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What do you think, will GRRM end the series?


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Hi everyone,

First, I often see threads about "The Fat Man" on other boards... I hate this posts... The purpose of this topic is NOT complaining about the time GRRM needs to write his books. He is no machine and if he decides to cancel the books because he doesn't want to write them anymore, it would be okay for me. Sure, I would be very disappointed about it, but I think the has given us so much with his books, it's his own decision and I won't judge him for that... I write this so you don't think I'm a troll who just wants to write things nobody wants to read or something. With that being said, I'll come to my question (sorry, english is not my first language) :frown5:

Do you think, GRRM will ever end his books? I mean, for the first 3 books he didn't need much time, for FFC and DWD he took 5 years or more. Also, when DWD was released in 2011, he said that he has already 200 pages for WOW. Last year he mentioned in an interview, that he has 400 pages, from which are only 200 really ready. Doesn't this mean, he wrote no pages which are really ready the whole year?

Feel free to comment, every opinion is welcome ;)

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If he stays with the 7 book plan, likely... in theory, once he gets rids of some chars/plotlines are resolved, it should be faster to get "there"

I liked a theory a while back that someone had that, if Cersei has a Trial by Seven, that that might be Martin's opportunity to knock off a whole slew of characters.

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The mods don't like people talking about GRRM in a negative way and discussing the slow progress of book releases. :frown5: :commie:

However, I trust GRRM knows what he's doing. He would never give up writing the books, he has the ending in his head and the series is just too popular- especially with the release of the TV show.

The long wait between book releases can be frustrating but it means he's not rushing his writing and is getting things done right. Also, it allows fans the time to form well developed theories and discussions.

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