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Little Questions That Don't Fit Anywhere Else. Pt 2


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The wiki states that, in the Iron Islands, 'iron, lead and tin can be obtained, but only through backbreaking labour'. So, they can't be the primary source. Westerlands have gold and silver, but I don't think they have iron.

So? I'm kind of interested, because there is iron/steel all over the place, but I missed any mention of its source.

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The wiki states that, in the Iron Islands, 'iron, lead and tin can be obtained, but only through backbreaking labour'. So, they can't be the primary source. Westerlands have gold and silver, but I don't think they have iron.

So? I'm kind of interested, because there is iron/steel all over the place, but I missed any mention of its source.

I don't really follow your logic. Mining is always gonna be backbreaking labor, the point there is that it's easier and more fun for them to steal what others have. I wouldn't claim the Iron Islands were the primary source for all of Westeros, just that they have a lot of it. From the worldbook:

Some say that the Iron Islands are named for the ore that is found there in such abundance, but the ironborn themselves insist that the name derives from their nature...

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I don't really follow your logic. Mining is always gonna be backbreaking labor, the point there is that it's easier and more fun for them to steal what others have. I wouldn't claim the Iron Islands were the primary source for all of Westeros, just that they have a lot of it. From the worldbook:

Cool! That's what I was looking for - thank you! :)

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Slight book spoiler in this question:

Does anybody know if Quaithe will be in this upcoming season? I’ve always been a huge fan of the prophecy stuff and, in my opinion, the HBO show hasn’t really touched on the prophetic side of Dany’s story as much as the book does.

I've been wondering this too. In the show, she only seems to show up around Jorah when he's alone. Now that Dany's cut him loose, maybe we will see her again?

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Which characters can we expect book spoilers from in season 5?

I think once they start showing a lot of Sansa I might have to stop watching. Other than her, what other characters might be spoiled by this season?

Is this a concern for book readers? Is anyone just not watching the show this season?

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How do they keep from using the same extras, guard extras, in the episodes? Thank you!

Do they? I've never really paid that much attention. I'd imagine there are no shortage of people willing to serve as extras on the show.

Which characters can we expect book spoilers from in season 5?

I think once they start showing a lot of Sansa I might have to stop watching. Other than her, what other characters might be spoiled by this season?

Is this a concern for book readers? Is anyone just not watching the show this season?

Maybe Jon and Daenerys, it's hard to say how quickly their plots will move. If they really intend on seven seasons, you'd think they'd wanna end this one with Daenerys finally almost ready to head west. In other words they may end with her claiming leadership of the Dothraki instead of the cliffhanger from the books. Likewise I could see Jon's death happening in episode nine and episode ten ending with him opening his eyes or something. Without introducing (f)Aegon I think they're limited in how far they can go with some characters and plotlines. Unless they're cutting him altogether. It's possible they plan to skip the second Dance of Dragons and just resolve the existing plot threads in the final two seasons.

Then there's the chance they could adapt ideas from the next book in different ways, like how bits of the Mercy sample chapter ended up in a scene last season. Or the thing with the fate of Crasters sons.

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I think they host auditions for extras whenever they need them. Case in point S3 E10, the Mhysa slave scene. People complained about the white girl on a sea of African 'slaves' without realising GoT had likely just held local auditions, hence the ethnicity of the freedmen extras

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Why do so many people have beef with the Craster's Keep subplot?

Any deviation from the books tends to get shit on by purists. Also parts of it were slightly nonsensical. They kept Bran as a hostage, and then when the time came didn't use him at all. I don't remember the other issues I had with it off the top of my head. I know some people thought it was crazy that Bran would see Jon and not reach out to him. Others took issue with the gratuitous nudity and giving Karl his monologues when they are so pressed for time to do justice to the other plotlines.

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Why do so many people have beef with the Craster's Keep subplot?

I think there are a bunch of threads already on this, although the level of vitriol is probably rather high in them. (Oh, I see RumHam has already given a good answer.) Another common objection was that the subplot was mostly a circular detour - if you cut it out of the show, not much changes. Plus whatever was happening with Ghost was odd, and it was never explained just why Karl was keeping the dire wolf alive. Rast even raised that very good question, and if I recall correctly Karl avoided answering.

Personally I didn't mind it, and appreciated two main things about it: D&D's efforts to keep the different story lines more in engagement with one another (and note that Locke further tied things together); and setting Jon up as more of a leader. Additionally, it did tie up the semi-loose thread in the book of what happened to the mutineers.

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I don't remember. Anyone else wanna tackle this one or point out that I'm mistaken? If not I'll watch the episode later and figure it out.

Not too sure I understand the question :p which scenes were they? There was Arya and the Hound at the Inn for the Mercy adaptation (the same.episode as "every fucking chicken") qnd the Nights King turning Craster's baby's eyes Blue in...Oathkeeper, I think? Which was a confirmation of Gilly's and the other wives talk with Sam after the mutiny.
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