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Is Jaime going to become skilled with his left hand?


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Just wondering what the general consensus on this is.

I think he'll become skilled enough with it.

There seems to have been too much focus on his training for it to go nowhere.

I think his constant training serves more to outline his struggle with his identity as something other than a legendary swordsman after he lost his hand.

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Just wondering what the general consensus on this is.

I think he'll become skilled enough with it.

There seems to have been too much focus on his training for it to go nowhere.

I hope so. Arya still has to learn that he pushed Bran out of the window, and I want to see the fight of the left-handers! :fencing:

Edited for spelling

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It is thought that Qhorin Halfhand was a better fighter after learning to fight with his Left hand. I think Jaime will come to be good wielding a sword again. I wonder if he will actually have the same mentality about wielding a sword as he once did.

Good point, he may have lost some interest in being the best swordsman in the kingdoms. Also Qhorin had to learn how to fight with his other hand because his survival depended on it, I don't think Jamie's situation is as dire. So he may not be as motivated as Qhorin.

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I think Jamie has the potential to be good with his left, but he is mentally holding himself back. As long as he keeps thinking that he can only be good with his right and keeps up this negativity, I think he will keep having trouble.

Look at how Arya is able to adjust to being blind. It is possible to adjust to something debilitating with constant practice so I just think he needs to keep at it and believe that things will get better.

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I think for a regular swordsman it would be quite tricky to come up against a left handed swordsman as you would be used to only fighting against someone using their right hand. I know when playing racket sports when you are against someone who is left handed they are very tricky to play against.

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Twyin, Stannis and Ned are/were all brilliant soldiers and battle commanders, Jaime doesn't need to be the best sword in the kingdom to be one of the best leaders of men. In the time frame of the books I doubt he will be anymore than average, perhaps given time he could get as good with the left hand as Qhorin.

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In Clash there was a pretty good description how Qhorin became better with his left than his right:

"The tale of how he had taught himself to fight with his left hand after losing half of his right was part of his legend; it was said that he handled a blade better now than he ever had before."

So i think one of the reasons may be that Jaime will do the same thing. But i agree that he won't be "the best". I agree with the one big victory theory.

Skilled enough to win a valiant battle. Never skilled enough to be 'the best' he once was, is my rather biased opinion.

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To take an example from real life. Jim Braddock (the protaganist in Cinderella Man and a real life boxing champ) badly fractured his right hand in his first title shot. Retreating from the sport he worked as a dock labourer where he had to make greater use of his left hand. When he returned to the ring his left hand was much stronger, which threw many of his opponents.

The point being that an experianced fighter, who was already technically well-versed adapted to an injury and eventually turned it to his advantage. Furthermore the above story is structurally appealing (that's why it was a movie) and I think could match on to Jaime's case. Braddock did not switch stance however, so the change is not as complete as Jaime's would have to be

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I don't believe that Jaime will ever become very skilled with his left hand. I think it has to do with Jaime's story and him growing up. Jaime goes from legandary swordsman and knight, to a leader of men. He went from arrongant to humble and smart.

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Skilled enough to realise while pitted to the death against Brienne by the BWB, that he is better than her with his left hand (due to her being in a terrible state) and that he cares for her and that he has to let her kill him....with Oathkeeper, fufilling the second forging being tempered in the heart of a Lion.

Well that's my crackpot anyway.

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