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Exercise and Fitness - high intensity interval posting

Iskaral Pust

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A vacation in Tuscany is definitely something you want to avoid if you're watching your diet.

After 5 days' trip, I'm now at my highest weight ever, at 83-84kgs, which is around 7kgs more than my weight this time last year.

I'll definitely need to get back on track regarding physical activity.

New plan is this - getting to work a bit earlier so I can leave a bit earlier and make it to crossfit beginners' classes at a gym (or whatever it's called) nearby on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and ride my bike on weekends.

Fingers crossed it works out that way.

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Today was one of the workouts that makes me love Crossfit.  Just a ton of body weight exercises, no olympic lifts.


I guess this is a Memorial Day tradiiton for most Crossfit gyms:

Run 1 mile

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 air squats

Run 1 mile

All done with 14 pound body armor.


Scaled to taste.  I did not wear body armor, used an incline for my pushups, and did jump start pullups.  

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5 hours ago, baxus said:

After 5 days' trip, I'm now at my highest weight ever, at 83-84kgs, which is around 7kgs more than my weight this time last year.

I thought the tradition was for the bride to gain lots of weight right after the wedding.  That's very progressive of you. :)

Once you start hitting the gym you'll revert to all the healthy habits.  It always feels so good to get back on the path. 

Sperry - 100 pull-ups is impressive.  I don't think I've ever done that many in one session (although crossfit technique used a big swing motion for the pull-up).

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52 minutes ago, Iskaral Pust said:

I thought the tradition was for the bride to gain lots of weight right after the wedding.  That's very progressive of you. :)

Once you start hitting the gym you'll revert to all the healthy habits.  It always feels so good to get back on the path. 

Sperry - 100 pull-ups is impressive.  I don't think I've ever done that many in one session (although crossfit technique used a big swing motion for the pull-up).


These were not strict pullups, I could not have done 100 strict. And they were broken into sets of 5.  (I did 20 "sets" of  5 pullups, 10 pushups, and 15 air squats).

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Just finished an upper body session: shoulder press, etc.  I changed the pattern of my sets to get some shock & awe. Sore but good.  I think I focus too much on lifting the most I can rather than using drop sets without pause to exert the muscle more. 

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10 hours ago, Iskaral Pust said:

I thought the tradition was for the bride to gain lots of weight right after the wedding.  That's very progressive of you. :)

Once you start hitting the gym you'll revert to all the healthy habits.  It always feels so good to get back on the path. 

Sperry - 100 pull-ups is impressive.  I don't think I've ever done that many in one session (although crossfit technique used a big swing motion for the pull-up).

If that's the standard, then Serbian men are quite a progressive lot. :lol: 

I'm going to the crossfit gym to get all the info anf hopefully I'll start tomorrow. Fingers crossed I actually do revert to some good habits as soon as possible.

Crossfit pull-ups are just weird to me. They involve pretty much every movement I was being told my whole life to avoid during pull-ups. Either way, a hundred pull-ups are way out of my range right now.

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10 hours ago, baxus said:

If that's the standard, then Serbian men are quite a progressive lot. :lol: 

I'm going to the crossfit gym to get all the info anf hopefully I'll start tomorrow. Fingers crossed I actually do revert to some good habits as soon as possible.

Crossfit pull-ups are just weird to me. They involve pretty much every movement I was being told my whole life to avoid during pull-ups. Either way, a hundred pull-ups are way out of my range right now.

I don't want this to degenerate in pro v. con Crossfit, but there aren't Crossfit Pullups.  Strict pull ups, kipping pull ups and butterfly are all just different skills.  When I did Murph last year (the workout referenced above) I did it as strict, this year I did kipping.  By next year I hope to have developed butterfly.  They're just about efficiency of motion 

Speaking of that workout...I took almost 13 minutes off of my time from last year.  Went from 49:59 to 37:02.  I didn't do it with a vest, wasn't sure how my shoulder would handle it but I think that was the right choice.  If I continue on this path, and I'm gonna do everything can to, I will do the vest next time.

We also finished our nutrition challenge on Saturday - I finished down 17lbs, about 4 1/2% body fat gone and have visible abs!  Not sure how many different PRs I hit during that 7 weeks as well, so was able to continue building strength and my endurance. 

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On 5/27/2016 at 6:18 PM, Iskaral Pust said:

I have some quick questions for the group on protein supplements.  For background, Muscle Milk has worked really well for me.  I use it as a protein-heavy meal replacement for breakfast almost every day and for lunch most days, plus as a recovery drink after a workout if it would be a long wait until a meal.  I tried Combat Crunch protein bars because of their great reviews but I find that I need to drink a ton of water (30+ ounces) as I digest them or else they leave me parched; like waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night parched.

