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Was the War of the Five Kings Jaime's fault?

Rhymes with Weak

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Blame cannot be attributed to just one or two people. There were actions taken by different people at different times that led to flat out war. Honestly, I think all of Westeros was just waiting to fly apart and only Robert's charisma kept it together as long as he was alive.

I do not think so. Consider, that at the beginning of his reign Robert had the backing of four Paramount Houses (Baratheon, Tully, Stark, Arryn) and married into a fifth (Lannister). Additionally, the Greyjoy Rebellion probably brought the Tyrells a lot closer to him (since the Iron Born often raid their lands) and the good relationship between his brother Renly and Mace Tyrell's favourite son Loras bound the Tyrells closer to his reign.

The only Paramount houses, that wanted to overthrow him were the Martells and the Greyjoy and they have the least people and wealth, so his reign is quite secure.

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I dunno, Cersei was at least attempting to conceal twincest through suggesting they don't do it with Robert in the bed, or saying that Jaime couldn't act too fatherly to Joffrey. Jaime was just incredibly cavalier about anybody finding out.

But she also aborted the only child Robert ever got on her (who if I remember correctly would have been her eldest). If this child had been a boy, Stannis would not have crowned himself and Ned would have seen it as his responsability to support it, too.

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I can't blame Jamie wholely for the war, Their is a huge amount blame to go around. From Cersie, Ned, Catelyn, LF, and Tywin.

I am curious though. If lF had not betrayed Ned and his plan worked what would have been the fall out.

Ned sends Cersie, Jamie and kids back to CR under Tywin's protection leaving Renly and Stannis to fight it out?

In that case I think the North stays neautral in the fight

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Jaime holds some responsibility, yes-- not only for crippling Bran, but for murdering Ned's men in KL, too, breaching the peace and raising tensions no end.

He is far from the most responsible, though. That honour goes jointly to Littlefinger and Lysa Arryn.

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Every justified rebel has reasons that go back to the three bastards.

Ned is imprisoned because he tries to do the right thing.

Robb secedes because Joffrey proves himself a shitty king right out the gate.

Stannis marches because the war he and his brother fought in, was shat on, by account of Lannister whims.

LF pushed for it, but Jaime and Cersei gave him the ingredients.

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nah man that was the cause of robert's rebellion not the war of 5 kings.

I say the blame is on 5 people

1. lysa

2. jamie/cersei

3. Joffery

4. tywin

If RR doesn't happen the war of 5 kings doesn't happen.

I personally blame the first men.

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Was it his fault? Partly.

You cannot blame the whole thing on him, as, to be honest he was indifferent to the whole thing. Where as people like Littlefinger and Varys -wanted- it. Also, there were / are a lot of Targ supporters. I can't find the exact quote, but Tyrion recalls on the way north with Robert and co, they stop off to a place and the fresh Targ tapestries had been torn down.

Was war going to happen? Yes.

If Jaime and Cersei never had kids, would she still have ruled through her son and had Robert killed? Yes. I believe she would of. She wanted power. She doesn't care about Jaime, that much is clear in her PoV's. He was a means to an end, a simple way to feed her narcissism. Her twin who looked exactly like her but with a penis? Yeah... she probably imagined she was just making love to herself.

Can Jaime be blamed for Joffrey? No. Cersei and Robert are to blame for that mess, plus, Joff's mind set.

A lot can be blamed on Jaime, yet, also can it be easily blamed on others. Hell if Jon Arryn did his duty for his king, sent Robert and Ned's head, no WoT5K. :P

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I do not think so. Consider, that at the beginning of his reign Robert had the backing of four Paramount Houses (Baratheon, Tully, Stark, Arryn) and married into a fifth (Lannister). Additionally, the Greyjoy Rebellion probably brought the Tyrells a lot closer to him (since the Iron Born often raid their lands) and the good relationship between his brother Renly and Mace Tyrell's favourite son Loras bound the Tyrells closer to his reign.

The only Paramount houses, that wanted to overthrow him were the Martells and the Greyjoy and they have the least people and wealth, so his reign is quite secure.

I don't see how anything you've said changes the idea that it was Robert's charisma that held the kingdom together. It took mere days after Robert's death for everything to fall apart. This is the reason it is so hard for new dynasties to take hold. Unless the structures are put in place to allow a man's family to follow him seamlessly, it will fall apart after his death. Robert had little interest in putting together political structures that would survive him, so when he died it became a grab for power.

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