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Does Anyone Else Feel Disgusted When

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Wait...who is Sweetrobin's real father? Jon Arryn or Littlefinger? Was that established yet?

In theory it could be either, since it's implied LF and Lysa kept their affair up for most of her marriage. I would think it's Jon Arryn, on account of his age at the time of conception being a likely cause for Robin's physical illness. Lysa's having had an abortion could have had some part, but I think that is closer tied to her various miscarriages.

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Not so. Perhaps they just wish for the removal of an annoyance rather than a dead child.

Ah, right, because death is the only way to be rid of something annoying...

No, those who pray for the death of a fictional character are not wishing for a stop to their own annoyance, they are wishing for a very specific fate for that fictional entity, they are wishing for satisfaction, they care.

And of course wishing death on something annoying has nothing to do with what that thing is, it tells something about how the one wishing it thinks in general.

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Actually, Robin dying helps Littlefinger as seen how LF is planning to kill him. Moreover, Tommen's continued rule helps Cersei yet nobody seems to be demanding that they desire Tommen be slowly poisoned for that reason only.

I don't necessarily think Littlefinger is planning to kill him so much as planning that he will be dead soon. Not that he wouldn't kill him, but Sweetrobin's seizures might take care of that for him before long, without Littlefinger having to lift his little finger. It wouldn't raise too many suspicions if he did help it along, of course.

Wait...who is Sweetrobin's real father? Jon Arryn or Littlefinger? Was that established yet?

When asked, GRR Martin said that his father is Jon Arryn as far as anyone knows or can know with the resources available in a medieval world. That means that if by some chance Robert is really Littlefinger's, neither Lysa nor Littlefinger knew/knows it and so it's not really important.

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Sadly, there is no help for kids like this in Westeros. He won't be able to grow up into a functional adult. He will killed by LF, die from a seizure or become a puppet.

Yeah, I don't feel disgusted by the kid, but he is pretty much doomed. Both physically and mentally, he doesn't have what it takes to survive a feudal society (much less rule a big piece of it), and with LF as his protector, forget about it.

So if readers want that final exit to just happen already, I totally understand.

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Yeah, I don't feel disgusted by the kid, but he is pretty much doomed. Both physically and mentally, he doesn't have what it takes to survive a feudal society (much less rule a big piece of it), and with LF as his protector, forget about it.

So if readers want that final exit to just happen already, I totally understand.

He's actually rather close to a certain roman child named Gaius Iulius Caesar.

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I feel the exact same way, which makes me ashamed at times. However, I get over this feeling whenever I think about what a little bastard Sweetrobin is and I find myself once again wishing someone would put him out of his (and our) misery.

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I have to admit that I honestly want to slap him at times and that he grosses me out at others. However, he really isn't a bad character - he's just had an unfortunate upbringing with terrible health, which has made him a bit selfish, quite ridiculous and irrational, and mildly clingy, but at least he didn't turn into Joffrey - we do know he's at least capable of being affectionate towards Alayne.

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SweetRobin makes me both hate him and feel sorry for him. Wish he was dead and wish he gets a chance to change. He evokes very conflicted emotions from me as I can't stand children to be hurt, but if he dies I won't particularly care. I hate Lysa for making him such a little shit. I don't feel sorry for Lysa for her marriage, Jon Arryn seems to have started out as a good husband by Westros standards and the worst he did was try to get SR to be raised in a strong household away from Lysa after he saw the damage she was doing. Yes, Hoster tricking Lysa into drinking moon tea was messed up, but what else was he supposed to do from his perspective? She broke the rules by sleeping with LF, that was her mess up not his. He was cleaning up her mess so she could still have a good marriage (from Hoster's perspective).

Lysa turned SR into a little monster that I do kinda want to "see him fly" as he likes to condemn people to. But, he may he able to grow up into a good Lord if someone who is a strong leader takes him under their wing as JA was trying to make happen. As long as LF has control he'll be a little shit and LF will continue to poison him and he'll die, which will be sad.

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Does Sweetrobin remind anybody else of Colin from the Secret Garden? Maybe Sansa should start acting more like Mary Lennox and give him some tough love.

It's been a long old time since i read that book, but yeah...now you mention it.

I feel sorry for the kid (and somewhat more sorry than i've ever felt for Joffrey i hasten to add) he didn't really stand a chance, with his bonkers, paranoid, overprotective mother and absent father. He's not as old as Joffrey so maybe he does stand a chance. I secretly hope he and Sansa will join forces and overthrow Littlefinger...

I wonder is sweetsleep is the westerosi version of diazepam, it's used to relax people and make them sleep and stop epileptic fits.

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Does Sweetrobin remind anybody else of Colin from the Secret Garden? Maybe Sansa should start acting more like Mary Lennox and give him some tough love.

You know, this is exactly who he's like (with a bit of colonial Mary Lennox thrown in) but that was all in another and kinder universe.

Sweetrobin sounds unpleasant but not so much so that he couldn't reform. There are certain developmental touchpoints where even a healthy, nice, child can seem impossible. And then kids can get kind of gross when feel neglected and unloved: whiny and regressing and abandoning all pretense of hygiene. It's not their fault.

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