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Videogames Ideas for the ASoIaF


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Yeah, it's a real shame that KoToR III got canned for TOR. But, I hear Obsidian is pitching a new RPG idea to Lucasarts. A New Hope arises. :P

I saw in the video game thread on this board that Obsidian did pitch KotOR3 to Disney and Lucasarts, but that it wouldn't continue Revan/the Exile storyline. It would be set in much later times, which would still be disappointing in my view.

This is besides that Disney don't strike me as the company willing to make adult games.

Thanks Bioware and EA for ruining the license with some dumb cash-in MMO.

There's a lot more to ASoIaF than just the battles, though. Over the course of 5 books, we don't see a lot of battles, but the story is still very interesting. That's why I'm against a Total War-esque game, and opting for an RPG with a real Choice-Consequence system. Like The Walking Dead.

What, you don't dream of playing faction Stannis, conquering Westeros and beyond through battle and diplomacy?

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This isn't really a video game idea in the sense that it's a discrete game, but I'd really like to see someone make a huge scale map of all the main areas, cities and castles of Westeros in Minecraft. That'd be amazingly stupendous. :D

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This isn't really a video game idea in the sense that it's a discrete game, but I'd really like to see someone make a huge scale map of all the main areas, cities and castles of Westeros in Minecraft. That'd be amazingly stupendous. :D

Here you go:

There are a bunch of Westeros minecraft videos on Youtube, including the creation of the main castles.

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Here you go:

There are a bunch of Westeros minecraft videos on Youtube, including the creation of the main castles.

Thanks kindly for that! :D

I wonder if all of these are in the same, downloadable map for public use? :D

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I saw in the video game thread on this board that Obsidian did pitch KotOR3 to Disney and Lucasarts, but that it wouldn't continue Revan/the Exile storyline. It would be set in much later times, which would still be disappointing in my view.

This is besides that Disney don't strike me as the company willing to make adult games.

Thanks Bioware and EA for ruining the license with some dumb cash-in MMO.

Well, Revan went into the Unkown Regions, and the Exile followed him. It's called Unknown for a reason. :P

What, you don't dream of playing faction Stannis, conquering Westeros and beyond through battle and diplomacy?

I would. And I'd much rather do it through diplomacy rather than combat. And the Total War games, as the name suggests, is focused on combat, and the diplomacy in these games is lacking to say the least.

Crusader Kings II has one of the most thought out political systems in any game. Plots, factions, marriages, ambitions...perfect for ASoIaF. And that's the reason why I prefer playing the Game of Thrones mod for CK II rather than Westeros: Total War.

My dream game would be a combination of the both. The combat of Total War and the politics of Crusader Kings.

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I'm just not sure about setting games in established universes, it's too restrictive.

I prefer playing games like Dragon Age or The Witcher 2, that capture a lot of the feel and essence of ASOIF but are set in their own universes (yeah I know Witcher is based on books too though but I haven't read them). Also the Total War games capture a lot of what makes the ASOIF world appealing.

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Thanks Bioware and EA for ruining the license with some dumb cash-in MMO.

TOR was an ambitious endeavour that didn't pay off, but I don't blame BioWare for trying something new rather then just resting on their laurels as a maker of single-player RPGs.

That said, they should have extended that desire to try something new to the actual game itself, rather then just making it a WoW clone set in the SW universe. Wasted opportunity, but again, at least they tried.

Also, BioWare created the license so they're at least more entitled the anyone else to ruin it. Although I don't really consider it to be ruined.

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What I want is a completely open-world, enormous RPG a la Elder Scrolls or Grand Theft Auto (the latter in spirit, of course). They could release, say, most of Westeros, and then have add-on packs released slowly for Dorne, the Free Cities, Slaver's Bay, maybe the Iron Islands, etc.

In my dearest fantasies, this game would not be focused around battle necessarily, allowing the player to pursue training as a maester or a Red Priest; it would have a system of money to facilitate being a merchant, pirate, or smuggler; it would have a few main storylines for single-player for different characters, but they would be flexible and allow open-world quests and such, like Elder Scrolls. It would allow sailing. In multiplayer, characters could actually die (reflecting the reality of ASoIaF) and would have to be recreated.

I could go on for hours, but you get the idea. I just want to be totally absorbed wandering all over the expansive, beautiful world.

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I dont object to ground-breaking, totally holistic ASOIAF game coming to Christmas markets 2018, but how about a quick fix: Civilization scanario with the whole map? Riverlands full of resources but difficult to defend, Casterly rock with plenty of gold, Iron islands scarce of resources, North sparsely populated but vast and sparkled with resilient mountain tribes and difficult to conquer. Across the ocean and long distance, another civ with difficult-to-transport troops but 3 dragons (like bringing Modern Armor to medieval times).

