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[SPOILERS] Season 4 Speculation: Brienne's Quest Starts Early


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This came upon me today in thinking how the writing staff is going to handle Season 4.

It came up in a report a week or so ago... not a bona-fide for sure thing, but a rumor that:


Brienne and Podrick were spotted on the Castle Black sets.

If this were true, it got me thinking about how this might come about. Consider the following:

- Brienne is now in KL while Sansa is still there. This does not happen in the books. What is the most logical thing for her to do? Go to Sansa! Seems to me she's most likely to then hear about the RW, have a reaction, and probably become part of Sansa's entourage since there's essentially nowhere for them to go.

- Arya is still out there, and Sansa would want to find her.

Might it be that Brienne's quest will come about entirely differently? Maybe SANSA will send her rather than Jamie, who isn't involved in that at all. Jamie will still give her the Valyrian steel sword taken from ice before she leaves and all that, but Brienne's mission will actually be given from one of the Starks themselves. In fact, from the de facto heir to house Stark with Bran and Rickon assumed dead.

So, if Brienne was trying to find Arya, and she couldn't really head to Riverrun, where might her journeys wind up taking her? The Wall! That's the most logical place Arya would go if she could no longer find Robb or Catelyn, the same place she was headed to at the end of Season 1. So Sansa gives Brienne her quest, Pod asks Tyrion, her husband, to go because he thinks Brienne is cool and stuff, and Tyrion's like: "ya dude, knock yerself out and have a good time", and voila: Brienne and Pod actually wind up at the wall fighting wildlings with Jon!

Interesting concept, no?

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I think Brienne will start off taking Ilyn Payne's role in retraining Jamie to fight left-handed. Gives them more screentime together, and due the sad turn of health for Wilko Johnson. Hopefully we see Wilko in a brief cameo, presenting Widow's Wail to Joffery. I'd hate to have his final scene being to disappear after some looters at the Battle of Blackwater.

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I don't think Valyrian Steel or Ice were mentioned in the TV show, so that part is out. But Dontos coming back into stage, Sansa rejecting Brienne/Jaime's help and preferring Dontos', but still sending Brienne in her quest makes sense.

EDIT: LF told Sansa that Arya is alive, so Sansa has the incentive to send Brienne in her merry chase, unlike the books where she thought Arya was at Winterfell/dead.

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This is funny. I've always assumed that they might move Brienne's quest to season 4. It's the perfect way to reveal Lady Stoneheart and relieves S5 of one storyline.

So, if Brienne was trying to find Arya, and she couldn't really head to Riverrun, where might her journeys wind up taking her? The Wall! That's the most logical place Arya would go if she could no longer find Robb or Catelyn, the same place she was headed to at the end of Season 1. So Sansa gives Brienne her quest, Pod asks Tyrion, her husband, to go because he thinks Brienne is cool and stuff, and Tyrion's like: "ya dude, knock yerself out and have a good time", and voila: Brienne and Pod actually wind up at the wall fighting wildlings with Jon!

I don't think it makes sense for Brienne to travel aaaaaall the way to the Wall in a few episodes. There is nothing for her to do there. In the end, she has to go aaaaall the way back to the Riverlands in order to meet the BWB.

Concerning Podrick: I can imagine that Tyrion will send him to find Sansa as well. Maybe to protect her from Cersei or to be a witness in his trial or whatever, I don't know.

I think Brienne will start off taking Ilyn Payne's role in retraining Jamie to fight left-handed. Gives them more screentime together, and due the sad turn of health for Wilko Johnson.

That would be cool, but it might mean that Brienne would have to stay in King's Landing a bit longer. It would be a good way to have her on screen though if her travels end up in S5 after all.

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Here's the pic of Brienne and Pod : https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/552618_528326910550399_721730649_n.jpg

I found it on Littlefinger's page on facebook along with a pic of Mace,Joffrey, Varys and Kevan ?

Taken from a fence so it's a bit far : https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/969800_533511423365281_927507242_n.jpg

There are also some pics of the knights of the Vale.

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That Littlefinger guy on FB says that Kevan Lannister won't be in S4. Who is that and where does he get the information? Not to have Kevan in S4 would be really bad...

Maybe he meant that the actor changed ? He answered the man who posted a pic of Kevan in the first seasons.

I don't know who this guy is.

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She "killed" Renly. Everyone believes it except Brienne and Catelyn but one of them is gone

Umm, in the books? Yes.

In the show? I'm not so sure. I swear he says he doesn't believe that Brienne killed Renly. Just about the same time he desires to ram a sword through Stannis' righteous face.

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Can't agree with the OP. I think it will be entirely conventional: Brienne might bump into Sansa, but we know they don't meet later on up to ADWD, so it won't much matter. After the PW Sansa disappears, Jaime gets to thinking it might be a good idea to secure her, and sends Brienne to find her, and the plot is on track. Podrick may be with her when she leaves KL, or pick up with her later as in the books - something for the writers to give her, anyway.

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Here's the pic of Brienne and Pod : [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3

That seems to be from that scene in Iceland.

Have only seen Gwendoline Christie wearing that top coat, what armor she has on is a mystery, I half suspected the original, but , as in the book, she picked some new.

I doubt they are going to the Wall, but that still definitely implies they are on the 'quest', how that plays out I can't guess.

Even more mysterious is the Asha(Yara) story which is shrouded in mystery.

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Not on the show. Loras blames Stannis for Renly's death.

Hmm. That's right. There may still be some bad blood there, regardless. Brienne did put the hurt on Loras in the tourney before Renly.

But then again, that would be one way for Loras and Cersei to get on each other's nerves, by disagreeing over Brienne. I don't see the show keeping Loras out of the Kingsguard, so the more occasions they have to step on each other's toes, the better.

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