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Who do you NOT want together...but you think will be?

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For the sake of the discussion...

  • No rape!
  • No coercion!
  • No Stockholm syndrom!
  • No brain-washing
  • No sleeping with someone to distract them! (Sorry LF/Sansa shippers)
  • Or anything like that.
  • Only couples that willingly get together...be it a 'hook up', a affair (sex). romance, or marriage.

I will start with Dany/Jon, I think the prophetic dreams, they have both had points to them at least becoming lovers at some point. & while I don't hate the idea per say, I think there are other women more suited to him (Val for one), & maybe some other men more suited to her.

Now you have the idea...let the games begin!

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I can't come up with anything actually. Some people are convinced that in the end Sansa and Tyrion are still together, which would be the most awful pairing in my opinion, but since I really don't believe they'll be together in the end, I won't name them.

Oh wait, we have Stannis and Selyse, provided they both will be alive in the end. I think not.

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I can't stand the Dany and Jon idea!!! I feel like it would be kinda cheesey, and it would be weird if the grand romance of the series was between cousins (assuming Jon is part Targaryen). I know that others would argue that Targaryens have been incestuous for generations, but it just wouldn't feel right to me. Plus I agree better matches can be found (Val).

Jamie and Brienne is also one romantic match I don't like, they seem more likely to become good friends.

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I think Jon and Dany will fall in love with each other, or at least one of them will, and have some kind of a complicated relationship, but I cannot really say I want it to happen, I just believe it will. I would much rather see Jon stay alone at the Wall, really.

I don't know why this pairing popped into my head but....Theon and Asha.

Where did that idea come from?

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Sansa and the Hound (for God's sake he didn't only wanted to rape her but he regreted not doing it)

Dany/any Greyjoy (I almost didn't put them because I don't think it'll happen but then I remembered that Euron and Victarian are really obsess with her and probably will try )

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If Sansa & Tyrion are together at the end (I don't think they will be, but it's barely possible enough - like about 5% - that I worry about it), I will be LIVID. Not enthusiastic about Tyrion & Penny either, but it's the same thing... don't really think it's going to happen, but don't feel 100% sure it won't either.

You SanSan haters and J/B antis are GOING ON MY LIST. :)

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Dany/Jon- Jon Snow is a boring cliche character who has nothing to commend about him aside from being the main male protagonist in one of the fantasy arcs. I also don't think theres enough time to establish such a relationship and not make it seem shallow or forced. He did before with Drogo I'll grant; but it would rub me the wrong way if in Dreams of Spring he just had them meet and start doing eachother; before Dany gives him a dragon coz hes the one shes been looking for all this time. (Throws up)

Dany/Aegon-The above but multiplied by ten because at least Jon Snow is a main character and been in from the beginning. Plus, even he has his good moments. Aegon doesn't. Having another Targ steal Danys thunder, invade and take Westeros before her; then have marry before getting a dragon because Dany's hated being the only Targ for this long? As an aside, its ironic that had Aegon went to Mereen with 10,000 elite mercenaries he would have gotten this; without a doubt.

Arya/anybody- I want Arya to stay a kid assasian and not have this weird transition where you suddenly have to start thinking of her in that way. ps. Maybe Gendry; maybe. But I doubt that would happen.

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