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Who -Should- Rule the Seven Kingdoms?


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Stannis baratheon would make the best king.

True, but I thought the OP meant who would have been the best out of those available right after the Rebellion ended which would rule out Stannis.

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He did. Iron throne has big debts. Remember it's mentioned in series and in books as well by Tyrion.

But yeas, Tywin would be perfect if he had some claim. But Lannisters didn't.

Had Lyanna survived and the Lannisters appeased by Tywin becoming Hand, things could have gone differently. This would be also nice plot, but I don't believe it will satisfy Lions.

Ned wouldn't be a good King, as he wasn't good hand (honest, but not the good one).

Jon haven't got the right heir. It will take us to other rebellion or even war as well.

And if talk about "if someone survive": Rhaegar will be the best. He had some obsession about 3 dragon riders, but even Egg had it (he believed that his dragon will hatch). He was prepared for it.

People talking abot Dany the queen, Jon (Snow) King. Even if Jon the Maybe-Targaryen-bastard will be admited as Rhaegar son he will be like Blood Raven and Shiera - just noble bastard. Nothing more. Daenerys on the other side had all chances of becoming queen: as wife of Aegon or any noble house son.

bro,if your king takes a child from one and bride from another leader of Great House i dont think he can be good king...now for Jon,he is lead by his love,devotion,honor for his people.he is brave,smart,good.he doesnt destroy his enemys,but makes them his friends.Dany is mad but she will give him claim for the IT

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Jon Arryn or Tywin Lannister, although both of their heirs would be problematic, unless Tywin accepts Tyrion as his heir which is highly unlikey, so I would go with Eddard Stark, atleast he broughtup his chidren well.

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True, but I thought the OP meant who would have been the best out of those available right after the Rebellion ended which would rule out Stannis.

He was alive then, so he was the best choise ;)

Honorable mention goes to the lords Arryn, Tully, Bolton.

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Is this because he brought up Cat?

Partly, yes. Mostly it's the generous impression I get about Hoster from those who knew him - Cat, Blackfish, Ned, Edmure, etc, and the occasional bits of info about his actions and decisions which we get. He just seems really competent and smart lord to me and made the right calls nearly all the time.

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dany has about the right balance of fairness and toughness needed to rule the seven kingdoms. maybe jon too, but a lot of people won't want a zombie as their king.

She failed to rule Meereen, so I no longer trust her :eek:

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If Jon Arryn got the Iron Throne, you'd have a civil war again later on. Assuming that Robert Arryn would be heir, you would get an epileptic titty-suckling weakling of a king. I wouldn't want him as my king.

Ned Stark? Maybe. But as honorful as he was, he would have been run down by his Small Council, bickering and scheming so much.

Stannis? He would not have taken it when offered, due to Robert.

As much as it pains me to say it, I think Tywin Lannister would have been the best choice. Later on you get Jaime as king, advised by Tyrion. Maybe he'd even do like the Targaryens and just publicly declare his love for his sister. Ok, Tyrion might not counsel that but still..

Edit: I forgot Hoster Tully. There isn't a lot known about him, other than that he (I think) rained fire down on the single bannerman that stayed loyal to the Targaryens.

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Mance would not want the throne. He is king of the wildlings, not a southrun king.

But it would be interesting to see him in a position of real power....Yes he has large army but he doesn't have any political power,People would rather kill him than treat with him.

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Edit: I forgot Hoster Tully. There isn't a lot known about him, other than that he (I think) rained fire down on the single bannerman that stayed loyal to the Targaryens.

Well, that was lord Goodbrook. Arya was in a ruined village and thought it must have been burnt, and the people slain, by lannisters, and everyone was like, derp, it was your grandfather who burnt it and killed everyone. iirc Goodbrook was not the only one; lord Darry defied him, as did the Mootons (and another house I think), while Frey refused to aid him. So he didn't carry the riverlands with him in the revolt to the same extent as other lords controlled their vassals. He did see through Tywin's pillaging ploy in GoT, and even though he was dying prevailed on Edmure to appeal to the king first, so Tywin and Cersei couldn't claim the Tullys started any war that happened. That was a good move. He arranged good marriages for his two daughters too.

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Hey honestly I don't think Jesus would be a good ruler, I mean a great guy don't get me wrong, great dude a total boss. But he never really had any experience with a medival style ruling type of thing feudalism would be alien to him. Still a great guy hes a total brah

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