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Goodkind XLVII


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So I'm still a bit confused about Tairy's new book deal. Is he still doing the Putnam books? Did Putnam drop him? Is Tor still mad that Tairy threw them under the bus on his way out the door? Did they make him do a little dance before signing the new deal? Did he crawl back to Tor, or did Tor crawl back to him? I order you people to find the answers to these qestions.

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... I dunno, after those last Goodkind quotes from the previous thread, I'm beyond petrified of the guy. I'd never seen him rant so passionately about something so ridiculous, and I've read all his friggin' books! I mean, seriously?

So, going along with the tin-foil conspiracy theory objectivist-laden rhetoric of the Yeard, I thought it was time we stage a protest.

See you at The T-party!

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... I dunno, after those last Goodkind quotes from the previous thread, I'm beyond petrified of the guy. I'd never seen him rant so passionately about something so ridiculous, and I've read all his friggin' books! I mean, seriously?

So, going along with the tin-foil conspiracy theory objectivist-laden rhetoric of the Yeard, I thought it was time we stage a protest.

See you at The T-party!

Oh my Tairy... that's effin' brilliant, mate. My hat's off to you. The Esmenet one was a nice bonus. Here's to you, Mr. Yeard-mocker! :cheers:

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"As far as criticism from critics, such as magazine or newspaper critics, I get pretty terrible reviews -that is the price of writing truth- which chafes at their pet dogmas. Worse yet, I'm a bestseller. Critics delight in trashing best selling authors. They prefer touting books no one has ever heard of because it gives them the illusion of having discovered talent. "

Despite the lolworthy lines in TG's books, some of the stuff in his interviews actually piss me off.

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So I'm still a bit confused about Tairy's new book deal. Is he still doing the Putnam books? Did Putnam drop him? Is Tor still mad that Tairy threw them under the bus on his way out the door? Did they make him do a little dance before signing the new deal? Did he crawl back to Tor, or did Tor crawl back to him? I order you people to find the answers to these qestions.

Almost makes you wish there was a working TG site that would actually talk to any one of us so we can see what's the what...

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... I dunno, after those last Goodkind quotes from the previous thread, I'm beyond petrified of the guy. I'd never seen him rant so passionately about something so ridiculous, and I've read all his friggin' books! I mean, seriously?

So, going along with the tin-foil conspiracy theory objectivist-laden rhetoric of the Yeard, I thought it was time we stage a protest.

See you at The T-party!

Rothfuss for President, indeed. I concur.

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I'm sorry, but the line "[my books] sprinkle the salt of truth on their slimy delusions of self-importance" is about the funniest thing I've read on the internet all week :rofl: A sig update may be in order.

Anyway, I'm going to dispute this "why do you eevil critics keep reading if you hate it so much?" thing, yet again. None of this crappy "slamming your hand in a car door" analogy - no, instead I am going to compare it to climbing Everest. Now that, I am sure, is not a particularly pleasant thing to do. It's hard work, it's cold, you can die in a vast number of interesting ways... but people still do it, every year. And why? For the esteem of their peers, for the challenge, for the fact they can write about it afterwards... and BECAUSE IT'S THERE.

Scaling the heights of craptacularity is not for the weak, but it's a mission that a few brave souls can accomplish for the grandeur of all mankind. *builds statue*

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I too am interested in finding out what the hell is going on with Goodkind's books. I'm eagerly looking forward to the continuation of his amazing thriller fantasy, The Law of Nines.

But then again, I do miss Richard and Kahlan. So if Goodkind is indeed doing both, then that's amazing. He just keeps on giving! Long live Goodkind!

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from thje interview posted in the prior thread:

Q from "Wisp:" I know this isn't a very specific question, but do you, Mr. Goodkind, have any particularly useful suggestions for aspiring fantasy novelists?

A: Anyone can learn much of the craft of writing from the many books on the subject. but I've come to believe that writers are, for the most part, born writers. I can't ever be a professional sports player - that's accepting reality. We are all who we are, no more, no less. I do not believe that the intellectual wherewithal which is critical to good writing can be taught. You either are a writer, or you are not. Writers are, for the most part, self-made. If you are born a writer, and you possess the will, you will do what you need to do in order to write.

this excerpt reveals simply how muddled and feckless the goodkind's conceptions actually are: writers simultaneously are born great and are self-made into greatness. it must be some kind of testament to his moral celery that the goodkind was able to fashion himself at the moment of his conception into a great writer.

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More lulz quotes!

"Once you place that crown of the liar upon your head, you can take it off again, but it leaves a stain for all time." --spoken with no sense of irony by a character who lies all the time

"Crown of the liar"? And crowns leave stains? Goodkind's metaphors are pure gold. Gold like the color of a dehydrated man's urine, or like the stain left behind by the headwear of a person who does not pursue Truth.

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I had one of these books inflicted on me when I was in middle school.

In eighth grade (I think), each student had to read a book and make a presentation about it at the end of the year. At that age, I barely read anything and didn't know what was good and what wasn't, so the teacher sent me to the school library and told me to ask the librarian for a book. The librarian went up to the fiction shelf and started gushing in her own obsessive way about "that wonderful author, Terry Goodkind", and told me about his deep philosophical themes and how she had read every single one of his books. After that, I was unfortunately stuck with "The Soul of the Fire" for half a year.

When I finished it, I wanted to throw the pile of shit across the room. In the back of the book was a photo of Goodkind striking a though-guy pose, which was hilarious because of his dorky beard-ponytail combination.

EDIT: Oh, and what's with the fruit on the Esmenet banner in that photoshopped picture? Knew it was a PON reference, but not what it's a reference to...

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EDIT: Oh, and what's with the fruit on the Esmenet banner in that photoshopped picture? Knew it was a PON reference, but not what it's a reference to...

It's Esmenet's peach. That protester is likely telling Goodkind to "be the whore", get fucked, or might possibly be mocking all the depravities Goodkind enlists to tell his uplifting tales. Hard to tell for certain. :P

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