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How would you sum up the noble houses personality wise?


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He was rather hot-blooded, something his younger brother described as coming from the wolfblood. - About Brandon Stark.

"Ah, Arya. You have a wildness in you, child. ‘The Wolf Blood’ My father used to call it. Lyanna had a touch of it, and my brother Brandon more than a touch. It brought them both to an early grave." - Ned talking to Arya.

And they link it to being hot-blooded. Something that does sum up Brandon Stark; fighter, lover, heir to Winterfell. And Lyanna, 'running away' with Rhaegar the one she loved. And Arya doing what she likes. I wouldn't describe Jon with it, he has a temper, but so does Ned. See him choke Littlefinger for saying Cat was in a brothel. Then look at Jon choke Thorne.

Easily excited or aroused: a hot-blooded youth.

Running off with Rhaegar ( if thats what really happened ) grave mistake and foolish

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One scene in the show captured how subjective this stuff can be. The scene where the guards are debating best fighter and joking, and Grey Wind attacks from the dark and it cuts to Robb, looking cold, deliberate and in his element as we hear the men screaming and dying...and the Robb we know from the books...kind, earnest, thoughtful, trying hard to live up to his father...all of that falls away and we can see how he would look from the other side. A teen with a preternatural skill at warfare, especially appearing from out of nowhere, with a savage wolf at his side and a willingness to personally kill commanders who stand up to him...this could easily be the villain in the piece.

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Running off with Rhaegar ( if thats what really happened ) grave mistake and foolish

Aye, it was. But that is the point Ned is making when he talks to Arya. The wolf blood, being hot-headed, led her and Brandon to an early grave. I mean, Brandon rode into KL and demanded the Prince's head. :3

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Lol.... How does one even do that?

Well, he heard his sister was kidnapped by Rhaegar. So, he rode into King's Landing, shouting for Rhaegar to come out and die. Aerys had him arrested, summoned his father; along with those of his companions, roasted Rickard Stark alive in his armour while Brandon choked to death on a leather cord, trying to reach his own sword. :(

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Calling Starks foolish simply rubs me the wrong way. Doing the right thing isn't always the smart move but show me where being sneaky has REALLY helped anyone.

And the book is still out on Littlefinger, he's smart but he's also a liar. And there is no proof Littlefinger will (no proof he won't either I know) survive the next book and we all suspect he won't.

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Not much is being said about the Martells in here...But I would say, with the exception of Doran, the adult Martells we meet in ASOIAF seem either/or/all hot-headed, passionate, and rash decision makers (Oberyn, Arianne, Sand Snakes, and even Quentyn; Trystane is still too young to determine). Although, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" to me shows that the Martells have an independent society within Westeros, and they technically didn't "bow" to Aegon the Conquerer, and were brought into Westeros with the marriage alliance of Daenerys I and Maron Martell.

As for the rest of the other Houses:

Starks: Honorable under Ned, "Wolf Blood" under previous Starks

Baratheons: stubborn and definitely narrow minded/obstinate

Tyrells: Opportunists; Disloyal

Lannisters: Arrogant, Prideful, Dishonest, Opportunists

Arryns: Not sure since the only one we meet is Sweetrobin

Martells (except Doran): Rash, Hot-headed, Passionate, Vengeful (towards the Lannisters, Tyrells, & Baratheons), Sensual, Independent

Targaryens: Either Brilliant or Crazy "flip of the coin"

Greyjoys: Dumb :laugh:

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Stark: Honourable(perhaps to a fault), Dutiful, Ruthless

Baratheon: Unyielding, Obsessive, Martial

Tyrell: Opportunistic, Devoted, Pretentious

Lannister: Hubristic, Conniving, Selfish

Arryn: Stalwart, Honourable, Cautious

Martell: Independent, Clannish, Vengeful(at least recently)

Targaryen: Arrogant, Egotistical, Mercurial

Greyjoys: Belligerent, Traditional, Callous

Tully: Family, Duty, Honour (These guys are a bit boring)

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I wouldn't. Because Houses are actually made up of different people with different personalities and so, cannot be summed up in one word.

Best post in the thread. Agree 100%.

And its rather funny that people think of Lannisters are arrogant, greedy or whatever when we have both Tytos, Tommen and Myrcella who seem to be anything but having such traits, and still being Lannisters.

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  • Lannister: rightfully arrogant and up themselves ... after all were up till SoS the most powerful house in the seven kingdoms... They are also cynical by nature and very self entitled

Stark: compassionate, foolish, stupid and loyal (which is usually a good thing, but loyalty can kill you).

Targs: Entitled, but also show many cases of socio-pathical behaviour.

Tyrells: Show rising power, ambition, smartness in the female field of people (not every house can say that Vale, Lannister and Stark lack in that department).

Martells: all intelligent, decisive and dangerous by nature.

Baratheon: Not particularly smart, but strong independent people, who garner respect.

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Starks are honorable and strangers to pragmatism.

Tullys are compassionate and loyal.

Targaryens are receivers of plot gifts. Entertaining but awful.

Baratheons are strong, stubborn, passionate and proud.

Lannisters are arrogant and lucky.

Tyrells are fortunate, sly and well knit.

Arryns are pragmatic and proud.

Martells are stupid and usually manage to kill themselves hilariously.

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