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A Character's Comeuppance

Arthur Dayne's Honor

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Dany being eaten by Drogon (while thinking, "But Quaithe never told me not to trust the dragons".).

Bloodraven rejuvenating himself with a daily dose of Bran-paste and some Hodor on the side.

Roose being asphyxiated when Fat Walda rolls over on him.

Sansa getting tipsy during her wedding to Harry the Heir and falling through the Moon Door.

Wyman Manderly having just "one more thin mint" and exploding. Thus ending the GNC.

Walder Frey turning into the Rat Cook, but only able to find bread and salt

fAegon finding out he's not Aegon, a Blackfyre, or even of noble blood, but successfully winning the DoD anyway. But when he sits on the IT, he's pricked by a sword and dies immediately of blood poisoning.

Jon not waking up.

Varys being forced to join the Unsullied.

Littlefinger falling into Ramsay's clutches and becoming the next Reek.

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Melisandre being confronted by Marwyn the Mage who conclusively proves to her that only her magic been real along, leading her to abandon her human sacrifice craving. She has a crisis of faith, then opens a Westerosi charity organization, aimed at making sure the Westeros' common people can keep warm during the long winter, by teaching fire magic exclusively to bastard children.

Stannis somehow capturing Tommen and his kitten. The kitten melts his heart and while he doesn't recognize Tommen's right to the throne (now because Tommen tells him he'll rather be a lion tamer when grows up), he swears fealty to Daenerys.

Littlefinger getting pecked to death by Bran-Crows.

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Jaime Lannister getting hanged and yelling " where is my plot armour???????????"

Roose Bolton and Ramsay tortureing each other for eternity.

Dany being eaten by Drogon

Varys losing his way in tunnels and die of hunger in there.

Tyrion recovering from Greyscale but dying from an STD.

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