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Exercise and Fitness - high intensity interval posting

Iskaral Pust

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Today was a bit rushed but still good.  Squats went really well -- both sets at 250lbs felt great -- and then I sped through dead lifts and calf press. 

Now I have an overnight flight to the UK.  I hope my muscles don't stiffen too much. 

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Finished up my 30 day challenge and had a well deserved rest day and a beer! with dinner :)  Saturday I took two great classes to finish it up.  Plan on taking a class tonight and do a 6am class tomorrow since I have softball on Tues & Wed this week, plus my studio is closing for the weekend while they redo the floors.  Definitely been gaining muscle over the last few months while keeping the weight about the same.  Goal for the rest of the summer is 2 barre classes and 2 yoga classes per week.  That should give me enough time to enjoy the weather and still keep myself in decent shape.  Don't wanna lose the progress I've gained over the winter!

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Tough going today: very tired and jet-lagged after an overnight flight and little or no sleep.  I went to the hotel gym and it's rubbish (Manchester overall is pretty unimpressive).  I did some shoulder press, wide lat pull down, lat raise and arms.  It went ok but the gym was so cramped and crowded that I couldn't do sets as I would like.  I feel a slight strain in the tendon where my right bicep attaches to my elbow.  I'll massage it and hopefully ease it. 


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Arm is still pretty useless, but definitely seeing improvement.  Yesterday I got back to the gym to do some lower body stuff.  I did box jumps, air squats, lunges, rode an assault bike and jogged.  I did the lunges and box jumps while holding a light (10 lb) dumbbell in each hand. I also started a prescribed anti-inflammatory yesterday, and my arm felt noticably better today.  I again did lower body stuff, and this time tried to add some medicine ball cleans with a VERY light medicine ball.  However, after about 3 of those I felt some tingling in my arm so ditched that ASAP.  I'm hoping that I'll be able to resume some upper body weight stuff by the end of the week.  Not sure if that's realistic, but we shall see.

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I managed to run the biggest overall distance in my life so far in April, with 126 km. I guess it's near the optimal distance for me, I'd be aiming at the 100-130 km range in coming months too, if the damned knee allows. The second aim will be to improve an average pace.

But I admit it's a bit frustrating to see that my whole running project (which started a year ago by the way) takes a hell lot of effort, and I'm still relatively close to the beginning of the road, which looks painfully obvious when I see my wife of her brother running 20 or 30 km in a better pace than mine's 10 and barely breaking a sweat.

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What does your running training look like? Your knee injury definitely doesn't help either, but if you keep running approximately same distances at an approximately same pace it's no wonder your progress is a bit slower than you'd like. If that's the case, try mixing it up a bit with intervals, tempo and long slow distance runs and pretty soon you'll notice a significant improvement.

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Missed my class yesterday, but did get in a mild softball game in the afternoon.  Double header today, so another day of 'rest'.  Have a dr appt tomorrow that may leave me a bit woozie, so probably nothing tomorrow either.  Hopefully will get in a good one in on Friday morning and either Saturday and/or Sunday.  Already excited to get back to class on Monday and definitely won't miss the 6am class next Tuesday.

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3 hours ago, baxus said:

 try mixing it up a bit with intervals, tempo and long slow distance runs and pretty soon you'll notice a significant improvement.

I did try that of course. Problem is, intervals and fast shifts of tempo is exactly where my knee hurts the most, and I had to give it up for now. But I see a small improvement in the knee departament in a last week or so, so maybe I'll be able to get back to it soon.

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Created this account forever ago, might be time to start using it. Anyway, I like to think of myself as a pretty fit guy. Currently training for my first amateur MMA fight on June 11th. I am a lifelong wrestler and a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with several tournament wins and a real good competition record to my name. Really been tightening up my striking lately and I'm about to ditch the weights (time to focus more on cardio/speed). in this last six weeks before the fight.

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On 30/04/2016 at 5:32 PM, Iskaral Pust said:

HBH -- I think you lift a lot more than I do but I find flat bench press and shoulder press (OHP) to be sufficient.  I know body builders go for decline press and incline press to sculpt the pec from all angles but it seems like redundant sets if lifting for exercise or strength.  IMO it's better to use that time and energy for another muscle group. 

Don't think we're too dissimilar at the moment, actually. I'm back up to 80x5x3 on the bench, 110x5x3 squat and 160x5 deads, so progress is occurring at a pretty good rate. Nice to get back into it.

