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Weirdest mis-pronounciation you've made


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Well not being a native speaker I probably pronounce everything weird. And I don´t have a problem with it. If I think something sounds nicer in my native accent I´m ok with it.

But what really cracked me up was the discovery that the weird-wood-tree actually doesn´t have a d in it. I just filled it in automatically...

Also I actually read damphair as damp hair the first time and then couldn´t get rid of this. So I tried to pronounce it in my native language what makes it sound like dumbfire. It´s also weird... Now I go with some mix that sounds like: dumpyre

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Spent far too long reading Tywin as Twain (rhyming with Gwaine if you've seen Melin, or how a little kid would say Train)

Kettleblacks were Kettlebacks

For some reason thought Tommen was Tommy

And after realising that Shavepate wasn't Sheep-pate I just gave up in Essos

These books hate dyslexia...

What do you mean it isn't Kettlebacks???!

Edit :

I'm a non-native speaker as well, so I prob pronounce some names completely wrong. I also look closely to the name when trying to decipher it - which is why Damphair was always damp hair to me, Redwyne red wine, Yronwood, iron wood etc. I just assumed GRRM combined these words and changed the spelling.

cWhat really astonished me, though - 'cause I didn't pronounce it that way at all - was George saying that Cersei's name is supposed to sound like Circe.

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I pronounce everything the way it is in the show, because I watched it before I read the books. As for characters not in the show yet, the only one I got wrong is "Kettleblack", where I didn't notice the l at first, I realised after a while though.

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