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Why are the Others not a problem in Essos?


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It just strikes me as odd that the apocalyptic army of snow elves; the hammer of winter. Only seems to affect Westeros. I mean seasons don't run by continent, surely it should have been mentioned in Danys POV that it was getting colder in Essos but in fact theres talk of drought in the Dothraki sea? Is there any particular reason for this? Surely if the Others are a seasonal threat they would be a global phenomenum and not just local to Westeros?

Or do you think Martins gonna surprise us and have the Others invade Essos before they cross the wall? :shocked:

Maybe they got sick of Dany taking her sweet time and decide they'll come to her instead....

let's not forget the landscape here...maybe they came the first time and yet again now because of some sort of cosmic phenomenon or planetary alignment that produces the long night regardless of them but being from the heart of winter where theirs lives can be substain they couldn't come that far south unless it's a freakish long night ....Has for the sailing post ...lol...they just freeze the narrow sea at their will...

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Actually weren't the others defeated long before they have entered the continent?

They do not seem to bother anyone except Northerners in Westeross either.

It is heavily implied that they were defeated at the Winterfell, thus they would hardly have a chance to get so far south.

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The doom of Men will come from Westeros.

Thats what Valyrians believed. Maybe they were referring the Others?

Winter effects other lands.

We don't know the Others' endgame so...who knows if they will or want to cross the Narrow Sea.

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It just seems less apocalyptic if only one small part of the world is affected. This has been billed as Ragnarok.

Don't forget that in the Ragnarok the giant wolves, ice giants led by Surtr and world serpent all attack Midgard to destroy the gods.

In ASoIaF Midgard would be Kings Landing, the gods would be all people who take faith in the 7, the wolves would be the Stark kids, Jon would be Surtr, the Others would be the Ice Giants and Dany would be the world serpent. Essos would be kind of irrelevant, because it isn't Midgard and the gods don't live there.

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Not sure why it is hard to imagine. To my mind, the Long Night is not too different from a nuclear winter type scenario, or minor variation on snowball earth. I can definitely see all of the coastal sea lands freezing, all the way down to the Arm of Dorne, and across to Essos. This combined with the fact the others seem to bring the cold with them, seems be enough for them to get to Essos. Plus we dont really know the extent of the Other's Ice magic, so maybe creating a temporary bridge of ice would be within their power.

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The Others can't reach Essos because they have no way of crossing the Shivering Sea.

Obviously there are Others in the White Waste, but they seem to be blocked by the large ocean north of Braavos and Loreath.

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