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The Future of Jon Connington

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Many people think he will die from Greyscale before finding out Young Griff is a Blackfyre. I don't think or want this to be the case.

I think he will find out he is a Blackfyre. This info will hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love with Rhaegar and dedicated his life to Rhaegars "son". Finding out Young Griff is a fake will feel like a betrayal to him and Rhaegar. In a rage he will kill fAegon crying while he strangles him fAegon will have a Why are you doing this look in his eyes. JonCon feeling emotionally destroyed and that his life has been a waste will escape and wander aimlessly. Perhaps spreading Greyscale throughout Westeros thus leading to an army of wights perhaps. I think at some point he will wander north for one reason or another and stumble across the Crannogmen. He will go to Greywater watch and find out about R+L=Jon Snow from Howland(and possibly Arthur Dayne). Then feeling invigorated by this news he will make his final mission to get Rhaegars son on the throne as was his mission before.

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I don't think he will kill Aegon. Regardless of him being a BF, JonCon raised him like his own son, I doubt he would just kill him like Gregor kill the real Aegon.

I actually want JonCon to do everything in his power to put Aegon in the throne, and just when he is happy and he thinks he can forget the sound of the bells ringing, Dany swoops in and burns Aegon. Then, as JonCon is devastated and crying, Dany tells him "Don't worry, he wasn't a true dragon, dragons can't be hurt by fire". Then JonCon realizes he was a Blackfyre all along and...

"Suddenly, the bells started ringing all over King's Landing, weeping for the dead king, the one they thought was Aegon Targaryen. The damn bells, Jon Connington though, and he started laughing like a maniac. Everything he did, all that he suffered, just to put a Blackfyre Pretender on the throne, and all he ran, just so the damn bells could find him again. He started laughing louder, and amidst his laughter and the mocking laughs of the bells, he could barely hear Danaerys Targaryen saying "dracarys", and everything vanished in a blaze of fire and sound"

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Then, as JonCon is devastated and crying, Dany tells him "Don't worry, he wasn't a true dragon, dragons can't be hurt by fire". Then JonCon realizes he was a Blackfyre all along and...

...Except that Jon isn't dumb enough to buy into the theory that Targaryens are fireproof. :stunned:

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Some version of this coming true would be pretty sweet. If Aegon really is Faegon, I do think that JonCon deserves to help Rhaegar's real son, given how much he loved Rhaegar, but... well, characters don't necessarily get what they "deserve" in this series...

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The Future of JonCon: A statue in a garden, pigeons crapping on him.

Really: knowing he must die soon, he charges into battle, looking to die. Probably warns people beforehand that he has greyscale, and will need a funeral pyre. Better yet, he accepts a challenge to single combat.

Depending on how fast the Others move down from the Wall, he could last to the final battle. Does wight-conversion trump stone-conversion? Is there any difference? Maybe Martin will show us.

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They were exiles and sons of exiles, dispossessed and unforgiven . . . yet formidable fighters still

The men of GC had originally sworn oaths to the Targayen king, Daeron II, and betrayed him when Daemon rose in rebellion, this resulted in them being exiled by the Targaryens from Westeros. The standard of the GC is the gold-dipped skulls of previous captain-generals. This brings to mind the Dead Men of Dunharrow who swore an oath to Isildur, and when they betrayed Isildur, he cursed them to know no rest until their oaths were fulfilled.

Aragorn later arrives, and has the oaths of the Dead Men of Dunharrow fulfilled by having them defend Gondor, ending the curse so they could finally rest in peace. The GC may have sworn an oath to Aegon, but after he dies in the Dance of Dragons 2.0 they will be back where they started. After R+L=J is revealed, Jon, like Aragorn, may contact the GC and have them defend the realm at the Wall, or side with him fulfilling their oaths to the Targaryen king and ending their long exile.

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I think his prospects look very solid. :leaving: Sorry couldn´t resist. Yes doubts will creep into his mind, I think seeds of doubt have allready been there, but I´m not sure he´ll find out who this Aegon is. He´ll just realise that he´s not Rhaegar.

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They were exiles and sons of exiles, dispossessed and unforgiven . . . yet formidable fighters still

The men of GC had originally sworn oaths to the Targayen king, Daeron II, and betrayed him when Daemon rose in rebellion, this resulted in them being exiled by the Targaryens from Westeros. The standard of the GC is the gold-dipped skulls of previous captain-generals. This brings to mind the Dead Men of Dunharrow who swore an oath to Isildur, and when they betrayed Isildur, he cursed them to know no rest until their oaths were fulfilled.

Aragorn later arrives, and has the oaths of the Dead Men of Dunharrow fulfilled by having them defend Gondor, ending the curse so they could finally rest in peace. The GC may have sworn an oath to Aegon, but after he dies in the Dance of Dragons 2.0 they will be back where they started. After R+L=J is revealed, Jon, like Aragorn, may contact the GC and have them defend the realm at the Wall, or side with him fulfilling their oaths to the Targaryen king and ending their long exile.

Way to go all JRRT all over that shit! Good paralell

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Well, if he's real, JonCon will feel vindicated.

For myself as a reader, I'll be annoyed that this super important character got introduced in the fifth book after I'd already become invested in a bunch of other people's storylines/quests for various things.

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