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Did Robert kill Ned?


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People, including myself, seem to take for granted the fact that Robert didn't really mean it when he said he was going to kill Ned.

But why not believe a direct statement out of a person's mouth?

Robert's face was purple. "Out," he croaked, choking on his rage. "Out, damn you, I'm done with you. What are you waiting for? Go, run back to Winterfell. And make certain I never look on your face again, or I swear, I'll have your head on a spike!"

I think it's very clear that Robert meant it. Why else would he say it? If he didn't mean it he wouldn't have said it.

And Ned saw Robert multiple times after that occasion. So Robert decided to kill him.

I think that Robert told Joffrey, his oldest son, about his plans to kill Ned. Joffrey alone didn't really have the determination to kill someone because he was a pansy: a scumbag, but still a pansy. He was also a child. He wouldn't have had the backbone necessary to kill Ned. I assume that Robert talked about how he was going to kill Ned to Joffrey after he stormed off, and that is why Joffrey ended up killing Ned.

My evidence is this: Joffrey got the backbone to have someone kill Bran only after he heard his father talk about it.

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Nephenee, you may think you're safe hiding behind the glamor of a different user name, but I am learning the arts of the Faceless Men. I will uncover your glamor, and I will learn who you really are. Oh yes, I will learn it.

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Just a friendly advice: Stay at Jaime.

Well as a Jaime fan, and since I'm a Jaime fan I clearly have the most authority on this subject, I want him to stop making Jaime threads, as they only induce Jaime hate.

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