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Ranking Major Houses - Poll [Closed]


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Most of those houses are woefully lacking in sass. The only sassy ones (imo): Lannister, Tyrell (Olenna), Greyjoy (Asha).

Martell's very sassy with Quentyn being the notable exception (see two posts above).

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Not to be "that guy," but can someone explain this ranking system? Is it how much we like them? Is it their significance? Is for it their fashion choices?

Just how much you like them but the next poll might have to be sass related.

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Just how much you like them but the next poll might have to be sass related.


Alright then, my order:

  1. Martell





Lannister (more of a fascination than liking, but yeah)





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Can we rank them by sass?

This would be interesting to compare.

The Lannisters all seem to have it in abundance, but don't count out the Starks or Baratheons.

Sass and snark, for sometimes the elders throw zingers at their young, and it is just as cutting.

OK. If we rank them according to their sassing abilities, Starks would rank pretty low.

I think you're mistaken there.

For starters, Arya can out-sass anyone !

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1. Stark

2. Tully

3. Martell

4. Baratheon

5. Targaryen

6. Lannister

7. Greyjoy

8. Tyrell

9. Frey

10. Bolton

I'm pretty sure of the first three, but I might rank the others differently on different days. I counted Cersei's children as Lannisters, but it's difficult to weigh Tommen and Myrcella against Tywin and Joffrey. I like neither the Freys nor the Boltons, but since there are so many Freys, there are bound to be some decent ones among them, which I don't see in the Bolton family.

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