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"HBO Wants 'Game Of Thrones' To Have More Than 7 Seasons"


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Oh please. They have the rights to ASOIAF, and once all the books are published the books will have all the information about Robert's Rebellion. So, through the rights to ASOIAF they could produce it. It's not like RR is a separate entity or book such as Dunk & Egg.

Dunk & Egg would be exceedingly boring on screen.

Nope. HBO only have the right to produce an adaptation of ASoIaF by itself. They could use any flashbacks in the books - so they could have adapted the Tower of Joy scene, and they did adapt the death of Brandon and Rickard but then cut it - but they can't go and turn it into a separate TV series without coming up with a new deal with GRRM. It's a specific clause in their deal with George and is apparently unusual. He got it because he insisted on it, whereas most writers wouldn't have even brought it up.

The reverse is also true, however. HBO bought the TV rights to the world of Westeros and Essos, so only they can make TV series or movies set in that world. So George can't go and get Dunk and Egg made somewhere else (or he could, but would have to rewrite the story so it doesn't take place in the same world any more, which is fairly pointless).

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The problem with keeping this show going past 7 seasons = Daenerys storyline

Im sorry but the moment they introduced that character they Painted themselves into a corner

people are not going to wait around 10 years just to see Dany finally get to Westors and D&D are smart enough to know that.

Agreed. They've made it even worse by adding hype around Dany's return. Even in the season 5 trailer Dany is speaking about crushing the Houses of Westeros although every book reader knows she will stay in Mereen this season. It's getting ridiculous.

And don't get me started on the Others. Such a big fuss was made about them in the beginning and now they're forgotten. (IIRC the only time we saw them in s4 was that random baby scene).

So we have been teased about two looming threats without any progression for many years. It's time to wrap it up, folks. (And this goes for GRRM aswell).

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To be fair GoT would benefit from longer run. It's not HBO ruining it by making it go on too long, there is material that's getting cut because of 'no time' argument. It's the writers who are ruining the show by oversimplifying anything and blaming it on time constraints

Oversimplifying? What exactly needs to be added? Stoneheart? More Greyjoys? Give me a break.

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Oversimplifying? What exactly needs to be added? Stoneheart? More Greyjoys? Give me a break.

But who will kill Freys if Lady Stoneheart isn't added? I mean, no one else in the story would want vengeance on them, right?

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Sansa or Arya could kill Freys. I would love seeing Arya personally killing Walder and the others responsible for the RW post FM training. There's obviously a lot of love for LSH on these boards, but I just don't see her making a late appearance at this time.

I don't like her. I know some people were shocked when she showed up, but I just laughed at the absurdity of it.

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I don't like her. I know some people were shocked when she showed up, but I just laughed at the absurdity of it.

Yeah, not a LSH-fan either... Then again, I did not really like the Starks much in general (Sansa and Bran being the exceptions), so might be why.

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I don't like her. I know some people were shocked when she showed up, but I just laughed at the absurdity of it.

It's cheesy as hell. "Mother Stark raised from the dead to get vengeance". Please. I'll be disappointed if she has a big part to play because I want the living members of House Stark to get their revenge. Not some zombie.

All in all, the show has done a great job cutting of fat. Stoneheart is ridiculous, Aegon is an unnecessary twist and the Greyjoys are boring. They could not have made a better decision than to cut all these elements in order to give more air-time to old characters. They are the ones viewers care about.

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It's cheesy as hell. "Mother Stark raised from the dead to get vengeance". Please. I'll be disappointed if she has a big part to play because I want the living members of House Stark to get their revenge. Not some zombie.

All in all, the show has done a great job cutting of fat. Stoneheart is ridiculous, Aegon is an unnecessary twist and the Greyjoys are boring. They could not have made a better decision than to cut all these elements in order to give more air-time to old characters. They are the ones viewers care about.

To be fair, I don't think that LSH is actually a zombie. I think she's Cat, raised from the dead, she thinks like Cat, etc.. the reason she looks so grotesque is simply her injuries and being dead so long. We're just seeing her from the outside instead of the inside now.

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To be fair, I don't think that LSH is actually a zombie. I think she's Cat, raised from the dead, she thinks like Cat, etc.. the reason she looks so grotesque is simply her injuries and being dead so long. We're just seeing her from the outside instead of the inside now.

She's not Cat, nor does she think like Cat. She's been stripped of every shred of humanity...she really is nothing more than a vengeful zombie.

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It can't go on more than seven seasons, at the rate they're going right now. Stretching it will make it bloated like the hobbit movies.

I have long argued that they cannot wait for GRRM by spreading AFFC/ADWD over multiple seasons but that doesn't mean an eight season show would feel bloated.

You have to bear in mind that we are nowhere near the end of the story at the end of ADWD. There could very easily be three books worth of material after that-hence three seasons to do it justice.

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She's not Cat, nor does she think like Cat. She's been stripped of every shred of humanity...she really is nothing more than a vengeful zombie.

We'll just have to disagree. She actually did similar actions before being raised when she seized Tyrion.

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I have long argued that they cannot wait for GRRM by spreading AFFC/ADWD over multiple seasons but that doesn't mean an eight season show would feel bloated.

You have to bear in mind that we are nowhere near the end of the story at the end of ADWD. There could very easily be three books worth of material after that-hence three seasons to do it justice.

I think they COULD do 8, the problem is that GRRM has only given them an outline to get to the ending, with only major plot points between where we are and where everyone ends up, and something tells me D&D's entire motivation was to get to the ending, so I don't see them slowing down the pace to 8 seasons. In fact, in interviews it sounds like they have the last 20 hours (meaning a 10 hour season 6 and a 10 hour season 7) mapped out, and that they don't want to add another 10 hours of material.

I actually see D&D accelerating the pace to a conclusion from this point, not slowing it down.

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We'll just have to disagree. She actually did similar actions before being raised when she seized Tyrion.

"Killing Freys" doesn't make her Cat. There is nothing else that indicates that she is still Cat.

If you were stripped of every emotion other than vengeance, would you still be you? Of course not. Just like people who care for those with dementia or brain damage...most will say that the affected person is not who they used to be. Neither is Cat. Her own children wouldn't recognize her...and I doubt that they would say that she is their mother.

She's not Cat. She's a husk of Cat, running purely on the emotion of vengeance.

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"Killing Freys" doesn't make her Cat. There is nothing else that indicates that she is still Cat.

If you were stripped of every emotion other than vengeance, would you still be you? Of course not. Just like people who care for those with dementia or brain damage...most will say that the affected person is not who they used to be. Neither is Cat. Her own children wouldn't recognize her...and I doubt that they would say that she is their mother.

She's not Cat. She's a husk of Cat, running purely on the emotion of vengeance.

Is there internal conflict there under the skin that we're just not seeing though? I think there is still. I don't think she's some unthinking monster. I think she does want vengeance, but it's because what was done to her and her family, not because of "brain damage".

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Is there internal conflict there under the skin that we're just not seeing though? I think there is still. I don't think she's some unthinking monster. I think she does want vengeance, but it's because what was done to her and her family, not because of "brain damage".

I didn't say she had brain damage- I used it as an analogy. She's not Cat. The real Cat would be trying to find Sansa or Arya, not hanging out in the forest killing every Frey that passed her way.

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I didn't say she had brain damage- I used it as an analogy. She's not Cat. The real Cat would be trying to find Sansa or Arya, not hanging out in the forest killing every Frey that passed her way.

She actually is looking for them within her power. The BWB runs an orphanage remember.

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