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ASOIAF Guessing Game XII - Favorite Dynamic Duo - FINAL RESULT


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Ladies, gentlemen and any other sentient beings, welcome to the 12th ASOIAF Character Guessing Game!

Previous Result

Most Loved Character: Arya Stark

Most Hated Character: Ramsay Snow

Sexiest Character: Jaime Lannister (male) / Arianne Martell (female)

Most Badass Character: Asha Greyjoy

Funniest Character: Dolorous Edd Tollet

Best Death: Ned Stark

Best Actor/Actress: Charles Dance as Tywin Lannister

Character You Most Want to Survive: Arya Stark

Most Dangerous Character: Petyr 'Littlefinger' Baelish

Favorite Minor Character: Sandor Clegane

Favorite Historic Character: Dunk

Last game was hosted by Arya Kiddin so thank you to him!

The topic for this round is Dynamic Duos, so any two characters (including animals) that have a close relationship of any kind. Historic characters are also included.

I know there was some talk about the next topic being dead characters you would like to bring back, but I found the spread between the two pretty even and had already thought of a clue or two for this topic. I hope you guys don't mind.

And just to be clear, when you guess you have to get both characters in the duo right in order to get any points.

The Rules (sticking with Evermind's)

The game begins by you sending me a list of your favorite 20 dynamic duos in a PM. Send in your lists by May 22nd at 6.00pm EST. Please name the PM 'Guessing Game - Your board name'.

The character you rank 1 - your absolute favorite character will be given 25 points. After that the characters in the list get 19, 18, 17 points, so on that the character you put down as your no 20 gets 1 point.

In every round (excluding top 5) you'll be given a hint to identify the character. You can either gamble on a character to obtain 5 points for a correct guess, or you can give three choices in order - and for the correct one you'll be getting three, two or one points respectively. We expect each round to last about 48 hours. If there's a tie, you will need to guess all the tied characters at once, getting 5 points for each one guessed right.

We can discuss scores for final 5 once we get there. :)

You can join in the guessing anytime, doesn't matter if you sent the list on or not. And if you sent it, you don't have to guess if you don't want to, it's totally fine. If I forgot something, let me know, and if you have some objections, write it down here.

Result so far:

25. Sam and Gilly

23. Arya and Jaqen

23. Shireen and Patchface

22. Jaime and Tyrion

21. Dany and Drogon


19. Jojen and Meera

19. Robb and Grey Wind

18. Rhaegar and Lyanna

17. Bran and Summer

16. Bran and Hodor

15. Tyrion and Pod

14. Ned and Cat

12. Arya and Nymeria

12. Jon and Sam

11. Jon and Stannis

10. Jon and Arya

9. Jon and Tormund

8. Arya and Gendry

7. Ned and Robert

6. Jon and Ghost

5. Tyrion and Bronn

4. Arya and Sandor

3. Dunk and Egg

2. Davos and Stannis

1. Jaime and Brienne

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Ships are in?

I've read your intro several times and all I see is "two characters" - I see no mention of ships. Or do you see a ship as a character? This must be for Asha and the Greyjoys?


TC, I'm glad you're doing this.

Great to get going again and get the brain churning. And here's another question that comes up for me: can one character be part of more than one "dynamic duo", eg Jon/Ygritte, Jon/Ghost, Jon/Sam?

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Oh, actual ships (large boats) are not in. I thought she meant shipping characters, i.e. SanSan.

And yes, you can use characters multiple times.

ETA: I am planning on giving one hint for the duo combined.

Ooops, old farte moment. I forgot that other meaning for "ship". :blushing:

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I have wondered a few times, though never asked. Now I will ask. Would it be for the benefit or opposite of any benefit for the game, if people shared some entries they think are worthy, but others might forget? Without saying where exactly they placed them and without people commenting -- so it would not be clear if anyone else feels the same.

I personally feel I must be forgetting some things, because I only managed 7 ideas/entries I remotely care about. At the same time I think that some of them are great, though might not come to mind to other players.

Any ruling on sharing before submitting the lists?

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I have wondered a few times, though never asked. Now I will ask. Would it be for the benefit or opposite of any benefit for the game, if people shared some entries they think are worthy, but others might forget? Without saying where exactly they placed them and without people commenting -- so it would not be clear if anyone else feels the same.

I personally feel I must be forgetting some things, because I only managed 7 ideas/entries I remotely care about. At the same time I think that some of them are great, though might not come to mind to other players.

Any ruling on sharing before submitting the lists?

I'll tell you how I did (well, will do, but writing in future tense is just... wrong) it. I made a list of every single pairing I could think of, then I started picking my favorite; then my least favorite. My favorite; least favorite... until I've used all the pairings. Take the top 25 and voilĂ !

Eta: Clearly I am including pairs I am ambivalent about, and ones I actively dislike.

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