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Prologue POV revealed?

Blackfyre Tyrell

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Chett got killed pretty quickly afterwards though, when the Battle of the Fist of the First men got underway. He showed up later along with the other men killed during the battle and it's aftermath, when Samwell met Coldhands. So it's pretty much guaranteed that all prologue and epilogue POV's will die at the end of their chapter or just after.

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I think and am hoping it is Bloodraven. Every character in the series is possible to appear in a Bloodraven POV through the weirwood trees. This man almost certainly has to meet his end during the series. Imagine the amount of information he knows and what the readers could learn from just one man. Through Mels fire vision of the great other with a wolfboy at his side I get the feeling he may be the enemy and it would setup his true intentions going forward. Just thinking about it makes me excited of the possibilities

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SerBeardsly: i have the same thought. i have an interesting theory on Bran becoming Bloodraven's sidekick, and in fact being Bran the (UN)Builder reincarnated. Him and Bloodraven destroy everything because westeros society is corrupt and a lost cause. this would allow them to rebuild westeros through their minds' eyes, sparing only the honorable!

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wow I hadn't heard about this yet, this is pretty exciting. I can't remember where Jeyne currently is, I think back in the Westerlands? I'm curious as to how her current situation will fit into the prologue, because I was anticipating an Oldtown or Slaver's Bay prologue.

last we see her she's leaving riverrun on her way home with her parents and iirc a column of Lannister soldiers returning to Casterly rock. It's a Jaime POV toward the end of ADWD or maybe even AFFC.

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Chett got killed pretty quickly afterwards though, when the Battle of the Fist of the First men got underway. He showed up later along with the other men killed during the battle and it's aftermath, when Samwell met Coldhands. So it's pretty much guaranteed that all prologue and epilogue POV's will die at the end of their chapter or just after.

In a recent interview about the prologue GRRM warned readers that he likes to break rules, establish a pattern and then break it. But yeah, I still expect the prologue pov to die at the end or soon after like Chett.

Just an FYI but the Others killed Ser Waymar Royce then Ser Waymar killed Will as a white walker

Slight correction. Ser Waymar was killed by Will as a wight.

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  • 2 months later...

I think GRRM typically writes the prologues after he has much of the book completed. I may be mis-remembering this, but I feel like he has said as much in the past.

Much speculation has been made of his huge writing gaps with the Feast and Dance. He has explained, or tried to explain, this problem with his Mereenese Knot and how he scrapped the 5-yr time gap plan. Now that he has that sorted out, the final 2 books should be written quicker since he apparently has all his pieces where he wants them. Unfortunately for fans, his popularity exploded with the success of GoT, and his world traveling plus other works have done quite a bit of distracting.

Anyhow, I'm sticking to my prediction of a release date of early-mid 2015. That's still 4 years since the previous book was released. Ideally, he could time it with the beginning of S5 of GoT. If not, he could ride on the show's coat tails for additional buzz by timing it close to the final episode of the season.

After this season, I'd think the show runners will be in need of some extra material for the following season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone think that Lady Stoneheart might try and kill Jeyne? I mean, what better way to reinforce that to readers that she's gone crazy by killing her goddaughter? It also allows GRRM to label her as evil, despite many fans probably being okay with ruthlessly murdering Freys...I knew she was evil back in AGOT though. It was just way to convenient that we hear Jon's perspective first or moreso, and get to sympathize with him. Plus, her actions in that book, including her horrible negotiating with Walder Frey and kidnapping Tyrion...

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Anyone think that Lady Stoneheart might try and kill Jeyne? I mean, what better way to reinforce that to readers that she's gone crazy by killing her goddaughter? It also allows GRRM to label her as evil, despite many fans probably being okay with ruthlessly murdering Freys...I knew she was evil back in AGOT though. It was just way to convenient that we hear Jon's perspective first or moreso, and get to sympathize with him. Plus, her actions in that book, including her horrible negotiating with Walder Frey and kidnapping Tyrion...

I don't think Martin intends to label her as evil nor does he want to. From his interviews, he wants us to question the decisions and stuff the characters do. Stoneheart is one of the best examples of that.

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I don't think Martin intends to label her as evil nor does he want to. From his interviews, he wants us to question the decisions and stuff the characters do. Stoneheart is one of the best examples of that.

Agree with that. GRRM definitely has his flaws as a writer but one of his great strengths (for me) is his ability to promote reflection on why characters do the things they do. I never found Catelyn Tully overly sympathetic but I recognised that her decisions were based on a mix of belief, fear and opportunity (Tyrion), and sprang from a background of women living in a male-dominated world. Lady Stoneheart is the product of living in barbarous times, not to mention being brought back from the dead long after Charon has ferried you across the Styx (if I can mix my religious imagery), so no surprises that it didn't turn out very well.

As for her ultimate fate, I'm hoping that she recognises her embittered and reduced version of 'life' and begs Brienne for the gift of mercy, delivered with a sword that was once of House Stark but is now something else, like LS herself. It would no doubt be a hard and bitter thing for Brienne to do but would be a fitting release of her service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Game of Thrones - August '96

A Clash of Kings - February '99

A Storm of Swords - November '00 (wish it only took a year between ADWD and TWOW :bang: )

A Feast for Crows - November '05

A Dance with Dragons - July '11

The Winds of Winter - Giving us the release date at the end of season 5 sounds kind of reasonable because he's committing to only writing this, no? He's already got a ton of it completed, and has released 5 chapters. Definitely not saying the book will be released at the end of season 5, but rather he'll give a release date then. My guess is the book will come out before season 6, probably in time for the holiday season. So my best guess is November 2015, but I'm probably just being optimistic.

Edit - @Dragon88 we're basically on the same page.Late 2015/Early 2016

Ach. Please do not remind me how much of my life has been spent reading this series. I hope he finishes it before I die.

As far as Jeyne, I hope it the POV is someone important to the Freys. More need to die.

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Yeah, all Pro/Epi characters end up dead so it doesn't look good for whoever had the POV for it. Glad it is not Jeyne.

Her having an heir is one way to solve having to worry too much about Rickon needing to be grown up or Bran's newfound sedantry.

Her mom will also not be happy about her pregnancy either, considering she was one of the key figures in setting up the relationship.

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