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The Red Comet

Rickon's Return

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I'm doing my first re-read and as I'm going through CoK, I'm really enjoying all the POV's of the Red comet and all their interpretations of it's meaning. Does anyone else think the comet will appear again in future books or was it just an omen for all of the character's to speculate? Does anyone think it could be something OTHER than a comet??

It is just mentioned so consistently through most of the book, it surprised me that it kind of just disappeared (or at least the characters no longer bother mentioning it).

I am curious what everyone's theories are about this!

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I believe that the Red Comet is a celestial portent, symbolizing... I dunno, but I bet it's really important, lol.

It might *crackpot* be a dragon- after all in Doreah's story dragons came from a moon that collided with the sun...

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If it is a comet and doesn't land crash in Westeros or Essos, I don't know how we'd see it again. I'm no astronomer but I doubt it'd switch courses and make another loop over their skies.

But it it's not a comet, which I'm not convinced it is, it could turn up anywhere. Which is what I am hoping for.

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