As for Septa Mordane well she is one of my least favourite characters. I've had my fair share of nasty bullying teachers, so naturally dislike them and I sympathise with their victims. She was probably a big part in the whole Sansa Arya sibling rivalry. She belittled Arya a lot and wasn't exactly a teacher, she is responsible for a lot of Arya's insecurities.

I agree with this. Was pretty happy to see her head on a spike. Probably the only good thing Joffrey ever did.

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I think in medieval Europe, nuns or Catholic Sisters educated the daughters of nobility (Septa= Westerosi equivalent of nun.)

She was gentle by the standards of the time. In those days teachers often beat their students to get them to work faster, or called them names. She was sort of a hectoring old bag, but I didn't think she was a bully.

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I won't argue that Septa Mordane didn't have a negative effect on Arya. However, I disagree that the Septa was worse than Sansa and Jeyne. As children we view teachers as authoritative figures and expect that they'll be tough on us. But your peers calling you names and constantly throwing in your face how much better they are is far worse. Have a talk with a victim of bullying and see if they were able to easily get over how they felt about being bullied and/or teased. All in all, I don't think you can blame the Septa for not curing Sansa of her illusions of what awaited her in King's Landing.

As a victim of bullying, I respectfully disagree. I was bullied by both fellow students and one of my teachers. While students do expect teachers to be authoritative and to discipline, a teacher actually bullying you is far worse than a student bullying you. There's a BIG difference between being tough on students and bullying them. When a person of authority uses that authority to bully you, it's a lot more damaging and far more unnerving for the person getting bullied. A teacher is supposed to be someone you can look up to, who is supposed to protect you. The other students are just peers, going through the same stuff you are but dealing with it differently (ie bullying others to make them feel better). A teacher who bullies their students is worse than students who bully students. Both are bad, but authority figures using their position to harm others is worse.

Mind you, the students who bully you will tend to follow you year to year into each new grade, but I got over their shit. The teacher that bullied me has affected me far more in my adult life on a regular basis. The students who bullied me don't have a noticeable affect on me day to day anymore.

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