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Best new character yet to come in the show?


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This series: Reek (saw the actor in another series, creepy as fuck!), Blackfish and Tormund 'Massive Dick' Giantsbane.

Later: Arianne & the Sand Snakes and Oberyn Martell - I'm sure I'm missing someone else!

I just saw who's due to play Daario but seems a million miles from what I expected.

I also suspect the new high priest will have a lot of potential as a really strong character in the series.

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I will divide this into two categories, the first being the characters that have been announced but that we have not yet seen and those that have not yet been announced:

Announced but not yet seen

  • Queen of thorns
  • Blackfish
  • Tormund Giantsbane

Not yet announced (in no particular order)

  • Oberyn Martell
  • Victarion and Euron Greyjoy
  • Howland Reed
  • Bronze Yohn Royce
  • Edric Storm
  • Darkstar
  • Arianne Martell

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I was super excited about Mance but the few snippets we've seen of Hinds have kinda killed my buzz. I'm hoping he murders it but... just have a bad feeling.

I could see them intoducing BR at the end of next season but, ya know, why pay the actor for one or two eps. BR on screen makes me wet though.

Also hoping we see Stoneheart at the end of this season.

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Counting Beric as already introduced from his brief cameo, but I am so excited to watch his scenes. Arys I think was in a few scenes too, and Kevan. Looking forward to seeing them flesh out their storylines (hopefully).

The Blackfish and Victarion, as others have said, but also Genna Lannister, Missandei, Val and Ben Plumm. Weirdly, Vargo Hoat. And I really hope one of the Mallisters will have an appearance, but I doubt it.

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Ramsay this season, definitely. I can't wait to see how the introduction of his character unfolds, and how the "twist" of his character reveal is played out.

Future seasons - the Martells, Victarion, Bloodraven.

ETA: Oh, and Marwyn the Mage. I hope they stick to the way he was described in the book. Could be a lot of fun if they get the right actor.

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Ramsay...I found it hard to read about him in the books, cause he's just so incredibly creepy and nasty.Curious to see,how they translate that to the screen.

QOT: One of my absolute favorites in the books.

Oh and the sandsnakes..mostly from an aesthetic point of view: Beautiful, tanned badass women: What's not to love?

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