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Poll: Would you like to know how the series ends NOW?

Lord Kyle

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Are there any of you who, despite being long time fans of the series and are eagerly awaiting the release of TWoW, be able to resist the urge to find out how the series ends now?

Let's say there's just a one page or two or three page document which describes in detail the ending of the series, the resolution of all the plot threads (the ones GRRM decides to write answers to), the fates of all the characters, who wins the Iron Throne and if and how The Others are defeated. It could be written by GRRM or D & D or whoever but it is 100% accurate.

No. I am not in possession of such a document, nor would I post it on here if I did, although I am sure one exists (perhaps a file somewhere in GRRM's computer) but that's not what this question is about.

If you were presented with this opportunity to find out in full how the story ends right now would you take it? In this scenario, the books of course would eventually be finished, how long a wait is unimportant but the story will be told in its entirety eventually, no freak accidents are gonna happen to GRRM, he wouldn't give up on the story or die or anything like that.

You would be the only one (other than GRRM and a few other people) to know how it ends upon reading this document, no one else would be allowed to read it so you wouldn't have to worry about other people spoiling it for you or rubbing it in your face if you decided to say no.

Remember it is a summary of the ending, not the ending itself. This is not the last few chapters of ADoS you are reading.

You could of course tell it to other people, you'd have no proof, but nothing would stop you physically from telling it to other people.

Lastly, yes you would still be allowed to read the forthcoming novels, this would simply allow you to know the ending in advance.

So, what do you say? I myself would probably take it although I'd like to say I wouldn't. Who knows how long the next two books will take to be written and there's a whole world of other books out there to be obsessed with.

EDIT: Don't take the last sentence of my post the wrong way, I am deeply in love with the series, but still.

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I definitely would NOT.

I read AGoT back in the day, but then when the TV show came out, I started rereading AGoT with plans to read the second book onwards. Only about halfway through my first reread of AGoT, a youtube commenter said something on a GoT video about how "Theon Greyjoy is an even worse king than Joffrey, just wait" and I believed it to be a legit spoiler.

I spent all the second-fifth books trying to figure out, WHILE READING, just how exactly Theon would eventually become king and made tons of crackpot theories and whatnot based purely off a two sentence youtube comment.

If you gave me PAGES of the ending summarized, I would figure out every damn plot twist out along the way as well and i'd just hate the last few books.


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I'd keep it in case GRRM dies.

Yes. Im not only worried that something happens to GRRM,

" In this scenario, the books of course would eventually be finished, how long a wait is unimportant but the story will be told in its entirety eventually, no freak accidents are gonna happen to GRRM, he wouldn't give up on the story or die or anything like that."

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Yes, I would, absolutely, in a heartbeat and without shame.

I thought GRRM has instructed his executors in his will or whatever to burn all his notes, etc. in the event of his death, so that we'll be spared any novels penned by a third party using his notes. If true, it's harsh, but admirably hardcore.

Like many, I'm concerned that GRRM is going to die or be incapacitated by a major health crisis before he gets to finish the series. A Wheel of Time situation (death of the author before the last novel is finished) is entirely possible. So is a Terry Pratchett situation (early-onset Alzheimer's or another debilitating illness).

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Like many, I'm concerned that GRRM is going to die or be incapacitated by a major health crisis before he gets to finish the series. A Wheel of Time situation (death of the author before the last novel is finished) is entirely possible.

I've actually heard it said that the last three Wheel of Time books are actually the best WoT books since the first four.

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Like many, I'm concerned that GRRM is going to die

Guys the point of this poll is not to have insurance in case the series is never finished but how long you are willing to wait. I believe that GRRM will one day finish the series, but it is going to be a long time. Even if you told it would be only three more years before TWoW is released, and another three for ADoS, that's still six years to wait to know the ending. I am asking if you have the patience and loyalty to wait that long or if you are worried about your time or your interest or your own health or age or accidentally passing away, are you that curious about the ending that you'd want to know it now instead of waiting?

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Yes. No hesitation, no thinking about it. I would read it.

Knowing would not take away any excitement that I have for the remainder of the series. Sure I would know how it ends, but the fantastic voyage of how the characters got there would still be a mystery.

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No. I like having to wait for it. :) doing my best to avoid spoilers is one way for me to gauge how much I revere/value book series. If the work was truly crappy for my taste, then I'd have no problem getting my hands on anything that spoils the end. But with ASoIaF, I like wondering what happens and creating my own theories about the characters. Sure, it would be excruciating, but one thing I hate more than waiting is feeling anti-climactic once I find out the ending in advance.

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