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[Book Spoilers] Idea for Season 3 Opener


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Hi all, first time poster. Not sure if this has been suggested before, but I wanted to get the community's thoughts on this. I think the start of Season 3 would be a perfect time to bring in some lore. What do you think of this?

Season 3 opens with a flashback to the Tower of Joy and depicts what is known to have happened there. Ned, Howland and crew are featured. This would give a tiny bit of back story since the Reeds have been cast. Not a lot has to go on in the scene, but it should end with the famous "Promise Me, Ned" line. It then flashes to the next scene featuring Jon Snow and Mance Rayder.

Doing the Tower of Joy battle would also be a good opportunity to throw Sean Bean a bone, we miss Ned!

I'm sure that this is just a pipe dream, given that if this were to happen it may be a solid clue that Ned isn't Jon's father. It would at least give those who haven't read the books a nugget of mystery to think about.


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Unfortunately I don't think we'll be getting a TOJ scene. They had the opportunity in S1 and for whatever reason they did take it. The only thing I can see happening is having Bran see it in BR's cave when it'll be much closer to the R+L=J reveal.

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I think the season should pick up right were we left off, showing Sam escaping the WW (doubtless it'll just leave him be.) and making his way back to the FOTFM, and then cutting to the next shot right before the fighting begins. Then the fighting can be picked up again at the end of E1.

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I could definitly see it opening with Davos stranted at sea on his rock. A very large shot of the sea, with the dry rock where Davos is shipwrecked could be great !

Yeah, that'll be great aswell.

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They will bring the Tower of Joy when it resonates for the TV story. There are several ways such a flashback can be explained in universe, in the worst case, they do it only for the viewers.

But when will the Tower of Joy scenes matter? Somewhere in season 6 or later ("blessed be thou that we get so far" ;)), when the plot point of Jons parentage will get central, if it gets central sometimes. The same way they can go back to the House of the Undying's prophecies, namely when they need it for the story.

It would be absolutely bad to do a flashback as a season opener when the rest of the season doesn't address the question at all. What storytelling purpose would it have?

Instead, I can see scenes like "Davos gets picked out of the water by Sallador who then gives an exposition talk" or a really cold open with "Hoster's Funeral in Riverrun". Namely, strong images, repetition focus and so on.

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The Targaryens are just plain not important as it comes to the prophecy, at least how the TV show is taking it. I don't think tying it in with Jon's parentage is important whatsoever. They do need to address the prophecy and later Jon's heritage, but there's no reason to explicitly tie them or ever explain the Tower of Joy. It just detracts from the current story, which is convoluted enough.

Also, I hate how people just assume flashbacks can be put in whenever they want. Constructing a flashback is something that has to flow like the current narrative, but give perspective to something happening at the same moment in "real time". The single flashback they shot, and didn't use, might have worked in a flash sort of manner in relating Eddard's struggle to his brother's death. Ned is dead though, and none of the current characters have anything vital to show that they couldn't quickly explain.

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Definitely think it'll open with the attack on the Fist. It makes sense to immediately wrap up the cliffhanger at the end of season 2, especially since a very negligible amount of time would have transpired between the march of the undead army and the attack itself.

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The attack on the Fist seems to be the only real contender to open the season. Then again I thought for sure S2 would lead off with Stannis grabbing the sword from the burning pyre.

As for the Tower of Joy, I think alot of the more immediate backstory is being saved for a potential Robert's Rebellion season. Odds are Winds still won't be out by the time Season 4 wraps, so they're going to need to do something to make sure they don't hit a wall.

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While this is a good idea, I have to agree with the others and say that it might be better to continue where season 2 left off-The Fist of the First Men.

However, I also hope that we'd see a Tower of Joy flashback somehow, I feel it's easier to explain to the Non-book readers what happened and it would give them a stronger emotional impact if they actually saw that scene. but D&D have already said that they don't want flashbacks though. It'd be interesting to see in the show when Rhaegar starts being important in the storyline, IMO.

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