Hoping to hit 100x5 benching and 200x5 dead inside the next month or two. That'd be me back to peak strength. Squat I struggle with technique and flexibility, so think it'll be a bit slower.

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Been running on four hours of sleep the past three days because of some crazy work stuff. Made time for a good but short workout today.

25 Flutter Kicks

50 KB Cleans

25 Pushups

50 KB Swings

50 Burpees

50 KB Clean and Presses

50 Mountain Climbers

Done with a 45lb KB for time. 13:43

Then I went in the parking lot (lanes are 88 yards long) and did six sprints. Each sprint takes about 11 seconds at all out effort and then I get the rest of that minute to rest. I start again as soon as the clock hits the next minute. Working up to 10 of these as they are rough on the calves.


Weight is 192 lbs 5.5 weeks out from the fight and I only need to get down to 186.

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This business trip has been a disaster for exercise.  No gym time since my first day here (Monday).  The daily schedule that stretches from early morning to dinners that end late at night, plus jet lag, left no room for the gym.  The best I managed was some stretching and push-ups in two of the mornings. 

I'm flying home today and depending on how tired I am I might try for a workout this evening or, more realistically, on Sunday evening.  Then more travel Mon-Wed.

I'll get back into my routine once the travel returns to normal levels. 

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4 hours ago, Iskaral Pust said:

This business trip has been a disaster for exercise.  No gym time since my first day here (Monday).  The daily schedule that stretches from early morning to dinners that end late at night, plus jet lag, left no room for the gym.  The best I managed was some stretching and push-ups in two of the mornings. 

I'm flying home today and depending on how tired I am I might try for a workout this evening or, more realistically, on Sunday evening.  Then more travel Mon-Wed.

I'll get back into my routine once the travel returns to normal levels. 

Oh, I understand you! Similiar problem with balancing my work/studiyng schedule and physical trainings :o I usually try to make my own exercise complex every day when I'm at home and visit the gym twice a week :) I adore practising there, such a contrast with activity comparing to my home everyday yoga exercises, especially when I make exercises using all that cool stuf like in this gallery, so funny and useful at the same time! ^_^ But with all that life schedule I'm not sure how long I'll be visiting the gym till the middle of summer ;)

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I have wifi signal! I'm back in civilisation!

 CV has taken a major hit over the last couple of months. I've got nowhere to run - nowhere even to jump rope - except shitty treadmills and strippers. Not for me so I've just ignored it and I'll start running again when I get home.

In good news I managed to hit my first full rep dragon flag yesterday, so that's nice.

Edit: steppers, not strippers. Autocorrect.

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21 hours ago, Liffguard said:

I have wifi signal! I'm back in civilisation!

 CV has taken a major hit over the last couple of months. I've got nowhere to run - nowhere even to jump rope - except shitty treadmills and strippers. Not for me so I've just ignored it and I'll start running again when I get home.

In good news I managed to hit my first full rep dragon flag yesterday, so that's nice.

Edit: steppers, not strippers. Autocorrect.

Was going to ask what a stripper was in the context of working out...I mean, cardio and gymnastics abilities are definitely there!

Just over halfway through our nutrition challenge - down 11lbs and 3% body fat, starting to see some of the lower abs forming up!  really excited that I can see the change and not losing out on strength or performance.

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Damn, you guys are killing it in here!  Nice work everyone :)

I did yardwork all weekend and wasn't able to hit the gym up at all.  Today will be my first day back in a week and I'm really excited for it.

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Very limited for time, I squeezed in rushed and truncated sessions yesterday afternoon and this morning.  Yesterday was bench press, narrow pull down and biceps, today was squats, deadlifts and calf press. 

Amazingly, I did really well on all.  I though lack of sleep, bad diet, jet lag, etc all week would mean a step backward but I managed an extra set at the heaviest weight for bench press and squats. 

Now I'm traveling again through Wednesday.  I have workout clothes with me in the hope the hotel gym has some sort of weights for my delts & lats routine. 

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10 hours ago, aceluby said:

Damn, you guys are killing it in here!  Nice work everyone :)

Don't worry, I'm slacking off enough for everyone :( 

My sister is in town for 10 days this month and I'm trying to spend as much time with her as possible, I'll be going to Stockholm on business next week and to Italy on a short vacation the week after that, plus I had some other stuff draining my workout time.

All in all, it seems that May will be another wasted month fitness-wise. It will be a success in some other areas though, and I think it will be worth it.

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