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Did tv theon go through enough to make him book reek?(spoilers)


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The first scene post-Ramsay reveal (sorry, were you sleeping?) was one of the best in the show so far. I think it's enough to turn him into book Reek, but from the previews we have of season 4, it doesn't look like they're going that route.

The trumpet :laugh: , that really tickled me.

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Theon's transformation into Reek happens off-screen in the books. We're getting to see it happen in the show. Do we know when Book-Theon was told his new name was Reek? The whole bit about "having to know your name" shows us it was a long process (well duh, he grows thin and all). I guarantee you TV-Theon will forget his new role as Reek and TV-Ramsay will say something along the lines of "He forgets his name. He's not Theon anymore. He's Reek."

And then off comes a finger.

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I was hoping he'd go all Christian Bale weight loss for the role, I also thought it would have been better to have just have had him in the first and last episode with the real torture coming this season.

As for book Theon:

When he says "the other thing" it just seems weird language to use for his penis or balls.

He says Ramsay never takes fingers he just flays them and makes you beg him to cut them off. To me he's flayed possibly the foreskin and made him beg to take it. Simply castrating him isn't Ramsay's style. I'd say he's been mutilated but he still has most of it.

Obviously this goes against the GRRM wrote episode were its clearly his cock (but possibly just a little less disgusting for a tv audience).

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I think the "only show the aftermath" technique is always more effective, as people's imagination is much more stimulated and everyone can make up their own little story in their minds; this way no one can claim to be disappointed, which I definitely was with how they handled Theon's torture. Don't get me wrong, I think Alfie is an amazing actor and somehow managed to pull it off, but those scenes were not only "unsatisfying", but took also precious screentime away from other storylines.

I just wish they had stuck to the books, though I get it can be problematic to have a (major) character disappear for such a long time on TV.

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I was hoping he'd go all Christian Bale weight loss for the role, I also thought it would have been better to have just have had him in the first and last episode with the real torture coming this season.

As for book Theon:

When he says "the other thing" it just seems weird language to use for his penis or balls.

He says Ramsay never takes fingers he just flays them and makes you beg him to cut them off. To me he's flayed possibly the foreskin and made him beg to take it. Simply castrating him isn't Ramsay's style. I'd say he's been mutilated but he still has most of it.

Obviously this goes against the GRRM wrote episode were its clearly his cock (but possibly just a little less disgusting for a tv audience).

I imagine that his cock and scrotum were both flayed, and the pain grew so intense that he begged Ramsay to cut everything off.

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getting your wang chopped off is enough to break any man.

Enuchs in both real life, and fiction would strongly disagree with that :)

But before answering the OP I just wanted to say how much the torture porn scenes in season 3 ruined the entire character for me, and when this two women were brought in even I. a red blooded non-feminist was uncomfortable lol.

As for turning him into Reek I'll echo what some have said and say it was almost impossible for them to visually get it right, because in the books you can let your imagine run wild in ways the visual medium of the show cannot hope to match.

I personally always imagined him a little like a more human version of Gollum for example.

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It wouldn't have been nearly as impactful to just allude to him being tortured in the show as opposed to actually showing it. And at the same time confirming he was mutilated the way he was, which was still debated by some until that scene. Calling it torture porn is pretty dumb IMO. Torture is torture. If you see it it's porn? I don't get that.

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Yes, I think what Theon went through on TV was plenty horrifying enough to convince TV audiences that he is a broken man. The constant beatings, sleep deprivation, and fake escape were possibly enough when taken together, but the castration put it over the line. The thing is, book readers have two advantages over the TV audience.

First, we get to be in Theon's head and see his identity struggle. That means we're going to feel Theon's pain more, because he feels it personally. We get his inner thoughts, the constant refrain of what all rhymes with Reek, and his fearful reminders to himself to remember his name. The TV audience has to try to get the emotions behind the experience through a third person omniscient perspective, which is going to take some great acting.

Second, we're a bit ahead of the TV audience in the plot, so we have "lived" with Theon-as-Reek for longer. The show hasn't had a lot of time to showcase the aftermath of the breaking. I'm sure the next season of TV will emphasize the Reek psychology more.

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I think the producers can skip over a little bit of the torture porn now that how Ramsay is going to treat Theon has been established. We can be spared the rest of exactly how much stuff Ramsay does. Asha's introduction to Theon at the end of Dance was a shock, partly because she mistook Theon for an old man. I think that kind of reintroduction for the audience after a few episodes and establishing that it's been a long amount of time, like six months to a year, before showing him on camera would be a good moment to shock and horrify the audience.

It'd be better than showing each and every step of the torture Ramsay subjects Theon to. Re-enacting that shock would make good TV.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't it get hinted that he has lost his penis too somewhere in ADWD?

Yes I believe when Ramsay tells Theon to "warm up" fake arya, he thinks to himself something along the lines of "how can I please her, am I even a man anymore?"

Doesn't sound farfetched to draw the conclusion that he has been gelded.

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