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I firat played M&B A Clash of Kings mod then Crusader Kings 2: A Game of Thrones mod. I think agot mod is the best modification ever. And ck 2 is the most correct style for asoiaf. But i wouldn't say a the elder scrolls like asoiaf game.

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What, the awful generic Western RPG wasn't enough for you?

The RPG had some ropey mechanics (and the opening was a bit dull), but the storyline was excellent. The game had it's own Red Wedding moment that wasn't totally derivative of it, and the ending was pure GRRM. A shame too many people won't play it all the way through, as it was easily the best ASoIaF storyline not written by GRRM to date.

ASOIAF: Total War.

This is being made. See my sig :)

Also, the final version is apparently now within sight. The team have been making a lot of "Soon," noises recently on the site.

Why isn't there a game set across all of Tamriel?

Arena and The Elder Scrolls Online are both set across all of Tamriel. The former actually tries to do it to scale as well (1.2 million square miles, compared to Skyrim's 16 square miles). And even using the scaled-down version of the landmass Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion, Tamriel still wouldn't be that big (smaller than the landmass in Just Cause 2, for example). Filling that with interesting content is more challenging, and possibly where The Elder Scrolls Online will come off the blocks.

Well, Revan went into the Unkown Regions, and the Exile followed him. It's called Unknown for a reason

Unfortunately, The Old Republic and a couple of the spin-off novels have provided canonical resolutions for the Exile and Revan's storylines. There's nowhere for a KotOR3 to go, story-wise.

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If one was to do a Western RPG for ASoIaF, it would either need to allow you to throw the story off the rails by making some drastic change or be set in a what if alternate universe that is already heavily off the rails (i.e. Ned claimed the Iron Throne during the rebellion or Rhaegar survived the Battle of the Trident or Aemon not refused the throne,etc).

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i disagree, agot rpg already showed the opposite. as to my previous post about generic game with lots of sex, i mostly had bioware in mind. but imo bethesda would be even worse, coz only thing they ever made was tes games and these are sandbox games without any strong storyline or characters, it's totally generic and if u don't see why they would suck for making asoiaf game, then i don't really see how i could explain that. it's something of a "if u have to ask u'll never know".

i also like the idea of mount&blade-like game set in asoiaf, but ofc with a lots more rpg elements and more story.

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Now this is my idea. You get to pick 1 of the 9 great families or you pik to be a lost targaryan scion and you design your character in the custom of the elder scrolls games. After you do that you name your self and like its not during the a song of ice and fire timeline so right as the game starts your father which ever great lord you picked dies an you become the new lord. Your first job is to go to all your lords and solidify your power. After you become so powerful you dispatch ravens or ride a horse ad visit w/e lords across the kingdoms you want making alliances and finding your self a bride for an alliance is a major part of the game. After that you meet al te lords and than some how along the way you either just are belligerent or something happened with another lord and you go to war. Now the war part should be able to go between total war style battles and p.o.v. Battles. Like go in first person and just hack through armies. And when you win your power increases and also your morale increases and your "popularity" or w/e ou call it increases and you can plunder or anything to get more money and shit. You have to be careful because you can be betrayed. But my idea goes on but too bad this game woul be impossible to make:(

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Now this is my idea. You get to pick 1 of the 9 great families or you pik to be a lost targaryan scion and you design your character in the custom of the elder scrolls games. After you do that you name your self and like its not during the a song of ice and fire timeline so right as the game starts your father which ever great lord you picked dies an you become the new lord. Your first job is to go to all your lords and solidify your power. After you become so powerful you dispatch ravens or ride a horse ad visit w/e lords across the kingdoms you want making alliances and finding your self a bride for an alliance is a major part of the game. After that you meet al te lords and than some how along the way you either just are belligerent or something happened with another lord and you go to war. Now the war part should be able to go between total war style battles and p.o.v. Battles. Like go in first person and just hack through armies. And when you win your power increases and also your morale increases and your "popularity" or w/e ou call it increases and you can plunder or anything to get more money and shit. You have to be careful because you can be betrayed. But my idea goes on but too bad this game woul be impossible to make:(

mine was better ;)

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whatever the genre of asoiaf game im strictly against any kind of "morale"/"popularity" increases or any kind of numerical markings like in DA:O(which i see is really well approved here) where we can commit whole genocides then make things right by giving characters some candy, seriously wtf? is this what u want for asoiaf game?

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