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The Jon Snow ReRead Project!


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Not that I can add much, but I'll have to reread Jon's POV and look at the "father" imagery. Something struck me (which may have little bearing on anything) but as Dany is always referred to as "Mother", it was interesting that Mormont's crow screams "Father" at Jon. Is Jon the "Father" to Dany's "Mother"? GRRM could be just be pointing out the obvious that Jon has both daddy and mommy issues, but as we all know GRRM's writing is neither black nor white but grey.

Jon started GOT adored by his siblings (the respected big brother) as we move through GOT there is growth for Jon (the big brother becomes a man of the NW) to the point where we feel he is being groomed for command (the eventual "father figure" who will take command and groom the next NW generation).

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Ladies and Gentlemen,

the time has come to speak of many things...but on another thread. Please join us on the Jon Snow Reread Project II!

and here are the links to the AGOT chapters posted in this thread as compiled by Butterbumps! and as shamelessly stolen by myself:

chapter links:

aGoT Jon I (King's banquet at Winterfell)

aGoT Jon II (Jon says goodbyes to his family)

aGoT Jon III (At the Wall, Donal lectures Jon; Jon receives news of Bran)

aGoT Jon IV (Sam arrives; Jon reveals his dream of the crypts)

aGoT Jon V (Jon is told he's promoted; appeals to Aemon on behalf of Sam)

aGoT Jon VI (Sam is promoted; Jon and Sam take their vows; Ghost finds a hand)

aGoT Jon VII (ranging party studies bodies of Othor and Jafer; crypt dream; Jon gets news of Ned's treason; Jon fights Othor the wight)

aGoT Jon VIII (Jon gets Longclaw; news of Robb's march; Aemon's "love is the bane of honour" conversation)

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