Do others find that milkshakes are generally digested better?  Are there better bars available? (sometimes they're more convenient than a shake)  I use the core Muscle Milk shake, which is half protein and half fats/sugars -- should I use something that is protein only instead?

If you're looking to increase your protein intake, you might want to try the mix I use.  I use EAS protein (13g per scoop) with 3 scoops and one EAS scoop of Muscle Milk.  Gets me to about 50g of protein per shake instead of 32g that come from Muscle Milk.  With that being said, MM has a better balance of fat, carbs, and nutrition that is better for meal replacements; so you may need to watch that you're getting enough micronutrients from your 'real' meals if you make the switch.

On a side note, it seems like you're making some good progress and if you're gaining 2 lbs a month of muscle, you probably won't see faster gains by upping your protein intake.  You just need to give it time and keep at it.

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I had a really good weekend of 5 workouts and some good physical activity as we refinished my living room.  Got weighed last week and I'm up to about 190 with no difference in the way my clothes fit, so I think I've added ~5 lbs of muscle in the last 5 months.  Getting good definition in the arms and chest while keeping my abs.  I'm in the best shape I've ever been in my life.

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Find max power clean, some high rep ground to overhead for time, and bicep curls today.  My power clean one rep max has gone way down since my injury.  I guess that's not surprising, but something to build back up to.  Either way, I'm feeling better every day.  Working out has really improved my recovery.

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Had my first crossfit class today and I quite liked it.

We did circuit training as part of the rowing program, but this was a fair bit different and it left me gasping for air at times.

The people seem nice enough, I've encountered none of those crossfit cultists I've heard so much about. That may be because it's a beginners' group. Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the first workout and decided to sign up for the first month. Will keep you posted how it goes. ;) 

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I decided against a late workout last night, and was rewarded with my second consecutive night of decent sleep, and instead did my lower body workout this morning.  Very rushed, pretty sluggish and regrettably stiff (I slacked off on stretching the past few days), it went good but not great.  I backed off my heaviest lifts on both squats and deadlifts, peaking at only 250lbs for both.  But still great to get in another workout.  I've been pretty consistent with two upper body and two lower body sessions per week.  Even if you're not really feeling it, do something.

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On 6/1/2016 at 2:59 PM, baxus said:

Had my first crossfit class today and I quite liked it.

We did circuit training as part of the rowing program, but this was a fair bit different and it left me gasping for air at times.

The people seem nice enough, I've encountered none of those crossfit cultists I've heard so much about. That may be because it's a beginners' group. Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the first workout and decided to sign up for the first month. Will keep you posted how it goes. ;) 


I was scared of the Crossfit cultists.  There are a few, who are a little obnoxious, but overall still friendly and nice.  Most people are just there for a good workout though.

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After work I hit the gym for an upper body session of bench press, etc.  It went great.  My bench press has been getting steadily stronger in recent weeks.  And five minutes after I arrived home, our food delivery of bbq ribs arrived -- beautiful timing.  I'm near comatose now but presumably my muscle fibers are busily repairing themselves.

While in the gym, I switched the channel from the baseball post-game yawn fest to American Ninja Warrior.  Great accompaniment for a workout. 

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Just finished a lower body session.  Much stretching of stiff muscles beforehand and then it went really well.  Back to PB on squats and deadlifts.  That's my third consecutive day in the gym, and I plan a fourth tomorrow.  I'll definitely need a couple of rest days Monday & Tuesday. 

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And just finished an upper body session of shoulder press, etc.  It went really well but shoulder press is too easy at the available weights so I'm just adding reps and sets for a challenge.  Overall, I'm using more variation and change-ups to avoid complacency.  Lots of sore muscles now after four consecutive days. 

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I did a lower body session at lunch time.  Definitely not my best but still good to do it.  I ate only a light snack for breakfast in anticipation of a morning workout but it got delayed and delayed until lunch time, so I was very low on fuel by the time I reached the gym.  Also, checking email between sets ruins the rhythm and lets the muscles cool down. 

I'll be traveling Sunday through Tuesday for work so I need to plan how many workouts I'll get in beforehand.  My right deltoid has been stiff and sore all week, which adds a wrinkle.

In general I need to focus less on how much I lift, rather how hard my muscles work.  I tend to get locked in on lifting more and more, which encourages me to rest between sets and do nice long progressive warm-ups.  But the point is to make the muscles work hard, and variation and surprise and continuing to failure are more important than max weight lifted (although that matters too). 

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Ah, damn. Ran a half marathon on Sunday and missed my goal. Was hoping to get 1:55, which would have been a PR for me, but I ran 1:56:49, about 30 seconds off my PR. After four years of racing, the day has finally come that I did not PR a race! I knew it would happen but I didn't think it would be this one. Ah, well.

And now to make up for it, I am going to do another half in July and crush it!

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