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I feel like I am missing out on Abercrombie because of ebooks


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The thing about libraries is that those of us who live in small, mostly rural areas, don't always have great libraries with good selections of fantasy.

That is certainly a pain. Fortunately, these days more and more libraries are hooking up with online lending services... and you don't even have to be local to join some of them. I don't know all the details, but for instance I think Philadelphia has a national/international membership option.

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Yes, thanks, I can read. And if YOU had bothered to read this whole thread, you would have already realized that the First Law trilogy is not commercially available in Nook format. Thus, I was offering a couple of alternate options for him to read it, since he doesn't have his dead tree books with him.

Do you have additional ideas to offer?


I read it. I just enjoy fucking with you.

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Fucking with and fucking you are two different things.


I'm just happy that our separation prevents either one from occurring in person. After all, who knows where any of your parts have been?

Besides, i'm out of your league.

Damn right you are. I play in the Majors. You..... maybe Peewee League at best.


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When did this get serious?

Hey, you got Miss PB all riled up with all that ear-dicking. She just couldn't resist trying to horn in on the action.... but she takes herself waaaay too seriously to be any fun. ;)

Lets all go back to hitting on sci and derailing this thread until nothing remotely sane remains.

You know, I was at the site of an actual derailment once. I think this thread may already be more chaotic than it was....

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  • 3 months later...

Well, I broke down and bought a physical copy of The Blade Itself over the weekend.

The First Law series still isn't available on the Nook and I want to read it. I'll be diving into it as soon as I'm finished with the final book of The Long Price, and I'm about halfway through it.

Here's a new quandary though. Some time back, as I was debating what to do about this series I want to read, I found a pirated copy of all three ebooks online. I downloaded it, but never actually read it or put it on my Nook. I don't usually do stuff like that, but a friend told me what to do if I wanted to read it on my Nook, so I did.

Then, I felt guilty and never actually read it. So, now I have paid for the first book.

I know it's wrong to just download a pirated book and read it without paying for it at all. Would it also be wrong for me to now read illegal copy of The Blade Itself on my Nook? Or am I absolved because I bought the physical edition? I am genuinely torn about this decision.

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From a moral standpoint I would find it completely acceptable if you bought a physical copy of a book and then read a e-book version of it obtained by other means. However IIRC the author gets significantly more money from an e-book sale, so maybe the equivalence doesn't hold up.

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