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Who do you think is the strongest direwolf?

Jon Snow R+L=J

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Yes Jon tell us in one of his POV, at the feast with King Robert in Winterfell, that Ghost out grows the others. His getting bigger and grows faster than the other direwolfs. Its around when he fight with the dog about the chickenbone

I thought the comment about Ghost being the biggest was made in Arya's first point of view when she and Nymeria watched Bran and Tommen spar with Ghost and Jon

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I thought the comment about Ghost being the biggest was made in Arya's first point of view when she and Nymeria watched Bran and Tommen spar with Ghost and Jon

Maybe your right. Its been long since i read GOT, but its not relavant in what POV, but the only statement we have in the book about comparison of direwolfs is that Ghost grows faster and become bigger than his brothers and sisters. Then we have to assume that he is the biggest, with most muscles.

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Actually, Nymeria has seen a lot of action too considering that she's generally hunting down people across the country.

Anyway, I think the respective Stark child's personality is what influences the direwolf personality hence why Bran being the older brother meant that Summer was also older than Shaggydog and therefore stronger.

Ghost is the biggest one but considering the result of the confrontations he had and Jon's personality, I don't think he is the strongest..at least not on inner strength terms.

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1. Nymeria- She may not be the biggest but she is the most bad-assed.

2. Ghost - He has survived possibly the worst environment( north of the wall) of all the direwolves and thrived.

3. Grey Wind - Robb's right-hand man :) He has seen the most battles.

4. Summer- Very protective of Bran but also seems too much like Bran, gentle, maybe too gentle, if that makes any sense.

5. Shaggydog- too wild and unpredictable to have an impact on events.

6. Lady- Just like Sansa, blamed for something she didn't do, but Lady paid too high of a price for what Nymeria did :(

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Nymeria or Grey Wind have seen the most action, but I'd give it to Grey Wind, because he was actually in the thick of battle, rather than just lurking in the woods and preying on unsuspecting scouts & patrols.

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Thw Wolves is correct. The quote about Ghost size was in Arya's first chapter:

Nymeria slateked closer on wary feet. Ghost, already, larger than his litter mates, smelled her, gave her a careful nip, and settled back down

I think Ghost is indeed the bigger. I don't think he's the runt of the litter, but the older one. After all, his eyes opened first.

When the direwolves were found Ned and company assumed that he was the runt of the litter and that it had been drived away by the other pups just because he looked different. However I think Jon's description of "he must have crawled away" must be more accurate given that the direwolves seem to consider each other a pack and none of them think of Ghost as someone who doesn't belong.

As for who's the strongest, based on his size I'll go with Ghost. Plus his silent nature must make a good hunter and killer.

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2. Ghost - He has survived possibly the worst environment( north of the wall) of all the direwolves and thrived.

North of the wall is the Direwolves natural habitat. The Stark kids ones were the first time they had been seen south of the wall for hundreds of years.

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I would say Ghost.

As far as proof? I don't know, probably GRRM seems to have modeled each direwolf after their master a bit. And much like Jon, Ghost keeps to himself, is a bit of an enigma and is silent. Although not totally a mute, Jon is indeed rather introverted.

Yet, I think the ferocity, cunningness, desire to protect and frighteningly masterful ability to track and hunt that we get from Ghost is a rather foretelling sign of things to come from Ghost's master, who too, just may wind up the strongest and most dangerous of the pack.

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North of the wall is the Direwolves natural habitat. The Stark kids ones were the first time they had been seen south of the wall for hundreds of years.

Yes it is, but none of the other direwolves have spent as much time as Ghost there, yet.

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That's not correct. Ghost was bigger from birth.

On the show, Theon refers to Ghost as the 'runt of the litter' but in the book he is referred to as the largest. I think that might be the confusion. I don't know why Theon called him a runt unless he was just insulting Jon.

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I don't know why Theon called him a runt unless he was just insulting Jon.

Well, both in the book (iirc) and I believe on the show Jon regarded Theon as a bit of an ass. So Theon having a history of insulting Jon in subtle ways before we meet them isn't beyond possibility.

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Yes Nymeria is the fiercest of the wolves and Ghost is the strongest. IA with Northman that Arya and Nymeria are becoming more and more like each other through the bond.

Nymeria also was rumored to have taken down an auroch by herself and she is the only one who actively hunts people.

I remember in one of Arya's wolf dreams it was so boss she said they thought they were hunting her but she was hunting them. That's like the raptors in that one Jurassic Park movie or when Rorshach said I'm not locked in here with you you're locked in here with me.

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Yes Nymeria is the fiercest of the wolves and Ghost is the strongest. IA with Northman that Arya and Nymeria are becoming more and more like each other through the bond.

Nymeria also was rumored to have taken down an auroch by herself and she is the only one who actively hunts people.

I remember in one of Arya's wolf dreams it was so boss she said they thought they were hunting her but she was hunting them. That's like the raptors in that one Jurassic Park movie or when Rorshach said I'm not locked in here with you you're locked in here with me.

Forgot about that auroch bit, that's no small feat. Nymeria as the Rorshach of direwolves is probably the greatest idea that I have read in this forum. Not sure why people are confused about Ghost being the biggest. It is clearly stated in the text, barring an undisclosed growth spurt, that is all we have to go on.

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